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Laura C

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Everything posted by Laura C

  1. Hi @chevcher. Thanks for sharing your story, sounds like you have an ideal work space in your basement now. I'm just looking for a small space, nothing fancy, just to do my production and storage. Great idea, I'm going to call my chamber of commerce today and inquire. If you don't ask then you never know.
  2. If you want to use liquid dyes, I recall some people on here saying that the "EVO" dyes are good and don't have a horrible smell like some of the other liquid dyes. I have not tested them myself. https://www.candlewic.com/store/category.aspx?q=c73&title=Liquid-Candle-Dye,-Colors-and-Pigments https://vacandlesupply.com/Liquid-Dye-for-Candlemaking-By-EVO_p_350.html Here's a previous post on this topic:
  3. Thinking of you Trappeur (Suzanne) 🕯️

  4. Aztec Candle & Soap Supplies in Knoxville, TN https://www.candlemaking.com/dye-chips.html It's their liquid dyes that smell so awful. 🤢 Wearing a respiratory definitely helps with the smell issue while I'm working with it but I can't have that smell in my products. Do you know about the "Suppliers by State List" on this site? You can avoid higher shipping costs. It's here.
  5. Yikes, I don't like that size of a container either. In my opinion, a big container that shallow makes a worthless candle. It won't last very long, unless that's what they're going for. I'd explain the dynamics of it to them and talk them into doing a deeper container. But that's just me.
  6. Regarding colored wax, I'm not positive but I want to say for the most vibrant colors you need to use paraffin or palm wax but I could be wrong. Currently I'm still on the fence with the issue of liquid vs. solid dye. The only liquid dye I have experimented with had such a fowl odor that I couldn't stand to use it and that odor came through in some of my products so I don't use it anymore. Not to mention, I can be clumsy so liquid dye makes me nervous, LOL. I have been happily using color chips/blocks and haven't had a problem. I add my dye chips while the wax is still very hot and make sure it dissolves thoroughly before adding my FO. I use a scale to weight my dye chips.
  7. Yes, I've watched that video too and learned a lot from it, they discuss and show you some good stuff. It is a long video but worth it.
  8. LMAO, I thought the same thing. She's just telling it like it is, sugar coating not included. 🤣
  9. Oh boy, do you have any pretty beeswax candle pics to share with us?
  10. Hello @AustinCandleMaker. You couldn't be more correct when you said, "testing is the most important and time consuming part if you want a quality result". I'm sure I have seen this exact topic discussed on here before. Do some searching on here, I bet you'll find some great information. And I second what @TallTayl said. Document, label, take some photos, etc. They will come in handy and you'll learn so much along the way. Yes, you will forget things or things will get switched around so write it down and label it. When you do come across a winning combination, you'll be thankful for the documentation so you can quickly and easily reproduce it. When starting out in candle making, some things will seem unimportant but later you will realize that they are indeed important. Test, test, test until you get a winner. 👍
  11. Hi @Kevin Fischer. An end all, be all list or web page doesn't exist that I know of and I've put in lots of mileage looking for it myself. Unless something has popped up recently. I'll try to point you in the right direction. "Is there a good resource for truly diving deep and learning about all these technologies?" - Yes, this forum is one source, let your fingers get to searching. Plus, look up wick manufacturers, some have good info on their sites. Also some of the candle supply sites have helpful wick info and charts. https://www.theflamingcandle.com/wick-guide/ https://www.candlesandsupplies.net/Candle-Making/Wicks-Wicking https://www.candlesandsupplies.net/wick_selection_chart_by_wax.pdf "What do all these letters mean?" - Here's two of my favorite sources, they are wick makers. Atkins and Pearce http://www.atkinsandpearce.com/candle-solutions/ and Wicks Unlimited https://wicksunlimited.com/
  12. CORRECTION: Instead of saying "I guess the technology aspect is neat" I meant to refer to the device that lights the wick.
  13. Can't say I've ever considered that a problem. But who knows, you may get rich off the idea. Some people will buy anything. Best of luck.
  14. You're welcome. Get creative, get to work, you can do it! LOL.
  15. Hmm... Well, for me, my thought is "why"? Seems really worthless to me. Do we really need something else automated in our lives? Do we really need another "app" in our lives? I guess the technology aspect is neat but... that's it. When you lose your phone, your phone is dead or you're doing something else with your phone then you can't light your candle? Doesn't interest me in the least. I enjoy actually getting up off my bum, looking through my candles and then lighting one. LOL.
  16. Awesome, that should be fun. You will have to post pics when you make some. I really like beeswax pillars and votives, I have some really nice ones that a friend of mine makes and sells in Canada. When I do venture into free standing candles I want to do beeswax.
  17. I don't blame you cause as you mentioned it is a soy pillar candle. I don't see how a pillar made with only soy can last very long without turning to mush and collapsing. Hmmm... Oh, I noticed you were burning it in a deep bowl, LOL. I've never made pillar or votive candles so I don't know. It will be interesting to hear what you say about it in the future.
  18. Hi @sarahmarah. If you haven't done so already, I'd do searches on here and the internet for those wicks and on "wick charts" and see what you come up with.
  19. Hey @Hogue. Don't forget to do searches on here for topics you are interested in, there is a treasure trove of helpful data in here. If you are having a problem with something then I'm sure someone else on here has had the same issue and has posted about it. When I first joined this forum, over a year ago, I spent lots of hours searching topics, reading and testing stuff out. It's a great source and there are a lot of knowledgeable and friendly people on here, a mix of hobbyists and successful business people.
  20. Hi Hogue. Sorry to say it but welcome to the life of a candle maker, LOL. We've all been there and done that, don't feel bad or defeated. Believe me, I too have felt defeated and disgusted so many times with this hobby but I've either become addicted to the process or have finally drove myself crazy, LOL. Seems like people either love it and keep at it or end up hating it and run, not walk, away. 😄 🏃‍♀️ Enjoy!
  21. I agree with you, their candles are very pretty, look very high quality and didn't go overboard with the dried stuff. Their site, packaging, photos and branding all look great too. Well done Munio candles, well done. I know you'll be a good judge of how they perform, hope they don't disappoint.
  22. Hi @Audra and welcome to Craft Server. Just wanted to mention that the items that look like "fresh" fruit or flowers in some hurricane candles could be realistic looking wax embeds.
  23. Hi @kandlekrazy thanks for the reply. That's great that you found a solution. I have looked at Craigslist in my area but I haven't found anything suitable yet. In the mean time I'll have to set up a work space in my home and try to make it look nice, LOL. 😃
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