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when will this testing end?

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Ok so I was looking around my house and see nothing but a sea of candles.....I mean candles everywhere!!! So I thought how many test candles have I made? Well I starting counting my test sheets(not to mention that some batches of candles I did not do test sheets) OMG I had over 50 test sheets......

I would like to think that this testing has made me some progress but I still have not been satisfied with my wax..... I have continued to play around with my second 50 lbs of GW 444 and cannot get a decent top not matter what I do. (lower pour temp, add co, heat gun, etc...) Then I tried EZ soy still horrible tops. ( tried CO with that too). Then I tried EcoSOYA CBA and Loved the tops beautiful candles BUT poor CT/HT :sad2: . Ok so then I tried 12 oz GW 444 with 4oz CBA little improvement but rough tops....

ok to make a long story short I now have broke down and ordered a parasoy and GW 464. I also ordered 10 lbs of GW 444 to see if I can get the same great results i first got with the first batch of 444. Hopefully this 3 order of 444 will be as great as my first order. I am really crossing my fingers that my 2nd order was just a FLUKE and hoping GW 444 is the wax for me. Out of all my testing the only postive thing was getting the wicking and i would hate to start over with wicking a new wax.

I do not even want to add all the $$$$ spent on testing.... I am almost out of jars etc.... How long did some of you guys have to test. How much did you go through? My husband said not to worry this is the "Research and development" phase of a great product. He has sooo much confidence that he is already working a marketing ideas and a website....I do not even have a great product yet!!!! I know it will still be awhile before I can start selling until then my testing sheet log is getting bigger and bigger.

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OMG ! That message could have been written by me.....I am thinking exactly the same thing. I am sure almost everyone has gone through this stage, which is why I am not giving up. Also, why I have 2 more different waxes arriving today :yay:

I used to get really mad when yet another candle dissapointed me, still do, (and so sick of every surface in the house littered with half-melted candles) but now since reading something someone else wrote I think on the lines of an expensive hobby, or spending less than someone who smokes etc. :rolleyes2 , but a hobby that will have a productive outcome eventually.

This is my year....this is my year.....this is my year....!!


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I hope this doesn't add to the frustration, but just about the time you "think" your done testing...you order a new fo, or try a new container, or worse yet a new wax. We don't like to get bored just pouring, so we push ourselves into yet more testing! I've been testing for over 5 yrs so don't feel bad. Yes I started selling this year (a real business...not just friends & family), but that was after 4 years of what I'd prefer to call "playing with soy!"

Oh, and try to look at the ones that didn't come out perfect in your eyes and say to yourself...I'm proud that I made that, because I'm sure it's better than most of the factory made candles on the market.:highfive:

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because I'm sure it's better than most of the factory made candles on the market.:highfive:

That's for sure. I have also spent too much on "name brand" candles to see why they were so much better than mine.....they are also sitting around half-melted with a "crap, do not use anymore" sticker on them, LOL.

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Thanks....I am so glad this is normal.....I see every little defect in my candles that most people would never notice....heck 3-4 mos ago I would have known no different. My new favorite thing when I go somewhere is to check out other candles in stores for defects... frosting, jar adhesion, bubbles, then I don't feel so bad,:laugh2:

BTW my candles smell great they just look crappy but I'll get it.


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Hi purebliss (may I call you pure?) :grin2:

Testing really never ends, it only takes an occasional break. Usually it's because we like to test new FOs, but mostly it's due to the relentless pursuit of the perfect candle. I suppose testing could potentially end, but only if one tests a finite number of FOs, uses the same jars, wicks, FOs, wax, etc and is satisfied with a finite number of scents. Testing though is required if using a new wax, or wicks from a different supplier, or any change.

Good luck and tally ho! geek

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whew its not just me either lol hubby says jeeze going on 2.5 years I would think you would have a product to sell by now, but I just keep saying good things come to those who wait. I would rather have my name attched to something good then something not good. I am so close but when I get to like the 3rd re test of the same thing the results are not even close to what it was b4 so I go back to the drawing board per say.

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EEEK, I haven't even ordered any product, yet, I'm still reading the boards and supplier websites and trying fit time in for my other addiction "candy wrapping and designing".

I'm compiling a list of all the suppliers, who has what for what price, where they're located (looking at the shipping costs, and I'm about ready to say bump this), etc... then reading up on everyone here techniques, opinions, tips and tricks,

So far I've come to the conclusion that I'll start with the soy wax sampler and wick sampler from C&S, haven't quite come to an conclusion which fragrances I'll start with, I have decided on the 2,4,6,8, and 10 oz tins and the 5 and 10 oz apothecary jars to start with (in what order I dunno!!!), uggh,

And I have the nerve to try and fit this in with setting up a new pos software, re-doing my website, and advertising for my existing party and favors biz. At first adding personalized candles and B&B products sounded cool, then reality set in and now I just have one big headache 24/7. I haven't spent a penny towards the candles and b&b yet so I can only imagine how big this headache is going to get once I do.

