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Sorry so many ?s

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I searched the archives. cant find the answer.

I measure in a shot glass - is it ok just rinse the glass out and wipe with papertowel then use for multiple FOs. Our can I put the glass in the dishwasher. It would be most convienent if I could just use the one glass wipe and reuse. Thanks again - and if you all get bored with basic ?s Im sooo sorry. I just really want to make the best candle I can --- you all are my teachers. Thanks again :)

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I weigh out my FO in a glass Pyrex measuring cup. I keep my sink full of soapy water when I'm making candles. After I've poured out one FO, I just wash the measuring cup in my sink full of soapy water, dry, and use it for the next batch.

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I have 4 little metal pitchers that I rotate. By time I've gotten all 4 dirty, I'm generally through with my candle making, for that session. Then I just rinse them real good and stick them in the oven like I do to clean a mold.

Like everything else, you have to figure out what's gonna work best with the way YOU work. :)

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If I were you I would NEVER wash my FO measuring cup...eventually you will end up with what we like to call in the industry the "dying the egg black syndrom"

There is a vast untapped market of teenagers who aren't in their right mind anyway that I'm sure would think it was really "cool" to have a candle that smelled like..well thats the point we don't know what it smells like...we haven't washed the FO cup since 83'.

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I searched the archives. cant find the answer.

I measure in a shot glass - is it ok just rinse the glass out and wipe with papertowel then use for multiple FOs. Our can I put the glass in the dishwasher. It would be most convienent if I could just use the one glass wipe and reuse. Thanks again - and if you all get bored with basic ?s Im sooo sorry. I just really want to make the best candle I can --- you all are my teachers. Thanks again :)

My answers is becuase I make tarts and don't go through the same thing you guys do... But I use a plastic cup (small) to pour and weight my FO in. When I am done- I toss it in the trash.

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I use oyster cups (wall mart just had them on clearance for 10 cents) - have a bunch - just wipe them out with paper towel...

As to using the plastic disposable cups, be careful - the fo might just eat it up if you don't use it quickly enough! My very 1st attempt at making candles I used a dixie cup to weigh the fo....left it sitting too long on the scale, the fo ate the cup and my scale :shocked2: It was a disgusting mess...

Ahhhh - live and learn....lol:)

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As to using the plastic disposable cups, be careful - the fo might just eat it up if you don't use it quickly enough! My very 1st attempt at making candles I used a dixie cup to weigh the fo....left it sitting too long on the scale, the fo ate the cup and my scale :shocked2: It was a disgusting mess...

I have days like that. Seems I sometimes get two of them in one day. :rolleyes2

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I went to the Restaurant Supply and purchased 10 small ( 3oz ) stainless "cups". I Tare and measure the FOs I am going to use in these cups. They work great! I clean up everything after I am through pouring for the day.

I have found that the Restaurant Supply has awesome things available for a very low cost.

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