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I really hate posting negative comments - it seems vicious and I hate conflict. However after much thought about how I used to handle situations at my old customer service job, I decided to post as my complaint would have been so simple to fix.

Tradewinds shipped half of my (very small) order due to a couple of oils out of stock. Their policy as stated on the website says that if an oil is out of stock and is not listed as such on the website, they will attempt to call or email you for further instructions (to ship or hold order). Well, I never received an email or phone call. And I would have held the order - I'm in no rush and could avoid paying double shipping. When I emailed Tradewinds to ask about this, NO REPLY. Seriously. Even a reply stating they refuse to correct the matter would be better than simply ignoring a customer.

This was a small test order, just checking out quality of oils. I don't mind errors (we're all human after all), its the fact that they wont acknowledge my inquiry about the error. TW blew it on customer service alone, and I'll never order again.

Another lady's response:

Well, after long month of unreturned phone calls and unanswered e-mails I gave up and left a message for them that I want my order OR a refund, otherwise I will be filing a case with paypal and FBI internet fraud unit (I do have contact with them if anyone needs it).

I got my refund the same day. Of course I don't have the fragrances I desperately needed, but they don't care about that.

I will never order from that company ever again - all 3 times I ordered were a nightmare. Companies who do not care about the customer do not deserve our business, imo.

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Could you get the contact info? I am now waiting to hear back from paypal about my claim. I'm sure TW's knows that I have a problem and they haven't responded to the claim either. I'm so mad!

Actually I just cut and pasted the information I found on Tradewinds. A username of Birdlady on the scent review board is the one that has this contact info. Maybe you could contact her there somehow. It's too bad that someone could somehow let the company that makes Select Shades what kind of distributor Tradewinds is.

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I too can not get a hold of them. Ordered 2 pounds of Patch Raz and it is bad... get a horrible fuel type of smell. Have emailed and called to no avail. Get a fax when I call, not even an answering machine. I even left a review about how bad the oil was and have yet to get anything back from them. I wonder if we all got together and filed a law suit if we could get anywhere. I also want others to be warned not to do business with them. I even emailed them to say these things happen.. just refund my money or get me replacement oils. Whats the big deal.. it happens to all of us somewhere along the line.

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Ordering from a slow shipper is one thing. Not having the order in stock for an endless amount of time is another story. There are many suppliers that I like out there that happen to ship slowly. They are very busy, but my order arrives and the customer service is great. I have no problem with that. I have a HUGE problem when a supplier ignores my emails, fails to communicate, and does not have my item(s) in stock. I have always received my orders quickly from Tradewinds. However, so many people have horror stories from this company. I am going to find another supplier for colorants ASAP.

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I had someone pm me the phone number that was used when tradewinds registered their site and that number was also not working. I just tried calling the number on their site and it's like a fax number.

I don't know what else to do. I'm actually hearing from people who ordered on Sunday and already got their orders. I don't get it! I'm so pissed off. Nothing like this has ever happened to me.

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Ordering from a slow shipper is one thing. Not having the order in stock for an endless amount of time is another story. There are many suppliers that I like out there that happen to ship slowly. They are very busy, but my order arrives and the customer service is great. I have no problem with that. I have a HUGE problem when a supplier ignores my emails, fails to communicate, and does not have my item(s) in stock. I have always received my orders quickly from Tradewinds. However, so many people have horror stories from this company. I am going to find another supplier for colorants ASAP.

Ditto and Yikes! I've never had a problem, but don't want to test my luck, either. Sorry this happened to so many. It's a shame because they have (or had) great products.

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I had someone pm me the phone number that was used when tradewinds registered their site and that number was also not working. I just tried calling the number on their site and it's like a fax number.

I don't know what else to do. I'm actually hearing from people who ordered on Sunday and already got their orders. I don't get it! I'm so pissed off. Nothing like this has ever happened to me.

I got my order today.

Try faxing them at that number and see if you get a response

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I have only ordered from Tradewinds once, about 4 yrs ago.

It took F O R E V E R to get my order. I was so annoyed.

Plus they don't answer emails. This is huge pet peeve of mine, even if the oils they offer are free, answer a dang email, will you? If a supplier doesn't answer my emails, I will replace them. No question about it.

I have avoided Select Shades because of my first experience with this company, and I love Cybilla's colorants.

Whiffandsniff, I commend you for warning everyone about this shabby at best customer service.

There is no excuse for poor business practices, PERIOD.

What really fries my a$$ about this is that they have the nerve to charge shipping like that when two lousy pounds of oil could fit into a flat rate box. Unbelievable! :mad:

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Not to get off track, but I went to the Scent Review Board to read that thread and tried to register and it said my email was banned :( and I've never even been there before...:( That is so not cool.

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Not to get off track, but I went to the Scent Review Board to read that thread and tried to register and it said my email was banned :( and I've never even been there before...:( That is so not cool.

I think I read they have a rule about not accepting free email accounts.

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