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Scent Cellar

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Everything posted by Scent Cellar

  1. The BlackRaspberry Vanilla from Scentworks doesn't discolor in CP soap either. It's getting to be the most requested scent.
  2. I love the Pink Sugar from ICS in candles as well as lotion. I use only ScentWorks fragrance oils in my CP soap but have not used them in my candles.
  3. At Walmart it is in a white plastic jar with green lid and it says LouAna coconut oil 31.5 fl oz in the baking section.
  4. If it is M&P soap that you made you can wrap them in Sam's stretchable wrap from Walmart.
  5. Sultry Angel and Winter Woodland Whisper have been in my favorites for a long time but Fallen Leaf is my favorite now. I don't know if it's the amber in it or the patchouli but it is an incredible scent for fall & winter. It's probably one of those scents that you either love or hate.
  6. I had a problem downloading the free avery design pro so I called them directly and they sent it to me on a disk with in a week. I used the disk once and found out I liked my Printmaster Platinum 15 better so I uninstalled it.
  7. .5 oz of f/o to 4 oz wax is the equilavent to 2 oz f/o to 1 lb wax and I think that is way too much. If you need to scent that strongly I think you should choose different f/o's that give better throw using less per lb of wax.
  8. Put the M&P in a pyrex pitcher and cover with saran wrap to keep the moisture in and heat in the microwave in short bursts (45 sec) and stir between bursts.
  9. Gene, where do you get the Dow Corning cyclomethicone?
  10. I think J50 is a great one pour container wax with good hot throw...I have some J123 and am not impressed with it at all.
  11. Yes, you can buy a double boiler ring from BCN.
  12. Pouring cooler makes the soy denser which makes it burn better.
  13. You can purchase both the ECO wicks and the CD wicks at Bittercreek North. CD & CDN wicks are sized the same but the CDN wicks are soaked in a different solution to neutralize the acidic properties of natural candles.
  14. Hmmmm, maybe someone could do a co-op with this company.. :yay:
  15. Until you find a recipe that you know will work for you I suggest making smaller batches and pouring into any box lined with freezer paper. You can always resize your recipes once you find one that works for you. Try Robin's Basic Rice Bran recipe.... it is a winner in my book. Five pounds of oils can be alot of waste unless you are working with a recipe that you know will work for you.
  16. CandleCacoon has CD & CDN wicks that are 12 inches long. You can as few or as many as you wish... and they work great in natural pillar wax.
  17. In our area the M&P soap bars sell for $1 per oz.
  18. I think the tea light tart burners give off the best scent throw...I don't care for the lighter scent throw of the electric ones. The throw of a tart burner is better than a single wicked container candle. I burn alot of containers that are triple wicked for a good strong scent throw.
  19. Try the Sweet Pea from Nature's Bouquet... you will love it.
  20. Tell them it's smooth and silky and dry, not greasy.
  21. In my testing of the Ecosoya waxes they had a much better scent throw than the Cargill C-3. I asked for a sample of the C-3 and they sent me a 50 lb box of it. I use it a cup at a time to throw in my 1343 for dipping bears.
  22. Glad you got it to work for you ... those are my favorite containers.
  23. A 50 lb case of J50 ordered from Bittercreek North is only $55... plus your shipping to Indianapolis. I don't think that is too much for a great throwing candle. Go for the throw !!
  24. Mystical... Does Tri State's OHM discolor in CP?
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