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WOW...I want it all!

Raising Men

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I'm sorry if this post is innapropriate here. I wasn't sure where to put it.

I'm not a soap maker. I found this place because I recently "discovered" that people actually make their own soap. And that it's better for you!! WOW! I was googling unrefined shea butter one day and this site was in the results. (BTW, I did order and just yesterday received unref. shea butter and shea/wild african honey soap from Abanga Karite!)

I am in awe of you folks! I looked at some of the pictures of your soaps in the Gallery--gorgeous! I want it all!

So, here's why I'm here. I will never make my own soap. I do, however, want to enjoy homemade soap. I can't find it around my area. (I live on the Gulf Coast of FL - hurricane country) I also would prefer to support you ladies (& gents) with your own home businesses, rather than large corps.

I love the feel of the shea products I have, but I'm not thrilled with the smell. I would love this quality in something prettier and nicely scented. (Ooh, especially something with lavendar and vanilla, or lemon verbena, and on and on...)

Just reading through here I am thrilled with the pride and care you take in your products. The quality you provide is what I want for my family. I never want to buy store-bought soap/lotion again. SO...

Where can I buy your wares? I can't see where you have websites listed anywhere. Oh, maybe you're not supposed to advertise here?

Again, I'm sorry if this is inappropriate here. I'm a forum newbie, so I hope I haven't broken any etiquette rules. I'm sure I probably overlooked something, either links or rules somewhere. It's all a little overwhelming!


I'm Raising Men

(SAHM of 2 boys ages 13 and 10)

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Welcome! He he, lets see if we can get you hooked on making your own stuff :)

There are a few threads, maybe in the business section, where people list their websites, and some have them in their profiles if you click on their name. There are a number of people from FL, I'm sure they'll pop up and say hi.

There is a FAQ at the top of the forum, and this thread in the board usage forum has some good info as well http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1802

You bought from a great shea supplier - good sleuthing :)

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Cool! Robin, thank you so much! And no, I will definitely NOT be hooked on making my own stuff. (Knock on wood) Just toying with the idea of buying some essential oil to mix with my shea to make it smell better wears me out! Besides, I may be a SAHM, but I homeschool, and that's a full-time job already. Whew!

I appreciate the information. I will check it out! Glad to know I got good stuff. Thanks!!!

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Welcome and you have come to the right place. I started out here posting only for candles.. Then the bug bit and bit HARD ( left a mark) after I was in denial for so long. I only make m&p soap.. I just got my order of shea butter and all that to start making butters!!!! I don't even really like doing candles anymore. Is that sad or what??

Glad you found us.. I am new to the B&B so I won't be able to help you much but many here ( who have already chimed in on this thread) will be able to help you through a lot .. I will just be your cheerleader as I am really not much help as of yet!!!

Christina:highfive: :yay:

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:wave: Hi and Welcome!! I'm a fellow Gulf Coaster


Where are you on the coast?? You can pm me if you'd like, if you don't feel comfortable sharing that on the board. I'm east of Bradenton/Sarasota and have 3 boys of my own (AKA my 3 sons 6, 9, and 12). You might be surprised the # of people that do make B&B products where we live. I didn't realize either till I got into it. You'll luv CT, I just made candles till I visited on the recommendation of a fellow chandler and the rest is history. I LUV candles BUT am obsessed w/ B&B products ~ right now CP and scrubs.

FYI you can buy something called refined shea, that doesn't have the natural nutty smell of unrefined shea. I have both and have decided to save my Abanga Karite for soaps and refined for shea butters (as I don't care for the smell either and haven't found any scents that cover the natural smell). Shea is AWESOME along with Bunny's Bath Melts. That's not a real big seller here for me but is AWESOME for conditioning sun drenched skin.

So look around and have fun (but look out for that B&B bug, its always looking for its next victim ;) ) AND your right their's some AWESOME pro's on ths site!

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I'm in Orlando/Kissimmee. My website is http://munkeystuff.com and welcome to the board

OMGosh Julia, I wished I'd have know that several years back. We did the family vacation to Disney World!!!!!! If I even DARE to give that idea a try again, I will surely look you up. SheilaW is in Florida too so we could make it a get together!!!!

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Wow, thanks ladies! All so welcoming! But it's funny, you're all talking as if I'm going to be making soap someday. LOL Nope! Not gonna happen. Not *this* chick. I don't have the time nor the inclination. Uh-uh. I'll leave it to you pros. I just want to sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labors!

Now I need to go look at your sites. Decisions, decisions!

Maryann - Hiya Coastie! I tried to PM you but my access was denied. I guess I'm too new. I didn't try and see if I could e-mail you, but I'll do that next. I love the way this shea makes me feel, but the smell is not all that. Luckily, I can't smell it anymore after I put it on. My 10 yr old son has some pretty scaly skin, so I bet it would do wonders for him, if he can get past the smell! It's not *horrid*, just not pleasant. Anyway, I'll try to e-mail you now.

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Cool! Robin, thank you so much! And no, I will definitely NOT be hooked on making my own stuff. (Knock on wood) Just toying with the idea of buying some essential oil to mix with my shea to make it smell better wears me out! Besides, I may be a SAHM, but I homeschool, and that's a full-time job already. Whew!

I appreciate the information. I will check it out! Glad to know I got good stuff. Thanks!!!

Woohoo!! Homeschooling rules!!! I put in 5 years of it. And it was worth every minute I spent with her!!:yay: Keep up the hard work, it is soooo worth it.

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Raising Men, I think the reason so many talk as if you'll eventually make soap is because a LOT of us, when we first heard about lye soapmaking, swore we'd never do it. Now look at us. ROFL

I am constantly saying, "I love making x and y, but I will NEVER make z." Then after hanging around the folks on the boards here, and listening to them swoon over making z, my resolve weakens and I start making z too. In massive quantities.

Seriously, these guys are a BAD influence. Get out now while you can. :laugh2:

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Welcome, I am always impressed that someone has the patience to home school. I am counting the days to "send" mine to school:cheesy2:

I have many products which contain shea butter, in addition, I have shipped shea body butter and also have Lavender Vanilla.

If you stick around long enough you might get bitten by the bug



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Hello and welcome!!

I got hooked on shea butter and haven't turned back. My husband and son use it all the time. I've found that some scents are better (and more popular around the house) than others. I make mine with shea oil; my favorite.

Have you made any butter yet or are you still looking for supplies?

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