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Everything posted by Paula42166

  1. You know through 7 years of making candles. I cannot count the number of times I have had a customer ask. "Are these the kinds you can use as lotion?" and tell me about seeing someone walking around a candle display having people apply it to their skin!! I try not to slam the ones doing it. But I tell them. If it is colored it is not skin safe. ex. candle colorant , bath and body colorant. It can burn, irritate, cause a reaction like no other. I always just tell them if you want a soy lotion bar, I will make one up for you but if I hear you are sticking your fingers in my candles and applying it to your skin. I wont sell you another one!! Just my thoughts for what they are worth!!
  2. Love them , I was on the same board !!! Wait till you try braiding the headbands ! Loved it !! Sat for days doing the clips and headbands. The christmas tree was fun too!!
  3. Are their Min purchases high ? Thanks Paula
  4. I have been thinking about trying these too , just havent done the research for them yet. Be sure to post your findings !
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