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** What's in your pot this week/end? **

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Yay, another Friday! But what is it, only 70 some days 'til Christmas? Yikes :)

What's going on in your pots this weekend? For me it will be 2 batches of tooth soap, and in soap garden rose, cranberry creek, and a bunch of bubble powder for an order - I found a customer that doesn't want it by the ball, she wants bags of the stuff :)

And you might even find me doing some 2" pillars. Spiced Cranberry I think.

Have a great weekend!

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First of all it has been a very long and stressful week, so tonight I think I am going to sail away with Captain Morgan or maybe go to Margarittaville. Tomorrow-in the pm- planning on being on couch in am- it is finish tarts and votives. Maybe Sunday before all three of my grandaughters' Christenings I may dip a few bears.

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Well, I've not poured for two weeks now...waiting for hubby to get my craft room finished. It was previously a storage room with no drywall and a concrete floor as it is down in the basement. Needless to say, it is coming along slowly. So tonight, I am going to have him set me up in the rec room downstairs with a big table, my presto pot and all my stuff. I have two different shows coming up...one on Dec 1 and one on Dec 2. YIKES:shocked2: And I have loads of containers waiting to be filled. So my goal this weekend will be to fill all the christmas tins I bought last weekend, all the christmas mugs, and a couple dozen jelly jars. Plus I just got in a big shipment of fragrance and wicks, so I'm all set. Not sure what all I will be pouring, but the only time my pot will be empty will be when I am cleaning it out for the next batch :D Have a great and productive weekend everyone!

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First of all it has been a very long and stressful week, so tonight I think I am going to sail away with Captain Morgan or maybe go to Margarittaville. Tomorrow-in the pm- planning on being on couch in am- it is finish tarts and votives. Maybe Sunday before all three of my grandaughters' Christenings I may dip a few bears.

Mmmmmm Captain Morgan take me away. And how precious your grandaughters are getting christened. How old are they?

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Well, I have a big craft show tomorrow, so nothing going on tomorrow, but Sunday, I'll be making Black and Gold candles (for the Pittsburgh Steelers), and Children's Laughter. That's one I created for a local Autistic children's organization, and I don't sell it to anyone else. I need 100 for a fund raiser.

Anyway that's it.


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Votives! Votives! Votives! (That's the one mold I have mastered! :yay: )

I have a lot of sample scents (about 20+) that I need to try out. My favorites so far are Baby Powder and Sage and Lemongrass (both from Peak). The latter being way too fabulous! :meditate:

Have a great weekend everyone.

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Hush about Christmas lol! Still gotta get through Thanksgiving and I hope I get to have a good T-Day meal this year. Generally my real job doesn't allow for it (sniff, sniff).

In the pot for the weekend will be remnants of what was in it to get ready for the big show this weekend AND testing scents for next month, or things I haven't been able to get to, because I haven't been driven. Though my last bout of procrastination really slapped me around lol.

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Today I made a couple container candles for a friend of mine, her requests. One in Sandalwood and the other in Endless Love. I also made myself a tester of the Sandalwood as I havent gotten around to test the FO myself yet.

Tomorrow I plan on working with some beeswax.

I also got some sample jars in from Taylored Concepts today, so I'll be testing those out to see which I want to do for Christmas.

Have a great weekend everyone! :cool2:

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I have 2 big shows coming up in a couple weeks. One last over a week & the other one is 5 days. Got lots to do. I did a dozen 26 oz Christmas Memories & 6 Oatmeal Raisen. I have a lot more to do. I will do what a feel like. I have to be in the mood for the scent, so we will see how I feel tomorrow. LOL

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Well, I have a few container candles to pour and 50 er so votives to wrap up for a wholesale order but that will have to wait til evenings this weekend. My hub has finally given me the okey dokey to finish out the garage! :D This means I'll soon be moving my scattered supplies out of the house and out of my little 50 sq ft work area in the basement into a bigger and brighter 310 sq ft "studio". :D It's not going to be anything really super fancy (I still won't have a window!) - but it's definately going to give me more room to spread out and do those marathon pours! Now instead of only being able to do 50 containers or so, I should be able to do about 1000 in a pour session! I'm soooo excited! I'm movin' up in the world... lol My kids are excited too because now they can have their fooseball table back! lol

Best of luck to you all doing shows! I missed out on all my fall shows last year because of my hub's illness relapsing but I hope to sneak into a few fall shows this year since I lost all my spots last year. :( Have fun, ladies & gents!

Life & Light!


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Chunks chunks and more chunks for my new containers (3 1/2 inch cylinders with lids!)...pumpkin spice, cranberry orange, black cherry, honey spiced grahams, sugared spruce and on and on...I may need to be scraped off the floor when I get done but I'm excited!

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Well, I poured 2 test container candles tonight. Trying the BW in EZ soy

I added some BW pellets to EZ soy and am testing a couple new JS Fo's.

So far, I like the BW added to the Soy. It pours a bit sooner, but the results are better, IMO!

I also bought a new glass container for .97 cents at Walmart. I liked the thick glass and the shape, so I am testing the wick too, and DH says I could do 3 wicks for that jar, we will see!:D

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Hello! This is my first post here!

I just started making tarts - I'm too intimidated to start testing candles yet. This weekend I made tarts in sandalwood vanilla, baby powder, water blossom & ivy, and bergamot mandarin. I'm having a great time and loving burning my own tarts. :)

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