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** What's in your pot this week/end? **

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Hopefully $$$$ for me :) This weekend is my first full fair - 2 days. It's the one on the Rogue River, and it's such a nice setting. Last year I did great, so hopefully this year will be the same. This afternoon is setup.

What's up with you - anyone making something new? Any interesting tests? Have a great weekend!

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This weekend is orbs, orbs and more orbs. Or.......if the darn big wax melter I have to do them in, doesn't work in the way I want, then I shall spend the weekend listing that in the classies lol

I'm trying to get it level at the mo, but I think they will end up more as bowls than orbs as I don't have a lot of wax in it.

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Right, edit to that, NOT orbs :(

The wax melter has 5kg (all I could afford) of 5055 in and its giving me about 1 1/2inches, I need about another 20kg of wax in it at least.

I'm going to have to go and get some metal buckets instead and try and sell this somehow.

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In my pot is some cold EZ Soy waiting to be turned into 8 oz jelly jar testers, but I don't know if I'll get to them since we're leaving town. :embarasse I'm thinking of bringing along supplies to work on lip products while we're gone. I must be an addict if I want to work on week-ends away from home.

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Pouring up some new scents; Pumpkin Cheesecake, Tropic of Cancer, Red Velvet Cake, Herbes de Provence, Nag Champa & Downy's Lavender Vanilla. Also got a sample of Iced Gingerbread :drool: from Southern Soapers. OMG it's scrumptious! Can't wait to get it poured up.

Wishing lots of luck to those with shows this weekend!!!


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I am finishing up gathering all my candles and soaps for a show this weekend. I hope it goes well. This will be my first show of the year. Looks like there is going to be lots of competition with 150 vendors. But at least I have shade all day. Wishing everyone luck with any shows!!!!

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Open house on Sat...you think they'd mind if I pour while they look? My DH would kill me!! Oh well, I've been pouring for 4 days straight (all those samples!) and I think I need a couple of days away from the smells.

GOOD LUCK to eveyone doing shows this weekend!!!

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Woohoo! Got my first feather palm wax pillar wholesale order!

43 - 3" & 24 - 6" pillars

Plus a new private label customer for specialty jar candles and 20+ feather palm wax pillars!

Plus having my new labels for my B&B line printed up! I don't have to print them myself! Yipppeeee!!!

Other than that, yard work! Now that the 2 months of continuous rain has gone, my yard is dying for MORE water!! Ugg!

Happy candle pouring to everyone and good luck at the shows/fairs!


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Butt Naked....Butt Naked & Fuzzy Navel..:grin2:

Two of our newest Scents...can't keep the Butt Naked on the shelf!!!!!


(David's Wife):yay:

Isn't Butt Naked great! I love it and Monkey Farts and I'm not really into the fruity scents, but these tropical smelling ones I like.

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working on some pillars for a hostess gift for a baby shower. Might throw in some lotion sticks - both scented with Lily of the Valley. (baby's name is Lily)

And then there is the dozen new FOs I got in the past week that need testing.:grin2:

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Pouring up some new scents; Pumpkin Cheesecake, Tropic of Cancer, Red Velvet Cake, Herbes de Provence, Nag Champa & Downy's Lavender Vanilla. Also got a sample of Iced Gingerbread :drool: from Southern Soapers. OMG it's scrumptious! Can't wait to get it poured up.

Wishing lots of luck to those with shows this weekend!!!


Hey Rena! I've been dying to try the Iced Gingerbread from Southern Soapers! I make gingerbread cookie man soap bars and was planning on getting some in a couple of weeks. Are you making soap or candles? I am hoping that is works in both as I want to have matching gingerbread soap and candles.

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back to the drawing board, no orbs.

so, lots of paperwork, want to get all my notes, (gots books full) onto uniform paper and typed up in a binder.

Then got a few samples to test, fresh cut roses, luscious vanilla, cinnamon, white musk and strawberry supreme (that smells divine, can't wait to try that)

Then got a few mini apple pies to wick and test.

busy busy busy

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Hey Rena! I've been dying to try the Iced Gingerbread from Southern Soapers! I make gingerbread cookie man soap bars and was planning on getting some in a couple of weeks. Are you making soap or candles? I am hoping that is works in both as I want to have matching gingerbread soap and candles.

Hey Candybee! Wish I could help you out on the soap part, but have only tried the Iced Gingerbread in candles so far. I use Eco 135 and at .5 oz. pp, it knocks your socks off. I'm seriously thinking about dropping my current gingerbread and replacing it with this one. It's truly excellent!


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Hey Candybee! Wish I could help you out on the soap part, but have only tried the Iced Gingerbread in candles so far. I use Eco 135 and at .5 oz. pp, it knocks your socks off. I'm seriously thinking about dropping my current gingerbread and replacing it with this one. It's truly excellent!


Thanks Rena! I use CB135 too so if it works in that it should be fine in M&P too! Been looking for a new gingerbread fragrance and its sounds devine!

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I did a three day show this weekend. Setup in the pouring rain and one of my tables died but my church one I used.

VERY hot and humid but my candles held up pettry well for soy and that made me happy. Didn't male a lot of sales but I got a new wholesale account on the my clamshells so I'm happy!:yay:

Now to pour for the next show which is this coming weekend. Another 3 day show!


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I have a huge "to pour" list that I can't seem to stay on top of, which is typical during market season. Need to pour Pears & Berries, Drakkar, Hot Fudge Brownie, White Cake, and Gardenia in paraffin. In the soy dept., gotta make BNB and Lavender Vanilla. Then it's on to pouring new fall scents. Trying to build up stock for upcoming fall shows and such.

Then I need to make several batches of fall/holiday soaps. Made 9 pounds of pumpkin soaps last night. Apple soaps are next.

Experiments? I'm doing several soap batches that are all the same except for the addition of different milks. One has GM, one has CM, one has sheep's milk, one will have buttermilk. Should be fun to test side-by-side. The mad scientist in me thinks so, anyway. :grin2:

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