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Finally Professional Pictures of the Candles

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very nice - but white candles on a white background? It may have been better to have some coloured candles. At the moment I feel it just looks very white and hazy with nothing standing out other than the soy beans - it's not the soy beans that should stand out..it should be your candles....


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I agree with Natty, your beautiful white candles do not stand out from the white background.

Also, this statement on your website, what does it mean:

"Soy candles are the preferred choice for the health-minded candle lover because of the natural properties it emits into the air."

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Yeah, have to agree. Going on to your site, a complete whitewash. I love white candles, very elegant, but on your site that is all you see, white on white. Maybe if you work on that something can be done to help the photos stand out.

Way too much wording on the front page that is also distracting from what you want to sell. JMO :)

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Yeah, I've never liked trying to make oneself look better by making everyone else look worse. Politicians call it mud slinging. That grates on me, and I wouldn't buy on that fact alone if I were a customer.

The pics... gotta agree with Natty & others. The candle gets lost in the glare of the white behind it. All I see are yellow things around the candle.

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Beautiful candles, packaging/labels ... poor choice of background color by the photog.

You didn't ask for any critique of your website, but I took a look at the whole presentation on your home page. I *think* the text falls a bit short as a professional representation of your business & you could be much more concise. I appreciate how you're trying to up sell your product, but you do it in a manner that fuels misconceptions about competing products & skirts the boundaries of truth. It's one thing to give stats on how your candles are made & perform, but quite another to allude superiority to major manufactures or other waxes.

You have a beautiful product, but I'm not a fan of the website.


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I agree that you need less of the white background, maybe a black background, not that I'm a professional, far from it but your candles are stunning and it is a shame to hide them in all that white.

I don't agree with the soy wax statement either as I think all waxes are natural to a certain extent. Paraffin is from the ground and made up of plankton etc. Palm is from trees, etc.

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As far as the photos - the compositions are wonderful but the lack of contrast makes the products fade too softly into the background. The photos should tell the story.

Although you did not ask, it is hard to skip over the hype on your page and site without comment. :lipsrseal

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Pics are nice....but that is something a digital camera and a light box with some soybean props could have done vs paying a professional...imo.

I also would have had a different background....it is hard on the eyes.

ETA ~ I like the candles though...just think they would be represented a lot better with a contrasting background.

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I pretty mucy agree with everyone else. Too much white....maybe because I am sick of snow...but a little contrast catches the eye better and as far as the soy controversy here is a link from a while back ........ topofmurrayhill kinda knows his stuff.


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I see what you are trying to achieve, but I agree, the white on white background distracts for me. The photo with the tart melter was a nice pic, the green melter really pulled it together. You have a beautiful product and I love your labeling.

BTW--I looked on your candle making site, I think it's VOILA!, not VIOLA!

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Yea, a little too much white for me too. Maybe your photog can add a soft hue to the white background. With all the types of photo editing software, you shouldn't have to re-take the pics either.

Oh, too much bashing on your home page, for me. Keep your verbage simple, there's more bashing then selling in your text. Afterall, the purpose of your website is to sell, period. JMO

But, you do have a nice website and your candles look VERY nice!


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I thank everyone for your comments...the good, the bad and the whatever else. You all are entitled to your opinions and I respect you for it. It's helps us to grow in our business so thank you!

As far as the background, my customers love it, my candles are selling and so if it's not broke why fix it! I spent years making candles that contained dye, taking pictures with different color backgrounds, etc. etc. I have been down the road you all have mentioned but I have to honestly say when I changed over to dye free candles...sales increased, when I had professional pictures taken...sales increased. Although, it wasn't expensive to have the pictures taken it was definitely money I would have preferred to put elsewhere. It took me 10 years to have professional pictures done and in the end it was worth it. I can definitely agree with many of you with the background. The d**n photographer used some shiny fabric that I did not like but unfortunately it was too late.

Someone mention spending the money verses a digital camera...the photographer charged $15.00 a pose and it included hi-res digital copies on CD (FREE) as well as 1-10x13, 2-8x10's, 2-5x7 and 4-3.5x5 prints. This is a company that is nationwide!

Because of the small changes I have made in my business I now have professional sales reps representing my product line something I didn't have before, my business is growing and I'm providing my clients with what they want. At the end of the day is about business, producing a quality product and educating my customers about their purchase.

Some may disagree with my approach in the content on my website and that's fine. But I'm just like everyone else doing business. You have competitors and in business you have to explain why this customer should buy from you verses your competitor. I'm sure many of you have purchased candles from Wal-mart, Target and any other store out there and has brought it home to compare to your candles...and by far I bet your candles were better than those. Heck, I do it. And as a candle maker you can tell the difference.

I'm not here to go back and forth with any of you as I have seen happen on this board with people simply trying to network with others in the industry and obtain feedback. I have gone to several of your websites and I could critique each one about something but the bigger picture is you worked hard to illustrate your hard work, your talent, etc. what gives me the right to tear you down over something you worked so hard at doing? It's one thing in offering suggestions and it's another when you intentionally are just being rude and insensitive.

I thank you for taking the time to view the pictures and your critiques. Have a wonderful weekend! :)


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