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candle turns into lotion??

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I was at my hairdressers and she had a candle lit that says you can rub the melt pool on your elbows and dry spots. It was soy, and?? What are people adding to the wax so this is okay? I would think the scents would have to be skin safe-and colour free wax was used. A petrolium jelly maybe?

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I've done that with soy candles. I first heard it from a shopowner in Gatlinburg who was selling & burning soy candles...he assured me it was fine to go ahead and dip my fingers in the melted wax and rub in into my hands. Sure enough, it felt great? I don't think it would be advisable to pour it all over your body, but I think it's just a cute selling point that people can put in on their hands or elbows.

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I've stayed away from these for a long time cause I just don't get it. When I want lotion, I use lotion from a bottle. Plus, the liability issues bother me.

However, not a week goes by that I don't get asked if I make these. A local company at one of the main tourist areas here sells thousands of these. There will be a demo session on making these at the GA gathering in April, so I'll just wait and re-evaluate my thoughts at that time.

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Wow,, offering a demo? Hmmm. demo or not, I can see some client trying to stick their hand in wax around a lit wick and burning themselves.... it's a great gimmick that seems to be working, but I'm too small to afford a lawsuit from someone not bright enough to blow the candle out first.

Agreees with the last thread on this, way to big of a liability for me.

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I'm not 100% sure, but I heard somewhere that Jennifer that used to own Old Mill is doing the demo. I know that she has made these for quite a while, but I haven't talked to her in several weeks. She may have posted it on the list group, and I know that she's definitely going to be at the meeting.

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"Lotion" candles and "massage" candles have been discussed at great length here, pro and con. The major sticking points are the amount of FO used in a candle far exceeds what is considered to be "skin safe." The second point concerns ingredients in the candle wax - no one really knows for sure what is in their wax because of proprietary formulas. Third is the safety consideration and liability - people burning themselves and suing the candlemaker. Arguably, a better solution would be a "wickless" wax product which would melt at low temp (so as not to scald folks) with resolution to the FO and formula issues.

Just search the general candlemaking forum for massage or lotion candles to access previous discussions.:)

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You know through 7 years of making candles. I cannot count the number of times I have had a customer ask. "Are these the kinds you can use as lotion?" and tell me about seeing someone walking around a candle display having people apply it to their skin!!

I try not to slam the ones doing it. But I tell them. If it is colored it is not skin safe. ex. candle colorant , bath and body colorant.

It can burn, irritate, cause a reaction like no other.

I always just tell them if you want a soy lotion bar, I will make one up for you but if I hear you are sticking your fingers in my candles and applying it to your skin. I wont sell you another one!!

Just my thoughts for what they are worth!!

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There is lots of info on the internet if you search the massage candles as stated. I personally don't make them, but I have gotten requests for them, they are very popular here in Calif. My insurance agent said I would also need B & B type insurance to cover them so I decided to hold off. I also think it's a fad that is going to die off because I get fewer requests each year that passes.

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I personally would stay away from that one! I would worry about kids seeing mommy pouring candle wax on her hands and thinking that was OK.

I purchased a massage candle from one of those candle companies that advertises on this board, and you know what? It smelled great, burned great, but there were NO INSTRUCTIONS on the candle or in the box that told me how to DO IT...

I contacted them, and they ASSURED me that the instruction label was on the candle....yea, right.....I was looking at the candle tin and NO INSTRUCTIONS....you want a lawsuit.....go ahead, make them....

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A beautiful site would not probably show photos of customers who gave themselves 3rd degree burns... Which is also why insurance agents and people who don't enjoy lawsuits avoid this product like avian flu. Unless, of course, I was a B&B mogul with extremely deep pockets and a few attorneys on retainer. :)

But that's just me...:tiptoe:

the whole thought of these things make my eye twitch
That twitch must be catching... ;)
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What if you make it with skin safe color, true essential oils. It would not have to be strong, just light. Make it wickless. Remember that the parrifin wax that you dip your hands into in spas is hot. It has a touch of scent. I wouldn't want to get it on my things. I am sure it would drip. Just a gimmick. I don't think it will last. There are so many gimmicks out there. This is the worst one I can remember. Don't get offended. It is real. About 30 years ago, they came out with a tampon, only it was a rubber bell. About an inch in diameter. You turned it upside down, folded it over twice, and put it in place. Ok, figured that out. THEN, you had to take it out. Just imagine what happens when you take out a rubber bell FULL of liquid, that pops open as it comes out. OMG. They were off the market in no time. Who thought of that? Stupid. :confused: And who bought them. Me!

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Debra, the questions you raised about color and eo are why I'm reserving passing judgment just now. I have felt that it was a fad that would pass but am still getting asked on a weekly basis after a couple of years now. Just yesterday, a young man (young to me--early 30s) asked if I had these available because he and his wife enjoy them.

Gel candles aren't as popular as they were for a while, but I made those and sold quite a few. There was bad publicity about those as well.

Some of us don't have a huge customer base and have to go with what the customer wants at the time. I'm trying to be openminded. (Even though I can't see myself ever wanting lotion like this.)

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I'm not for putting anything on my body that doesn't have the ingredients listed on the label-- all of the ingredients. I want to know its skin safe.

I don't know why people want to put wax on their bodies when you can buy a perfectly good lotion or body butter, etc. Wax clogs the pores no matter how 'safe' the lotion candle claims.

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I'm not for putting anything on my body that doesn't have the ingredients listed on the label-- all of the ingredients. I want to know its skin safe.

I don't know why people want to put wax on their bodies when you can buy a perfectly good lotion or body butter, etc. Wax clogs the pores no matter how 'safe' the lotion candle claims.

Because some people will try anything that is new to them or just plain different. This is clearly a case of different strokes for different folks...some will want to make them and some won't. I still think it's a fad that will disappear in time.

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I liked Stella's idea of making it "wickless" ...then there would be no flame to worry about...I wouldn't use any coloring and only skin safe fo's..of course.

I in no way want anything to do with this kind of product...but this is the best recommendation(sp?) I have read on the subject..I know it's just my 2 cents.

Good luck... Kimmeroo:smiley2:

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IF I were gonna make one of these products (and that's a big "if"), I would use 100% soy wax with the lowest melting point I could find; wickless; skin-safe everything and it would have to come with a warmer that would not allow the temp to rise above what was safe for skin. That's a pretty tall order for a product that ain't gonna bring in much on sales, but I would not risk liability for myself nor the ignorant public.

I think this one has been discussed to death, personally...:rolleyes2

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