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Everything posted by SpaceGirl

  1. I can vouch for Colorado Organics -- have done a couple of smaller orders from them and was very pleased. I've been thinking about hosting a co-op from them since I can just go pick up and save on shipping. Let me figure out how much scope I could handle and watch for a Gauging Interest thread in the co-op section in the next day or so.
  2. Okay my husband said "those are food, right?" So to him you've done awesome!
  3. I'm trying to use them more! 1oz FO plus 12oz wax makes one large tumbler tester, one small tumbler tester, and usually one tin tester with maybe some leftovers for tealights. But the funny thing is I still don't use my samplers in candles a lot yet. I do use them in B&B stuff -- scrubs or lotions or shower gels.
  4. My first response is to say you probably did just fine as long as the hangup on the sides caught up. My second thought is to ask..... were you doing burns for a few hour cycles or doing marathon power burns? If your hangup was cleaned off without doing marathon burns then I still think you're fine. If not you may want to think about wicking up but I'd also say others will/may advise you differently. Opinions may vary. When I test I try to optimize so that burning for 2-3 hours at a time gets all the hangup cleaned off by 1/2 to 2/3 of the way down. I didn't always use to design for that! LOL :rolleyes2
  5. I know what you mean.... I made the mistake of pouring some candles with the window open on Sunday and they cracked (of course). Luckily they were just testers. Every time I think, "Oh it won't matter, I can still pour" I get smacked upside the head. Maybe I'll finally learn. :rolleyes2 I'll be happy when spring gets here and sticks around instead of just teasing us for a day or two here and there. Just use the wintertime to play and experiment with other things!
  6. Gourmet Dark Chocolate (NG) and Raspberry Truffle (Peak's) testers for a chocolate themed show I've got coming up in about 6 weeks. I'll let them sit for a few days and then test burn them for wick performance -- if I'm happy then I'll pour the real things next weekend and let them cure for a month. I really, really want to make some B&B (for the same show) but because the candles have to cure and the B&B doesn't I have to be disciplined right now - but I don't want to! LOL I think I'm finally overcoming my tendency to overwick, but just when I think that I get some feeble flames from my Coconut Lime Verbena testers -- but since today was the first burn I put them out after about three hours.... we'll see how the second burn does. :rolleyes2
  7. Oooooh nice! Cabana Days? but then you'd have to come up with a Cabana Nights. Cabana Sunrise (I'm on a Cabana kick, what can I say?) Beach Towel Dreams
  8. Peak's Hyacinth in 4 different containers.... testing in the living room. I think I may have finally overcome some of my overwicking tendencies with these. :rolleyes2
  9. Did you leave the containers in direct sunlight? I've had FO's with a high vanilla content (and I'd ount CC as one of those) yellow quite drastically after only a day or two in the sun.
  10. Orange Clove and Spiced Cranberry usually work well for me. Good luck with that HUGE show -- I'm jealous, but not envying the work at the same time.
  11. I just ordered some myself! LOL. Although it hasnt gotten here yet. I was planning on using it exactly like you are.... toner, masque and maybe in a facial lotion. Since I think I got 1 lb as well, looks like we'll both have a lot to experiment with!
  12. You should keep the pricing for your area in mind, but I'd definitely say stay with your gut on this one. $15-$16 is completely reasonable to me. That's a lot of candle! I personally think it's much easier to price what you think it's worth and offer a discount once in awhile than to start low and creep your price up. I'm sorta kinda in that situation right now and it makes me a little uncomfortable. HTH and they do look very nice!
  13. I'm so mad because I keep meaning to make candles every weekend but end up clening the house instead! So I took today off from work and am going to tackle both tasks! LOL So.... I must do some Red Currant (Peak's) and pour as many testers as I can. Also on deck are Hyacinth (Peak's) and hopefully some Cotton Candy (BCN). We'll see how much I get through. My two shows that I have lined up are in early May and June, so I need to get my butt in gear!
  14. Congrats for you! I'm so happy that you've found something that you like.... ... plus got some serious business, too. Yipee!!!!
  15. Dumb question alert.... was your FO skin safe? and what percentage FO did you use? Maybe if you post your recipe.....
  16. You are a more dedicated woman than I! Glad you made it work out.
  17. Hmmm, no. I just suck it up as a loss, mainly because by that point I'm so irritated that I won't want to deal with making more stuff! (loss of the "extra" preservative, that is)
  18. Thanks Carrie, that's good to know. I do have one of those shallow spoon-like sieves that we use for deep frying -- maybe that might work. It's a pretty fine mesh.
  19. Did you try coffee filters? I'm wondering if layering two or three of them might work...?? I have coffee butter that I use to make a Java lip balm, but the thought of using coffee grounds for color and even more scent is very appealing!
  20. Good point -- I put the cap on just to keep the lotion from fountaining up when I tap against the counter but then take it off to top off and cool.... didn't mention that part! :embarasse
  21. Yes, pour it warm and bang the bottle on the counter (with the lid/cap on unless you have a gentle touch). You can also go the zip lock bag route (my favorite) but that may require some tapping, too. I've started to bottle up my lotion warmer than I used to for that exact issue. HTH
  22. Cleaning out jars to make new testers.... I have someone who really, really loves Red Currant (Peak's is close enough to Votivo's for per) and I really need to get that tested in some containers other than a 2oz jar and tealights..... I'm also going to try formulating a nice foot scrub for a co-worker's wife. She runs marathons and really abuses her feet. I'm also on a lip balm kick, need to do a resupply so I mixed up a master batch and am taking a few ounces at a time to flavor. I really want to try my hand at Whipped Shea, too. Don't know if I'll manage it, though.
  23. The cocoa butter mixes in, mostly. If you use too large a melt in your tub then you can get a cocoa butter ring when you're done. I've got as high as a 0.65oz melt in my tub but I don't go higher than that. Someone sent me a 1oz melt and that was a bit much. The cornstarch is to encapsulate the FO.... I'm at a bit of a loss for a sub. Maybe some milk powder? (like GM powder) or another free-flowing powder that can absorb the FO? I'm stretching here, hopefully someone can chime in with better help. :undecided
  24. awesome, thanks! I'll make sure to try it and post my results. I've got to make a few "chocolate themed" items for a show in May, and while I can do White Chocolate lip balms with cocoa butter being able to do a nice brown with cocoa powder will be a perfect addition.
  25. I label my frosted jars on the side -- ovals work well. And I figure it someone doesn't want to "see" the label they can turn it around -- I always make sure the label wraps less than halfway around. P.S. -- they stick just fine!
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