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Why you should not dream of candles.


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It's interesting, definitely creative, maybe another color would be better though, just not sure about those colors you have. Funky colors (like purple, green, hot pink or teal and brown or brown and pink etc.) maybe??

I have no idea how you did that, but it's amazing what we can come up with in our dreams huh? ;)

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I know different colors would be great but I was looking more to see if it could be done. So I just grab up a ball candle already sitting here and used some straight beeswax for the effect. I can see in my mind a lot of other different design using lines of wax.

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OK here ya go for honesty lol ...

Very interesting concept, but I don't like the overdip and I think the lines are too thick, but man you could have lots of fun with this. I am ignoring the colors (cuz I think that was implied lol). I was thinking they looked somewhat like Christmas ornamental balls before the razzle dazzle is added to them.

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I was thinking they looked somewhat like Christmas ornamental balls before the razzle dazzle is added to them.

My 1st thought was pumpkin...

I love the way you are thinking 'out of the box'... I'm anxious to see more ideas. I think it looks pretty cool!

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Okay, maybe it's just me, but it looks a little....female? I love the idea, and it's really neat, the pattern is just bugging me a little. Anyone else see what I'm talking about?

Amy is right...there is something "female" about it.

Vicky you can call it "Mother Earth". :grin2:

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Oh that is funny LOL Well sure as heck would not make some thing male I have to many of that in my life now.

Well either you guys are not being very honest or no one has the opinion of me. My opinion while this was fun and I can see some thing I could do to make it better that damn thing is ugly. It does have great potential for future creativity. The lines do need to be thinner.

I also think if set up right would make a good project for kids. That is kind of what I was looking for I have my son 24/7 for almost 3 weeks over xmas break and I like to have projects he can do at my shop with out having to drag a bunch of stuff from home.

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Okay, maybe it's just me, but it looks a little....female? I love the idea, and it's really neat, the pattern is just bugging me a little. Anyone else see what I'm talking about?

Nope...not just you. Was the first thing I saw when Vicky posted, lol.

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Okay, maybe it's just me, but it looks a little....female? I love the idea, and it's really neat, the pattern is just bugging me a little. Anyone else see what I'm talking about?

I was refraining from replying to this thread because I couldn't think of a delicate way to say that. :D But, it's definetley not just you.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Vicky....if you don't have a dream then how will you make a dream come true (smile).....you definately have something going on....it does remind me of a carmel apple too. Now that you have figured out the technique you can play with other colors and shapes or whatever. I think it is fun to invent new things...good for you. Donita

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