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how do you stir?

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Do you use a presto pot? Don't you scratch the pot with a metal spoon?

I dont stir in my presto - I use those just to melt my waxes - I use my whatchermacallits (you guys know they come in 4lb and 2lb sizes -rofl) to mix my scents and colors.

I use pyrex measuring cups to get out my wax and measure it before putting it in the whatchermacallits.

okay I am dunce - whatchermacallits = pouring pots..lmao

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Metal kabob skewers.. has a loop at the end. Bought 4 six years ago and still using them. Plus can be used to poke relief holes in pillars.

I use these too. I find the loop end stirs in everything very well.

Pam F

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I used a long "chefs spoon" from the restaurant supply for the longest time. I found a silicone whisk somewhere and use it most of the time now. (unless the pour pitcher is too full....hence back to the long spoon)

I checked out the metal whisks from Sam's Club. They are weighted nicely and mix well with very little effort but it sure whips alot of air into the wax quickly! ( I guess that is what all those tiny bubbles were when I poured the wax)

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  • 3 weeks later...
I do wipe them off immediately after use, but the wood holds the color and the scent. Probably because they are a cheap wood.

I am thinking I like the plastic spoon idea. :D

I used to use an old metal spoon but recently started using popsicle sticks. I don't know if it's my imagination but the candle doesn't smell as strong as before. I had wondered if the wood had absorbed any of the scent.

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I use the wooden kabob thingys from Wally World as well. They're a bit shiny like they're coated with something. They don't absorb color or FO. If I get a lump of wax around the middle from stirring cool wax, I zap them with the heat gun.

A pair of them rubberbanded together works great for holding wicks tight as well. Not to mention they're good for poking relief holes or wick tester holes in containers. I'd be lost without them! :D

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  • 3 years later...
is it wise to use an electric mixer? has any one tried?

I admit I haven't tried, but I wouldn't use a mixer due to the possibility of entraining air in the wax. Not to mention the high probability that sooner or later I'd pull the mixer out of the melt pot while it's still running. Ouch!!

I use paint stir sticks, free from the hardware store.

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I use a non-stick slotted spoon that allows the wax to flow through instead of around. I have used a hand mixer and didn't find that it added air bubbles but it didn't do any better than just stirring with my easy to clean slotted spoon. I've been using that spoon (think serving spoon with slots) for years now lol. I keep it in my pour pot and stir after each candle I pour to insure that the fo has not settled. I also keep my oven thermometer in the pour pot (has the long silver cord attached to the thermometer) to make sure my temp stays the same. Works real nice. HTH.


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