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Why the lack of descriptions?


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Maybe I'm just having one of those mornings, but I still just can't fathom why FO suppliers either have vague descriptions of their oils or don't have one at all?!?!?!

Example: Taylored Concepts has descriptions such as "soft perfume with notes of sweet musk" and "sweet musky floral" -- ummm, care to share WHICH florals are in the oils? Would be most helpful when my customers ask!

My personal favorite is no description at all! I'll see a name of an oil that SOUNDS appealing, but it's left a mystery! Could be floral, could be fruity....spend your $20 and find out for yourself, I guess!

So, a big thank you goes out to suppliers that have detailed descriptions of their oils (Moonworks and Nature's Garden to name a couple). As for the rest of you, imagine the business you're losing....

Okay, I'm done now....now where did I put that happy pill of mine?? *hiding*

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That sure can be annoying.

CS is another really good one. They give pretty good descriptions of the oils and I love the leaf rating they use on the strength of the FOs.

ps....if ya got any extra happy pills..please pass a few this way LOL

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Count me in ... I'm not going to send an email or call to get a description, I'm going to another site. Sure, we all know what Vanilla smells like, but what about those catchy names that don't tell us anything, or all the blends. Very irritating.


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This is main reason why I stay away from some suppliers. My nose is not the best so I need some descriptions to give me an idea. BTW I love NG's descriptions. I ordered a ton of samples from them BECAUSE the descriptions were appealing.

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I also love not a good, but great description. I don't have time, money energy or the nose to figure it out for myself or have to play phone tag to get one.

I also love those that state their "power" in waxes too. I love the top rating ones in soy because 8/10 times they are kick butt!!

AND....................I want some of those happy pills you are handing out!! :P

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So, a big thank you goes out to suppliers that have detailed descriptions of their oils

Okay, I'm done now....now where did I put that happy pill of mine?? *hiding*

I also like the descriptions that let you know the notes you can pick out. Also appreciate an honest candle throw rating system ... especially if they will divulge which wax they are testing the FO in and it matches what I use.

The hesitation I have is when every single one is described as "great in soy" but the only soy they've tested it in is the wax they sell - and have had either specially formulated or have renamed and will not divulge what the manufacturers ID is! Learned the hard way the FO may be more hit & miss in the soy I'm using. :sad2:

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That's why I don't order from Candlechem...I'm sorry, am I supposed to know what "Buck Lure" smells like? I guess maybe I would if I were an avid deer hunter, but I'm a city girl, so that one's lost on me :laugh2:

I even gave them a shot - when I first came across their website, I was impressed by their list of fragrances and e-mailed customer service to ask if they had scent descriptions available. They wrote back "only for our holiday scents" and sent me a PDF file with those descriptions. I ordered 4 samples and they all smelled like poo. So I won't be giving "Buck Lure" a sniff anytime soon - lol!

Although, "Beer" and "Bacon" and "Pizza" are pretty self-explanatory...

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OMG's!! This is just one of my biggest pet peeves! And there really is no excuse for it other than laziness, neglect or......I dunno. Because I was a small potatoes supplier many years ago and whenever I got in an FO, my lab guys/gals ALWAYS gave me a precise and detailed description. It didn't matter what manufacturer I used.

So, tell me why some of these other suppliers do not simply take that and post it? Heck, they can ever reword it a bit if they want. That is what I did. But leave the basic info intact. It's not rocket science!

No description! No sale! Not from me anyways.

Now please tell me that you have not run out of those happy pills. Because I'm pretty darn sure that I need a double dose ;)

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This is an issue with me to some extent. WSP has horrible descriptions. They have a wonderful rose scent that I happened to hit on years ago. It is called ENGLISH TEA ROSE. Now for their detailed description... SMELLS LIKE A TEA ROSE. Yes, that is the exact description that they give. WTH? I know what a rose smells like. There are many different rose scents. Is it fresh smelling? Is it perfumy? Does it have green notes or other notes? Tell me something. :rolleyes2 The only thing that WSP has going for them in the way of fragrance assistance is the reviews. It is so surprising that such a big company in the business has such pathetic descriptions.

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I just checked out The Candlemaker's Store and there are still no scent descriptions ... I thought they would have fixed that by now! :waiting: For me, scent descriptions are necessary before I place an order ... and, I don't want to call or email the supplier.

Edited by Candlebuddy
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