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Where does everyone get their jars??

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There are many places to get jars, so generally I seek to find places that are close to me to lessen the costs of shipping. Two of these are Tenn. CNDL Supply and CNDL Science in N.C. Both are more than a 3 hour drive, so I had them shipped.

There seem to be quite a few suppliers in and around Texas that may fit your needs. Also I think that Alabaster CNDL supply over in Alabama may have some good jars.

Some jars, can sometimes be found locally from walmart, craft stores, dollar stores etc.

Here are a few more links for jars. There are many others.





As always, you will have to consider the cost of jar/lids - shipping and how bad you want it :smiley2: in order to decide if it's the right deal for you.

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I get most of my jars from ...





Also, if you want good candle resources check out my new site http://www.thecandlebuzz.com and click on resoureces...I have tons for everything candle related!

Prim Blessings,


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If you have an Old Time Pottery near you go there. They have great jars at good prices. A great source for mason and jelly jars is Big Lots , plus they have the new pumpkin jar in for only 2.00 wich you cant touch anywhere else if you figure you have to pay shipping. Walmart is also another good but limited source for jars, I buy 2 styles from them. And last but not least is the Thrift Stores! You will be amazed at what you find there. I get some wild containers from Goodwill and Salvation Army.

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