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Summer Off = Soaping Again


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School is finally over and I'm back at soaping again. It feels good. :grin2: Here's what I've been up to latelyl

Clove EO, a customer request, swirled with a little rhassoul clay and a pinch of ground cloves for interest.


Next, is my latest batch of BRV.


Finally, a clay soap! I've been wanting to try a clay soap for a long time and finally had everything I needed. Bottom layer is Rhassoul and top is French Green and the bars have been dusted with a little dry rhassoul. Soap is an olive, coconut, AKO, cocoa butter, babassu, and macadamia recipe that's scented with Bulgarian Lavender with a touch of Ylang Ylang III.


This soap's a little soft, but that didn't keep me from slicing off a small chunk and trying it out in the shower. I actually used some on my face (haven't used soap on my face for about a year - been sticking with oil cleansing) and it felt good. I think I'll be very pleased with it once it's fully cured. Now I'm going to have to make more clay soaps! Just what I need, another addiction. :embarasse

Thanks for looking!

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Thanks so much for your nice remarks everyone! I do appreciate them. :yay:

You cannot possibly cut those by hand... you must have a cutter because they are perfectly shaped.

Misty Creek slab mold + big cutter bar + one eagle eyed husband = even bars!

I have tried many times to cut them as even as he can and it's just not happening for me. :embarasse I squish all the trimmings into a ONE soap ball from the straightening and beveling when he does the cutting. But when I do the cutting I never get the edges perpendicular and I wind up with THREE soap balls for each batch. :rolleyes2

I even bought a "tank" for the rare occasion when I do a log or a round soap so the bars have a chance of looking good. That's how desperately bad I am at cutting...

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Thanks so much for your nice remarks everyone! I do appreciate them. :yay:

Misty Creek slab mold + big cutter bar + one eagle eyed husband = even bars!

Misty Creek slab mold + big bar cutter + 1 level = fairly even bars (it's an improvement anyway).

I need another 9-bar kelsei.

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