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WSP new free shipping feature?


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Well, I got an update from WSP and it reads like a generated response and did not answer several of my questions ...

Thank you for your email regarding our new pricing. There has been an increase in most of the products we currently sell. Many products have had a slight cost increase and we now also include shipping charges along with that. The website does now state that the "Price now includes UPS ground shipping". We are hoping by doing this our customers know up front there per piece cost so they can better figure their pricing to their customers.

Please contact our office if you have any further questions or concerns. Thank you and have a good day!

... I did get a recommendation for jars and container supplies from a friend.


I checked them out and they do charge a $5 handling fee for orders less than $50. A bit "eh" with this but their prices seemed pretty good. I tried to call earlier but since they are in CA they were not open yet to answer some of my questions I had about shipping.

My friend said they were really reasonable and their shipping and fast and she lives in Texas.

I hear ya, I so enjoy the little thoughts when other companies toss in a goodie and it has sometimes lead me to purchase that item the next time. It's just a nice gesture.

I really don't think WSP is the least bit concerned. They must have some really big clients out there that buy in large bulk so us little folk don't really matter. :mad:

So sad because I really liked the ease of my one stop shop with them. I never really purchased their FO's. I usually get mine from saveonscents (have never received a sample form them though), naturesgarden or daystarsupplies. I love dealing with Stacy. She always tosses in a goodie, too.

Edited by GlamaRay
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I do not think there is anything wrong with buying from WSP. Why give up your product line if it is selling? I still have to buy two fragrances from them in the future and I will. I just feel that I want to switch where my business is not affected. My bases I can get elsewhere and the same with my packaging. I would rather give business to companies that I feel deserve my money IF AT ALL POSSIBLE. But the bottom line is switching my bases and packaging from WSP is saving me a lot of money. I have to look out for my business.

Edited by Noodle
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is that the Stephenson's soap base? I used to get that from them occasionally before I switched to the WSP Pro-Base. I am trying to decide if I am switching back. I loved it but thought the pro base lathered slightly better and at the time was cheaper. New Directions Aromatics carries that one too. I used to buy it there until they started shipping it to me from their Canada location because they ran out in the US "store" and it started taking 7-10 days to MA. Sorry, I didn't have that long to wait for it most of the time. I am playing with the idea of working on my CP recipe and just switching all my adult soaps and the "white" based kid's soaps to that and just stick with MP for my kids stuff that I need clear for to cut way back on what I need to ship in at all. It just REALLY sucks because I finally got everything right were I wanted it for my product line and now I am rethinking everything. :angry2: Luckily I had built up stock for my spring shows that 2 out of 3 got rained out so I am all set for a little while and have some time to make decisions.

For packaging also check out containers & packaging. CPS has alot of options too. I switched 90% of my packaging to them last year when I redesigned my labels/logo and haven't looked back since.

Edited by mparadise
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One last thing since I am in a foul mood anyway... In all of the years that I have purchased from WSP, I have not received so much as a single free sample of ANYTHING from them. Brambleberry, Bittercreek, and countless other suppliers send me little tidbits. Now, I do NOT expect samples, but it sure is nice. It sure is appreciated. A sample every 10 orders or so would have been appreciated. Instead, I received higher shipping rates than any company in the USA.

There is no such thing as a FREE sample to customers. That is just part of their overhead which is, of course - because it is a BUSINESS - passed on to the customers.

Every supplier that sends out samples is the same - they aren't free to us, they just don't show us the cost. We also pay for their electric bills and salaries, and the tissue boxes on the employees' desks. It's all part of the overhead.

While I think the costs at WSP are absurd, I wouldn't include this in the list of absurdities.

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I used WSP for the first time last month.

10 cases jelly jars = 47.50

10 cases lids = 29.50

Febreeze fo 16 ounces = 36.64

Dreamsicle fo 16 ounces = 20.00

1000 tea light wicks = 50.00

300 Votive warning labels = 15.00

Case IGI 1343 = 74.25

TOTAL = 272.89

I just built an order with the same exact items

10 cases jelly jars = 129.50

10 cases lids = 59.50

Febreeze fo 16 ounces = 34.00

Dreamsicle fo 16 ounces = 20.00

1000 tea light wicks = 50.00

300 Votive warning labels = 17.85

Case IGI 1343 = 109.25

SubTOTAL = 420.10

tax = 24.42

TOTAL = 444.35

- 105.03 pick up discount

FINAL = 339.32

That is an increase of 66.43 for the exact same items and I am picking them up so the change is shipping should make no difference.

