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Scent Cellar

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Everything posted by Scent Cellar

  1. Did you get your oils too hot when warming them? What oils did you use in your base?
  2. Have you tried Country Kitchen from JS? It's really spicy and throws well.
  3. Nice presentation of your products.:highfive: I hope you had a good show.
  4. You must try some of her other scents also. They are the best for making B&B products.
  5. It's not a pine smell at all but have you tried Fallen Leaf from Candle Cacoon. It's addicting.
  6. My favorite massage molds are the ones I bought from soapsaloon.com and they are made of white styrene and can be used also for CP. They make a 4 1/2 oz bar. I have a lot of molds from soapsaloon and have never had one break or crack. They are much heavier duty molds than the Milky Way molds I have bought and will last a lifetime of M&P soapmaking.
  7. Have you tried the Tiger Lily & Cantalope from Candle Cacoon? It is one of my favorites.
  8. I would like a recommendation for a musk f/o for CP soap that doesn't discolor? Does anyone know of a good one & where to get it?
  9. I have been using 5% but have been thinking of doing 7%. Would the difference be noticeable on your skin? I do a luxury bar using 8% and it's great soap but I don't know if its because of the luxury oils in it or the higher superfat. Why do you superfat at the percentage that you currently use? I would like to get some opinions on the different percentages and why you use them.
  10. To keep a soap from gelling you can set it in front of a fan just enough to keep the air moving around the soap mold.
  11. That is the greatest tutorial for lining a mold I have seen. Thanks:highfive:
  12. I will second the Drakkar from BCN...it's easy to soap and the wonderful scent doesn't fade out. It is a nice strong masculine scent.
  13. I would never buy Pink Sugar from WSP and pay that price and crazy shipping charges when ICS is known to have the best duplicate of Pink Sugar.
  14. Those would be great swirls for a patchouli soap. Great job
  15. I just carry the tan & brown bears and it makes my life so much easier. Last year at Eastertime a lady brought me 18 white rabbits she wanted dipped. I really struggled with that task.
  16. When I soap Rice Flower & Shea it smells like playdoh until it cures for a week or so. You will be OK with ultramarines & oxides when you get used to disolving them in a bit of oil from your soap batch and then mixing it into 1/2 cup or so of your soap base.
  17. I gell all my soap except for the goat milk soap. Sometimes it takes 4 hours or so for them to start gelling. I have put a few on top of a heating pad for a couple of hours to get the gelling started.
  18. When I buy goat's milk in the can it is condensed so i have to add a can of water to it and then I freeze it in cubes to use in soapmaking. You may want to check the instructions on the can of goatmilke before proceeding to soap it.
  19. No musk that I can detect... it's citrusy, very citrusy in CP soap at least. I haven't put it in candles yet.
  20. Hand held mixers incorporate too much air into the soap base. The stick blenders work best.
  21. Very nice ... I love the shape of the soap and also the color.
  22. I am a huge fan of FDTT also ... I CP'd it and it is wonderful. Love your truffles and packaging. What a great Valentine Day gift to give or receive.
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