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  1. If you were use Enchanted Lights Soy wax that would be true. I have not use every soy wax on the market but I have used EL for 10 years and I pour at 100 -105 degrees into warm (I heat with a heat gun) votive molds. No frost marks just beautiful color. I poured black votives 36 hours ago and they are perfect. My personal experience was pouring hot into cool votive cups and letting them cool too fast will cause frosting. Hope this helps!
  2. My personal experience is many people offering lotion candles are not carrying any kind of liability insurance.
  3. If you truly want to know more about eo's check out oils_herbs_etc@yahoogroups.com These are folks that have been teaching, using, and selling eo's for years and you can always get good information to your eo questions.:rolleyes2
  4. I will not repeat eo and fo difference. I will say I have purchased eo from http://www.av-at.com/ for many years. Contact Butch if you need wholesale pricing. The current world market on eo's in terrible. Helichrysum I purchased 2 years ago at $87.50 an oz and now it is $225.00 and oz if you can get it. The sandalwood that is available today coming into this country is contaminated and much of it is worth not selling so suppliers are not accepting the shipments. You want to be sure the person you are buying from, tests oils at a lab prior to selling them. Their web sites will tell you. The war in the Mideast has effected prices in the region. Spikenard, patchouli, sandalwood, many others. I avoid any site that sells eo's say any 10 ml variety for $6-10. Good luck in your search, once you have a good relationship with an eo supplier, support that person because many eo suppliers will be going under in this economic enviroment. Many business that have been around for a 10-20 of years. Hope this helps!
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