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Changing from business to hobby


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How many of you are contemplating changing from a business to strictly hobby now? Given things in my professional life (outside of candles) I need to further my career and education, and have decided to throw in the business towel. Given our economy and the fact that our materials are really going up in price, how many others are considering this change?

I actually would love to not have to keep books, pay taxes, etc. on this stuff anymore and just make things for my own use and friends, family and enjoy it again.

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I am. I am back at school and this past holiday season trying to squeeze in making stock, shows, midterms, and term papers (not to mention wife and mother duties) just about knocked me out.

This year I am only doing two shows so I am cutting back considerably. I don't know where I will be next year.

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We did, (actually are still in the process of selling off things, we had a craft store in addition to our candle biz) and I am loving it!

Will never give up "crafting" but it is so different when it is just for fun.

After 10 yrs. of no free time and pressure, I am so ready to be able to stop and smell the roses so to speak.

If you decide to let it go, enjoy!

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I am definitely thinking about getting out of the candle biz. Maybe sticking with soap but that too is debatable right now. This economy and other considerations are on my mind constantly and it is begnning to feel like a no win.

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I personally found the struggles to make this business successful as well as a demanding full time job was draining me. I will continue to make candles and dabble in stuff, but the business aspect and the growing prices is making this a very difficult time. I will continue to experiment and probably try soap (damn you soap people), but as a business, the pressures are too high. I always had a part time job in connection with a full time career, but this exceed all expectations. It's been a good 4 years, now it's time for ME!

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don't blame you debscent:smiley2: I gave up the "business" aspect about 6 months back---but, after 4 yrs---1 yr of that was making, testing, etc.---I just tested the waters and it was too much---I previously posted about "candle burnout", it became a chore and as soon as I realized that, I knew I couldn't persevere as well as most of the folks on the board who have been at it a heck of a lot longer. Now, I too, can go back to my soaps, crochet, etc enjoy!

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I have decided to go from business to hobby this year. And guess what now I am getting busy after accepting a job, which I start March 17th. I got an offer that I couldn't refuse. I wanted part-time but the pay was too good so I took it full-time. I am not busy this time of the year, but I have been getting orders and lots of calls. I have one upscale hair salon that charges $150.00 for a haircut and style that wants me to make a line of candles for them. It always happens......

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I am sereiously considering it...espically after todays show. People just aren't spending money like they used to...especially on candles. They can walk into almost any store and buy some mass produced, crappy product and be just as happy with it as they would one of our candles. I know there are exceptions though... And with with things like gas, groceries, utilities going up and up, people have less money to spend on things that aren't absolutely necessary, Including us candlemakers! Supplies & shipping are expensive and only getting higher. Its hard to keep up financially. It just isn't fun anymore for me now that I rely on it as an income. I may cut my line down to just wedding and special event candles and be done with all this craft fair stuff and go back to my 9-5 job. At least then when it's 5:00, you know work is done and over for the day as opposed to staying up at all hours of the night finishing orders, labels, etc....Can you tell I had a bad day? :smiley2:

I need a drink....

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Same here. I may do something small around Christmastime for friends who have bought in the past, but between wax prices, gas prices and the economy in general, I'm not digging the risks this year.

I love candles and B&B and can't give them up altogether... but my friends are going to be getting nice homemade gifts vs me sell sell selling... I already live in a depressed area that will get hit more with the mortgage stuff, and honestly, the people who do buy from me shouldn't be buying and it makes me feel bad.

Not to mention the newest arrival coming 10/08... I haven't been able to go near my FOs in almost 2 months now... of course, that hasn't stopped me from waiting for CS and TCS's $1 sample sales... :wink2:


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Not to mention the newest arrival coming 10/08... I haven't been able to go near my FOs in almost 2 months now... of course, that hasn't stopped me from waiting for CS and TCS's $1 sample sales... :wink2:



I haven't been thinking of changing from business to hobby but I think everyone is feeling the pinch. Sales for me across the board are done. Febuary was horrible and I am hoping that March will look up sales wise.

I think alot of people are going to stop doing this as a business and go to it as a hobby. This is an exspensive hobby to begin with before the prices went up and now it's even worse.