An increase of nearly 25% in prices. That is a pretty big jump in my mind.

WSP did have the best price for jelly jars for me but guess I will be researching and finding someplace else if possible.

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I used WSP for the first time last month.

10 cases jelly jars = 47.50

10 cases lids = 29.50

Febreeze fo 16 ounces = 36.64

Dreamsicle fo 16 ounces = 20.00

1000 tea light wicks = 50.00

300 Votive warning labels = 15.00

Case IGI 1343 = 74.25

TOTAL = 272.89

I just built an order with the same exact items

10 cases jelly jars = 129.50

10 cases lids = 59.50

Febreeze fo 16 ounces = 34.00

Dreamsicle fo 16 ounces = 20.00

1000 tea light wicks = 50.00

300 Votive warning labels = 17.85

Case IGI 1343 = 109.25

SubTOTAL = 420.10

tax = 24.42

TOTAL = 444.35

- 105.03 pick up discount

FINAL = 339.32

That is an increase of 66.43 for the exact same items and I am picking them up so the change is shipping should make no difference.

An increase of nearly 25% in prices. That is a pretty big jump in my mind.

WSP did have the best price for jelly jars for me but guess I will be researching and finding someplace else if possible.

did you show them this and ask them HOW this is saving you (or anyone else) money??

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I guess I can understand that a business has to raise prices now and then.. that is expected.

I just think nearly 25% as my order shows is a gigantic jump in price.

I know that the shipping "included" was most likely to help ease the pain of price increases.

I dont know about everybody else but I keep detailed records of exactly what I spend on my supplies.. it is the only way to make sure my mark up for wholesale and retail is appropriate.. and since I keep such close eye on my expenses I notice price increases and I do not want to raise my prices 25% to cover this increase.

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My biggest beef is that the exact same items cost MUCH MORE to ship from WSP than any supplier that I have dealt with. I am on the east coast-just a couple fo states away from WSP. Yet, when I buy from California, their shipping is significantly less than WSP. How is this possible?

mparadise, which base do you mean? I bought from EBC and that base is lovely. I do not know which base that it is. I do know that they bent over backwards to give me decent shipping costs. The Chemistry Store base is Stephenson. I do not know how their white base is. I only prucased the clear. I just know that for making my loofah soap, their crystal clear base was the best that I have ever used. Here is their MP base base.


Johnna, I am like you and keep detailed records. I calculate everything to the last penny. I think that most of us do.

25% is an awful lot of an increase for you. Of course I do not blame you for NOT wanting to increase your product prices.

There is no such thing as a FREE sample to customers. That is just part of their overhead which is, of course - because it is a BUSINESS - passed on to the customers.

Every supplier that sends out samples is the same - they aren't free to us, they just don't show us the cost. We also pay for their electric bills and salaries, and the tissue boxes on the employees' desks. It's all part of the overhead.

While I think the costs at WSP are absurd, I wouldn't include this in the list of absurdities.

Of course it is a FREE sample to the customer. Their overhead is not my business. My overhead is my business. A DECENT company does not convey its overhead to its customers and moans about price increases. WSP moans constantly. Of course it is absurd NOT to give a customer a FREE sample in over 350 large orders purchased. To say that it is not absurd is ridiculous. Of course their lack of FREE samples belongs on their list of absurdities.

Edited by Noodle
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I used WSP for the first time last month.

10 cases jelly jars = 47.50

10 cases lids = 29.50

Febreeze fo 16 ounces = 36.64

Dreamsicle fo 16 ounces = 20.00

1000 tea light wicks = 50.00

300 Votive warning labels = 15.00

Case IGI 1343 = 74.25

TOTAL = 272.89

I just built an order with the same exact items

10 cases jelly jars = 129.50

10 cases lids = 59.50

Febreeze fo 16 ounces = 34.00

Dreamsicle fo 16 ounces = 20.00

1000 tea light wicks = 50.00

300 Votive warning labels = 17.85

Case IGI 1343 = 109.25

SubTOTAL = 420.10

tax = 24.42

TOTAL = 444.35

- 105.03 pick up discount

FINAL = 339.32

That is an increase of 66.43 for the exact same items and I am picking them up so the change is shipping should make no difference.

