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Laura C

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Everything posted by Laura C

  1. Hi @sarahmarah. If you haven't done so already, I'd do searches on here and the internet for those wicks and on "wick charts" and see what you come up with.
  2. Hey @Hogue. Don't forget to do searches on here for topics you are interested in, there is a treasure trove of helpful data in here. If you are having a problem with something then I'm sure someone else on here has had the same issue and has posted about it. When I first joined this forum, over a year ago, I spent lots of hours searching topics, reading and testing stuff out. It's a great source and there are a lot of knowledgeable and friendly people on here, a mix of hobbyists and successful business people.
  3. Hi Hogue. Sorry to say it but welcome to the life of a candle maker, LOL. We've all been there and done that, don't feel bad or defeated. Believe me, I too have felt defeated and disgusted so many times with this hobby but I've either become addicted to the process or have finally drove myself crazy, LOL. Seems like people either love it and keep at it or end up hating it and run, not walk, away. 😄 🏃‍♀️ Enjoy!
  4. I agree with you, their candles are very pretty, look very high quality and didn't go overboard with the dried stuff. Their site, packaging, photos and branding all look great too. Well done Munio candles, well done. I know you'll be a good judge of how they perform, hope they don't disappoint.
  5. Hi @Audra and welcome to Craft Server. Just wanted to mention that the items that look like "fresh" fruit or flowers in some hurricane candles could be realistic looking wax embeds.
  6. Hi @kandlekrazy thanks for the reply. That's great that you found a solution. I have looked at Craigslist in my area but I haven't found anything suitable yet. In the mean time I'll have to set up a work space in my home and try to make it look nice, LOL. 😃
  7. Hi All. I would like to get my candle stuff out of the house and into a workshop. I haven't noticed info on here regarding how to go about finding work shop space for rent in your local area. I know a lot of you use your home or garage for this. I would like to rent a small space and I was hoping to find listings online but they are few and far between or very expensive. There seems to be a need for specific listings for small, inexpensive work spaces for crafters/artists. Does anyone know of any websites or groups that discuss this or have info? Would be nice if there was a website that listed artist work spaces for rent in different cities. I found a few but they are not in my state (TN) and I also found a few listings on Craigslist in my local area but they are too big and/or too expensive, at least for starting out. Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks. 😉
  8. Hi @Hogue. I don't believe I did, can't remember, sorry. I would have to refer back to my notes and currently they are still packed up and buried in my storage unit from my move. Overall, as I mentioned in an earlier post, I was having pretty good luck with HTP, cotton core, Performa and Premier 700 series wicks in Coconut 83. And they could have changed the wax again since I have used it.
  9. Wow, that seems great and like you said most of them were buyer error.
  10. Amen to that. 😄 Some people don't, won't or can't read online product information for some reason. I see it all the time. Some of the big one's are, "I thought it would be bigger" or "I thought it would be smaller" even when the listing specifically lists the sizes or dimensions of a product. Duh, grab a ruler or tape measure next time and see just how big or small they are telling you it is, geez. That one really irks me and it irks me when the listing doesn't list the sizes or dimensions, LOL. I'll move on and buy the product that has the size listed. This is particularly true for me when I'm shopping for candle making and wax melt supplies. As crafters and people that need to know the details, that info is very important for decision making.
  11. Hey Captn, those are very nice looking candles. 😊
  12. Hi @Alesha, sorry, I just now saw your message. I'm not sure, you should ask @TallTayl or another one of the site administrators. You could try clearing your browser cache, close and reopen your browser and try logging onto Craft Server again. craftserver.com
  13. Hi. No, flashpoints have nothing to do with how you wick a candle. I go by experience/past tests or start with a particular wick's wick guide.
  14. Hello Kara and welcome to Craft Server. I'm sure you'll enjoy being a member and will learn a thing or two. 😉
  15. Seems like a good idea, don't see any harm in it. You gotta do what you can to "keep the lights on", LOL. I like checking out people's websites and businesses, it's interesting to see people's ideas, tastes and talents. I don't have a business to advertise yet but I'm working on it. 😊
  16. Wow! Some people will sell anything I guess. "Yarn", looks like they are using yarn as the wicks? They just act like it's a regular candle and It's Not. LOL. I thought maybe they were intentionally doing wacky candles and would describe it as such but they seem serious. Wow! 😄
  17. I don't even know where to begin. I just keep staring at them in a daze. 😵 LOL What do they say about them on their website? What kind of description do they give? This is wacky stuff.
  18. I sure like 4625 by itself, never mixed it with 464, could be fun.
  19. You could try a few different percentages of the parasoy mixed with the 464 and see what happens. Might make a great combo. Or add beeswax, don't be afraid to experiment, that's part of the fun. 👩‍🔬 🕯️
  20. Awesome, they look great to me too, and I second what the others said. You get melts like that without soot and hot jars, those are winners in my book. 👍
  21. Awesome, all that info is great to know. Thanks for pursuing it and for sharing. 👍 I have not tried their wax yet but I just may have to.
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