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I have considered switching from a business to a hobby for about a year now but haven't taken the plunge since this is my full time income. I gave up my career 5 years ago and not sure if I could stand to answer to a boss full time again :undecided With that being said - I keep plugging away. I rely on the tax deductions the business aspect provide - yes some months are better than others but all in all this is my dream job. I will continue to weigh the pros and cons as this year progresses (Gas & groceries or wax and fo's ???? - hmmmm :D ). Either way, I could never give up smelly things altogether so I will still buy supplies, or shall I say over buy supplies :whistle:

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I would think that candles is a lot harder to stay in than B&B. Granted we sell "luxury" B&B but at least it comes close to being a "need". Some people can't use storebought soap, etc so it is a need for them, where as candles are pure luxury.

For me even if I wanted to scale back to a hobby (I do only B&B) I would still have to sell a little to have it pay for itself or to at least cover the expenses.

January was ok for me because I had a big clearance. February was just a waste, and now things are beginning to pick up again with local sales. My net sales are still lagging behind, but hopefully they will kick in soon. This is my job and it keeps me home with my kids so I'm sticking with it.

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I am with Bethany. I am just getting going. My focus is on my soaps, so if the candles don't sell, that is fine! People need to be clean and I refuse to use store bought soaps and washes (will still buy lotion if I have a coupon, so I don't dip into my profits).

Candles people can do without, but i would probably still make for myself, family and friends.

I am gonna stick with it and see how it goes. Doing my first show in April, so that will be a big factor, plus I will be starting home parties this summer.


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Great thread. I'm also considering going from business to hobby including friends/family/gifts. After the Christmas/holiday season I had sever burn-out and even slacked on filling orders in a timely manner after the holidays which is really unlike me in general. I'm working on spring/summer scents but can't say I'm overly excited about it. I also run another biz that is very profitable for me and is making me more money than I think candles could ever do. So I'm at a crossroads of what to do but leaning heavily towards the other biz and putting my focus there and just enjoying making candles hobby wise. I hate to hear others are feeling the same but it's reassuring that I'm not alone!

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me too ~ but I don't do candles, so I'm not feeling some of the pressures that you guys are feeling (wax increases, craft shows, etc.). I'm just burnt out and ready for something new! I've been slowing selling off stuff that I don't want to mess with anymore and as soon as we get our taxes done we're going to have our accountant put together a proposal to sell the business. I'm already looking forward to getting it sold and having 1 less JOB to do!!!

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We're not going to close the business just yet, but we're mostly doing wholesale and family/friends. The bookkeeping is only a pain at the end of the year (INVENTORY!) Wholesale don't order but evey 2-3 months and family and friends are willing to wait. We still have our website, but we're not advertising it at all, so not much activity there. About 4 months ago we started referring our retail customers to our wholesale accounts to purchase...unless they want decent quantities. Now we pour only when we get orders so we don't have to stock very much, that has helped tremendously with space and $$.

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  • 1 year later...

Some of the folks on this thread haven't signed on in a month...others are still regulars. I was wondering if anyone DID go from biz to hobby and what their reaction to that decision was. I have to renew my license by Wednesday and I'm still undecided. :undecided

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A lot has changed in just a month for me! My business is still "there" but now scaled WAY back. My site just says to call me...I don't do online orders at all, only via email or phone call. I don't keep anything specific in stock. My customers call me and say "whatcha' got?" and I've gotten soem custome orders and bath bomb orders.

Circumstances being what they are for me right now I am really loving it. I will still do my two Christmas shows and my regular holiday gift set orders, but not having to keep up with a website has already been fab! And my kids are totally excited because this summer we won't be spending every Wed. and Fri. at Farmer's Market - We can actually do stuff!

As for income, obviously it's not happening. We cut way back on stuff so we could do without my working the business - which was at least 60 hours a week. got rid of the satellite, even the internet - I'm on a library PC right now, we only use our cell phones, no land line. It's a squeeze but so far totally worth it.

I still have some hardcore loyal customers which is nice.

It's a lot more fun just to pretty much make what you want and not have to have an inventory!

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I changed more than a year ago to just hobby. I was at that time too busy to keep up and other things were more important.

