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Opinions on new label


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I've had an identity crisis and decided to change my business name. Until now I've only sold to people I know or friends of friends, that type of thing. I decided it's time to get into the craft show circuit and really get my website going, so I changed from Candles By Kate to Orange Door Candle Co.

This is my first attempt at my new hang tags for my pillars. I'm looking for honest, constructive criticism - I want to use the door, but I’m just not sure I like how it is now.


Thanks for looking and sharing your opinions!


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My dad just helped me revamp part of my basement into an actual crafting room (with a new wall and door!), it's fabulous - not fancy, but very comfortable. I have pale yellow walls, and I picked that orange color for the door and some of the shelving. The door has been in the house for close to 100 years, and when we painted it, it came out really neat and I fell in love with it. It's hard to tell from the label, but some of the original dark color shows through the paint and gives a nice rustic effect ... Anyway, I've been contemplating a new name for a while now - I always like the ones that don't have anything to do with candles - and when I saw that door it just hit me. I know it's an odd name, but I think it will stick with people. (My own family couldn't remember if I was "Candles by Kate" or "Kate's Candles" so I didn't figure I had much chance of anyone else remembering either!)

Now that I'm looking at the label here, maybe I need to superimpose a candle over the image of the door? It needs something ... this is just not where my creativity lies ...

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I LOVE the new name! ( And afterall, it the Red Door has made Elizabeth Arden a fortune!!! )

You should never have more than 3 fonts on your label/card or signage....so you are right on target. I love the font choice. I agree that it looks clean, simple and classy.

I have an idea that I have no idea how to help you with but would be cool. If you chould somehow use the door and through the keyhole see a candle.Not sure if it could be done, but I can see it in my head. The candlelight with the orange and yellow hues "through" the Orange Door would be AWESOME!

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I love ORANGE! And its great to be different.

I think the Candle Co needs to be smaller, not so prominent and pull it up closer to the Orange Door. If you're doing it in a word art box, simply make two boxes so the other can come up right underneath it. Make sense?

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Hi Kate! love your candles! I'm in Punxsutawney! Nice to see another PA candlemaker! Lucinda's Country Candles
Hi there!

I love ORANGE! And its great to be different.

I think the Candle Co needs to be smaller, not so prominent and pull it up closer to the Orange Door. If you're doing it in a word art box, simply make two boxes so the other can come up right underneath it. Make sense?

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try that when I get home tonight. I think that might work.

I really appreciate everyone's comments, it's so hard to be objective about these things. And I really am open to suggestions, if anyone else has any thoughts please let me know! Thanks!


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I like it, very unique and has a wonderful story behind it. and people will ask about an unusual name. my dh took some of my tarts to a lady over at his fire dept. bingo place, this other lady saw my name and asked why i had First Lady on my tarts & wickless, hubby told her about how one guy in fire dept. started calling me that, now they all do. and the guy that called me that first, over heard her , so of course he started saying all these wonderful things about me LOL! i wasn't there but dh was telling me about it. so keep your door, its very nice. clean cut and neat looking not cluttered.

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I LOVE the name! What a great story behind it, too. I like the simple door with nothing else cluttering it up. I think you've done a great job. I agree ... be sure to put the story behind your name on your website. It's wonderful!

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I love, love, love the name, very unique, love "why" you came up with the name and I love the glow the door already has. I am into simplicity and I think the labels are very nice. If you notice commercial products are picking up on the simplicity thing, I think people like clean, no clutter and straight to the point. Well at least I do LOL


Oh ya, the candles look great as well


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