Wishing you all luck and much success with your testing .

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I have decided on the 2,4,6,8, and 10 oz tins and the 5 and 10 oz apothecary jars to start with (in what order I dunno!!!), uggh

May I strongly suggest you pick one to start with? Starting with that list is enough to give you a coronary before you get just one of them fully tested. If you buy multiple shapes and sizes to start with thinking you'll just pick one at the beginning, before you know it, you'll have one of each (and usually multiple FOs as well) sitting there saying to yourself... what a mess! Been there, done that :laugh2:

Best advice I've ever seen given anywhere on this forum is to start simple. One shape, one size, a couple FO's. When it's fully tested, pick another size.

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ok i know I will always probably be testing.... new fo, jars, etc.... what I eager to accomplish is a WAX..... I am having the worst luck with the waxes. I realize soy is inconsistent depending on each crop but I want to "meet in the middle" on a wax. Thanks everyone for your imput..... I guess I justed needed some encouragement.:grin2:

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I keep trying to tell my BF I am still testing and not quite ready to sell but he doesn't understand completely how much goes into it. I too started off with too much (too many jars, waxes and fo's) and it got overwhelming. This weekend I think I will just start over with 1 or 2 jars and make my mind up on wax. :shocked2:

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I love to test...I have been making candles for 8 yrs. now..started out with just paraffin...I only sold 8 scents back then...now look at the selection..wow! I do sell..but only the scents that I have tested(in soy) which is about 45 now in the last 5 years...I just ordered a few more and am testing now.I have 415 down ok..I just tell ppl that soy isn't perfect(tops) like paraffin and that's what to expect if you want a natural candle.I have been testing palm wax..so far i like the looks but don't like how hot and fast they burn.I am going to try double wicking to see if it still get's too hot.If it does that is in the ditch.

Testing never ends..which is good for me..it is a challenge and gives me something to look forward too.:grin2:


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Well I have been testing all day and making more candles....and now that i have read all these replies. I am looking at it differently. I must admit I am getting better. I know what neighborhood to start as far as wicking, pour temps, etc...

We jumped right in too fast. I already have 45 scents, tons of supplies, jars, wicks, equipment, etc.... I guess with that said Its no wonder I am overwhelmed!!! But it is fun. I am so addicted everyday I am thinking of what i can try next. The pressure is on and I cannot turn back now, I am knee deep in wax:laugh2: . We have invested tons of $$$$$ and hoping it will pay off one day but be sure I will make sure I have a quality product and everything I am tempted to sell will be tested! thanks everyone.

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Too bad there wasn't a grant we can get to cover the cost of R&D. HaHa:highfive: People keep bugging me to sell but I want everything to be right when that time comes. I think that testing will be an ongoing effort as long as we make candles.

Ah, yes, GRANTS WOULD BE GREAT, wouldn't they?! I just started making candles in mid December and I'm hooked! I would like to eventually sell and already have some candles that are doing very well, quite to my surprise! But, I've already spent alot more money on this stuff than I thought I would in this short of time! But, hey, it's fun and therapeutic, for me anyway. Although, it does get frustrating at times.

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May I strongly suggest you pick one to start with? Starting with that list is enough to give you a coronary before you get just one of them fully tested. If you buy multiple shapes and sizes to start with thinking you'll just pick one at the beginning, before you know it, you'll have one of each (and usually multiple FOs as well) sitting there saying to yourself... what a mess! Been there, done that :laugh2:

Best advice I've ever seen given anywhere on this forum is to start simple. One shape, one size, a couple FO's. When it's fully tested, pick another size.

Satin, Excellent advice! When I first decided to try candlemaking and found Candlescience and their great prices, I was so tempted to just load up my shopping cart! But, fortunately, it was before Christmas so, I had to be careful w/$. Also, I know how I am when it comes to a new hobby or idea and get myself in way over my head immediately. So, I took it slow w/2 waxes, two molds, wick sampler pack and 3-4 FO's. Thank goodness I did! Because at that time, I had no clue how much testing and re-adjusting pour temps, FO amounts, wick sizes......oh how you all know the list goes on:grin2: . However, I am so glad I got into making soy candles and absolutely love it, well, let's just say I'm a soy candle addict now.:P ALSO, THANKS TO ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR GREAT ADVICE AND TIPS!!!!

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Well I have been testing all day and making more candles....and now that i have read all these replies. I am looking at it differently. I must admit I am getting better. I know what neighborhood to start as far as wicking, pour temps, etc...

Once you have that wick close, you can pour several different scents in the same size jars and get a bunch tested at once. I usually make 2 of each scent for testing, one for myself and one to give to one of my testers. I want to make sure of burn results myself, but I want other opinions on scent and HT. I would stick with 1 jar until you get that down...then add a 2nd.

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