I love it the way it is now. Most of my customers buy tarts so I am loving that. I don't have many jars or wicks left so just use them for myself. I haven't ordered FO's in a year, except special orders every couple of months. My customers don't even care they have to select scents from an ever decreasing supply. I will only order from somewhere when I have enough to buy from them to make shipping worthwhile.

I have more than enough oils and butters for myself for my own personal B&B products. BTW, butters last forever when kept in a fridge.

It's time to stop when it becomes a chore and you frown when an order comes through.

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I did not renew my license and I am disolving my LLC. I have a lot of supplies that I'm going to sell off. I have kept enough oils for my personal use and some tart wax, but the days of wicks/jars are gone. Too many inconsistencies with my wax and all the retesting was proving to be a headache. Never got into the bath & body aspect. Right now I'm concentrating on getting a job. I was laid off from my full time job in February and it's been a difficult process. This chapter (candle business) of my life is about to close unfortunately. :sad2:

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I have been thinking about this for a long time. With me, its not because of sluggish business it is to keep my sanity! I have several WHolesale accounts that I would feel horrible about if I just up and quit. But, on the other hand, life would be a lot more simple for me. 95% of my business is candles. I do a lot of Fund Raisers....that quick cash would be very hard for me to give up. I think I am going to scale back though. NO MORE VOTIVES!!!! NO MORE FREAKIN DIPPED BEARS!!!!!!!!! I am not adding anything new to my B&B this yr. I just dont have the time or the energy.

I have a full time job that is mentally exhausting plus this on the side....I dont know how you people do it if you have kids too. My hat is off to ya!

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After 8 years I decided in November '08 to close my website and only sell wholesale to my local retailers and retail sales from my shop. Loved having a holiday to celebrate without having to be in the candle shop pouring, packing, labeling, etc.... I truly enjoyed it, but then came January and February and no orders!...I was so depressed, I had nothing to do (candle wise). I too work a fulltime job and was use to doing candles when I got home, etc...

Anyway, website is back up, I spread the word that I wasn't closed. Yes, it's been slow due to the economy, but hey, my fulltime income has been enough to sustain in addition to DH's income....we also have cows so calves are an income as well.

Plus I do alot of custom orders for people, so that keeps a little cash flowing in.

With the slow business, I still have more time to spend with my 11 yr old son after school and on the weekends.....I'm just gonna hang in for now.


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This was a very interesting thread to read. I am in the process of leaving a job of 35 years and going into business full time selling candles. We are moving out of Florida (very hard to make much money on crafts here) and yp to NC. This is my dream job. I love making and selling candles. I have been working at the local Farmer's Market for the pass 6 year plus my full time job. It has been very hard and I find I am getting burned out, but it's on the day job that has burned me out. I want to work on something that really makes me happy and brings peace to my life. Just my thoughts.


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Every once in a while I think about how nice it would be to not be "in production" so heavy and not do 3 markets a week plus all the holiday fairs at the end of the year and just concentrate on teaching my herbal medicine programs. My passion is teaching. I am so blessed to be able to be out in the woods with people, teaching them about medicinal plants and foraging.

But....I'm so seeing this year that doing the farmers markets is just not what I want to do. So, I hired 2 of my students to do 2 of the markets which brings it down to one for me to do on my own. I still have to do all the production for 3 markets, coordinate with employees, have 3 full displays needing 2 canopies and all that crud. Plus a decent web business.

My husband got laid off last week after being back to work for only 2 months. He's in construction, so when the housing market goes down....so does the amount of work for him. He was off on medical leave for 8 months last year, so I have to bear the burden of being the breadwinner like it or not. My business is my day job, so that is what I'm concentrating on. I understand that others have day jobs on top of a business.

So...going to hobby with my products and having the luxury of just teaching is out of reach for me out of necessity.

The markets have been well supported so far. I have a good customer base since I've been doing it so many years.

When I had to raise my prices last year, people asked about it and were satisfied with my answers. And kept buying, I'm happy to say. My sales are not down and my registrations for my herbal programs are at an all time high. I think people want to learn how to take care of themselves and not depend on doctors.

My husband and I don't have medical insurance and I'm glad to know what I know. It's spooky, though, not having insurance. And him not working again.

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