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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. But I seriously do use most of my enormous stash. I have 12 different oranges alone. LOL! Some women collect shoes. I collect fragrance oils. I have 5 pairs of shoes and over 600 fragrance oils. I see nothing wrong with that.
  2. I won't purchase anything without an ingredients list. I also want my stuff wrapped. Even though it IS soap and water will rinse off the ickies, unwrapped soap just flat out grosses me out.
  3. LOL! I currently have over 600 fos. Seriously. However, I carry only 30 scents all year long and rotate them. I also have 10 - 12 seasonal scents for each season.
  4. I have never smelled a bad Sweet Pea. Daystar had a nice one, but I no longer see it on their site. Sweet Pea is not that complex of a scent. You should not have trouble finding a good one. I agree about Peaks shipping. I adore their oils, but their shipping is just too much.
  5. Sweet Cakes!!!!!! I think their oils are so above and beyond everything that I have tried.
  6. I also think that some people smell money at another person's expense and have no morals or values whatsoever and will try to collect.
  7. I use Peak's Lavender and BB Lavender together. This came to be when I had just a bit of each left. It made one wonderful soap together, so now I mix the two exclusively. I also add in a hint of lavender EO. As for colors, I always use Select Shades.
  8. I would definitely go this route if you can.
  9. WOW! I make tons of guests soaps and I never label mine. I let the client do that on their own. I'd go crazy with that... I also cut my guest soaps by hand very quickly and efficiently. Once you get a system going, it is very fast. The cutter is the key. I also recommend a serrated edge. This way any slight cutting errors go completely unnoticed.
  10. Very nice! I make ALL kinds of soap, and MP stumps me the most. I cannot swirl it to save my life...
  11. I could not agree more. However, I would have to personally see the products before I decided if I was going to purchase them or not. I never decide anything based on a name- unless it is flat out offensive. I can say that the name is not pushing me to see more.
  12. I received this exact same email a couple of months ago. YES, it looks legit. If you copy the supposed case number, it is invalid on the BBB site.
  13. I have no idea what the deal is with the larger batch being the problem. I made a small batch and it was just as bad. I have no idea if it was one of my recipes that had the problem. I honestly think this is not a good oil to soap- at least not for me.
  14. Yes, SC is Sweetcakes. I adore all of their oils, but the cocoa butter oil is terrible in my opinion. On the SC site, they state the following regarding the cocoa butter FO: "Our sample of this fragrance performed beautifully in CP soap, but a couple of soaping customers have emailed us to let us know they think it's highly touchy. We're working with the perfumer to try to figure out why it's quickening trace in larger batches." I want to know what the heck they did to have this oil perform beautifully! We all have had batches that did not work out, but all three of mine were nightmares to say the least when using this FO. Anyway, the cocoa butter FO smells great in lotions and butters too. I totally forgot that I smelled this oil in two lotion products from another soaper. This was the main reason that I decided to buy it. Some one was nice enought to send me a sniffy.
  15. Could you use the oval wooden ones from Pendergrass? They are pretty cheap.
  16. The cocoa butter oil from SC is lovely in MP soap and liquid soaps. I have not tried it in lotions or butters. Perhaps others have had success with it in CP. (I would love to know what they did differently.) I soaped this oil three times with different recipes and all three were unsalvageable disasters.
  17. Yes, it is a bummer about the SC oil. I can tell you that it smells exactly like cocoa butter, which in my opinion smells like unsweetened chocolate. Perhaps a dark chocolate scent of some sort will work great.
  18. I just have to mention NOT to use the cocoa butter FO from SC. It smells nice OOB, but it is the worst FO that I have ever used in CP. I do not have bad batches happen often at all, so I was puzzled. I gave this FO three tries too many with different recipes. I had the worst seizures of my life with this oil. On the SC site, they mention "a couple of soaping customers have emailed us to let us know they think it's highly touchy." What an understatement! But at least they mention it. I find it hard to believe that "a couple" of customers had trouble with it.
  19. Cotton Blossom is out of everything these days... Which brushes are you looking for? Pendergrass has a lot of brushes in stock. I am guessing that you normally purchase the rectangular ones? The rectangular ones are out of stock. Everything else is still available.
  20. I agree with that to an extent. My products are not particularly upscale. For me, it is not about the market. I just don't want certain words associated with my business. It is not about offensive either. Honestly, I am not offended at all if other sellers sell MONKEY FARTS or BUTT NAKED. I probably would buy it if it smelled good. :smiley2: I would never buy a scent called SEX ON THE BEACH or something like that. Aside from having kids in the house, I just think a name like that is, well... too graphic for my taste.
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