An increase of nearly 25% in prices. That is a pretty big jump in my mind.

WSP did have the best price for jelly jars for me but guess I will be researching and finding someplace else if possible.

Did your jars really go up that much? That's about triple!!

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Anyone get the email about this customer loyalty program?

That is of no help at all to me since I usally only spent about 50 to 60.00 at a time but haven't purchased anything in the past month or so since this shipping mess has been going on and have no intentions of doing so any time soon.

I agree with you noodle about the constant moaning about the price increases. Thats thier excuse everytime they are asked why the increase to begin with.

They are full of crap and hot air.....

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Speaking of price increases, has anyone else noticed that they are like gas stations? They don't increase prices when new stock arrives. They increase them when their manufacturers tell them there is a price increase. (With a couple of days grace to allow us to order at the old price and aren't we so grateful? :rolleyes2 )

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I have had to increase my prices over the years. I never give my customers a reason for it, and no one has ever really questioned me about the increases. The one or two that have questioned me never received information about my overhead. What a turn off!

Yes, I received the wonderful email about the loyalty program. It only works for orders over $100.

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I was surprised at this as well. I am just getting started again and have to buy everything all over. I put an order in my cart and there is no way I am paying that. I lived farther away before and it was cheaper. I only live 2 hours away from them now but my time and gas is not worth the drive unless I am ordering over $500 of stuff. Not gonna happen right now.

I put the SAME order in TN candles cart with shipping it is $44.28 cheaper with them. For the same stuff. ???? They are much farther away. Even Peaks is cheaper and they are on the other side of the country.

This does not make any sense. I have never had a problem with WSP..love the products but I don't and won't charge my customers more..I will use another supplier first.

Makes me very sad! As a business person I would not want MY customers to go elsewhere.

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I guess I can understand that a business has to raise prices now and then.. that is expected.

I just think nearly 25% as my order shows is a gigantic jump in price.

I know that the shipping "included" was most likely to help ease the pain of price increases.

I dont know about everybody else but I keep detailed records of exactly what I spend on my supplies.. it is the only way to make sure my mark up for wholesale and retail is appropriate.. and since I keep such close eye on my expenses I notice price increases and I do not want to raise my prices 25% to cover this increase.


Dont know where you are located but I use the jelly jars also and I will be getting mine from TN candle. They are still a good price and the shipping was not much.

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I'm looking to replace the goatmilk and honey cream base from WSP and I noticed that Jody's had a base by the same name. I wonder if it is the same thing? Anyone know:confused:

I'm so angry about this new shipping fiasco I have to find alternatives

Candles Supplies has the same body mist incase anyone needs to find that.

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I think that MANY items from Jody's are the same as WSP. You should give her base a try.

I have found great soap base alternatives from the Chemistry Store and Essentials by Catalina. Possibly try samples to see if their bases are suitable. I am very pleased that for me my search is over. :)

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I apologize if someone already posted this but could someone share the link for Jody's? I'd like to check the website out.

I ordered some samples from Essentials by Catalina and was VERY impressed with what they had to offer. I will be ordering a bunch of new items as soon as I get some of my overstock sold on the classies to make room.

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I ordered some samples from Essentials by Catalina and was VERY impressed with what they had to offer. I will be ordering a bunch of new items as soon as I get some of my overstock sold on the classies to make room.

I feel the same way as well. I was impressed with their taking such care to get the base to me as inexpensively as possible. I ordered two blocks of soap base and they were each shipped in a flat box. There was literally a $10 price difference in shipping compared to WSP!

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I ordered from her once a few months ago. 10 each of the blue, yellow and green tins(6 or 8oz) they were cheap..only 50 cents each so I decided to try them....well glad I didnt order more than that...most of them were scratched mostly at the tops....some dents...well they just didnt look all too good.

I also ordered a few clear gloss label sheets....terrible....took forever to dry...smudgy and smeary mess.

I believe I also got a dozen or 2 1 or 2oz pet spray bottles....they were fine.

I didnt spend much money so I didnt bother to email her about the crappy tins but I havent ordered there since but that doesn't mean I won't......she sure does have tons of stuff.....one stop shopping pretty much. I just know to never buy those tins again....right now I use them for citronella candles and put pretty flower stickers on the tops to hide the scratches

She shipped super fast and believe I got my order in 2 days.

wow.....i just noticed I'm babbling going way OT...sorry!

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