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Everything posted by FaithfulScenter

  1. Well there goes that! I was looking through there warmers, didn't see anything that really jumped out at me. Im specifically looking for the lantern warmers, which I have only seen at Candle Warmers...
  2. Thanks for the info David! I found a site to get plug in, hot plate, and tin style Warner's, but I really like those that look like the old lanterns! I think those would sell well for me. Going to check out Ambiescents!!
  3. That is one of my most popular scents. So much so I had to switch fabric softeners because I was tired of smelling it!! I make a mix, 1 part April Fresh Downy to 2 parts Easter Bunny Burps and call it Sunshine, I seriously think people eat the stuff!! I go through it like crazy!!
  4. LOL!! I tried using a turkey baster when I made "Jelly Bean" tarts, major fail!!
  5. I saw that after I posted this, but you have to have credit references?? I'm going to email them and see what that consists of.
  6. Anyone know where to get these wholesale, or something like it for wayyyyy cheaper?!?! http://www.candlewarmers.com/ProductDetail.aspx?prod=261
  7. I have an exact match to that cart in my kitchen!! It was given to me by my mother in law, it belonged to her mother, I use it for little snacks and such for my boys. I have never seen another one!! How awesome!!
  8. EXACTLY!!! I hadn't been using my local supplier, I just never was in the area, and I just didn't have time to drive 30 minutes when I can just look it up online, while in my jammies sipping coffee. WELL.... I found out 2 weeks ago they put in one of my favorite grocery stores (Sav-a-lot) about 8 blocks from the local supplier. GREAT!! Now my weekly shopping ritual includes an FO smelling session!! Great for me, not so great for DH's wallet
  9. Those are crazy awesome Kelly! Amazing work!!
  10. Your right! Everyone says "Oh, well can you get ________ scent" If they only knew, I go looking for the 1 they want and end up buying 12 more!
  11. It's been 12 hours since I bought a new fragrance, actually I bout 8 new FO's, and I'm fighting with myself not to go look at other suppliers!! It is a horrible sickness!!
  12. Hi, my name is Melissa, I'm 28, and I'm addicted to FO
  13. There was a post a while back that said they have them at Walmart, although I haven't been able to find them. Also I believe they have them at Sam's. HTH!
  14. Candles By Adam Yesterday at 4:01pm HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT COMING UP once I am declared a business and have my vendor's license Very scary!!
  15. Just so happens I've got some borax on hand (I make my own laundry detergent with it!) And of course salt, no cotton string, but ive got yarn, and crayons!! I'm good to go!!
  16. Thought I'd share! http://teotwawkiblog.blogspot.com/2012/02/diy-survival-candles.html
  17. I have the same problem Jill! My station is in the kitchen, I've got an expandable kitchen cart that I store everything on, and I have tons of decorated boxes that I store my FO and supplies in, I keep about 10 lbs of wax in tins, the boxes I keep in my closet. I'm thankful I have a big kitchen that allows me the room to move, but I am looking forward to buying a bigger place, with a garage or a room of my own!
  18. I would go for the "its such a mess" approach, and change the subject. Usually people wont press the issue, if they do just say you really don't want anyone to see it and leave it at that!
  19. I got an Easter Bunny Burps off ebay so not sure who the supplier is, but it is the best "clean" scent I have found, in the shop we renamed it "Sunshine" after Easter and it still sold like crazy!
  20. I do the same thing. I don't have a ton of them though, maybe 20 or so, but I also have some 4 ounce bottles of scents from when I made them in the shop that make me cringe. I should probably do something with that oil before it gets old...
  21. I use soy, GB 415, looks like it has the scabies, but man it smells good!!
  22. I have not compared it to Peaks, it is only the second Sugar Cookie I had tried, the other was bought on Ebay, so I'm not sure who the supplier is. But as far as other Sugar Cookie candles I have smelled, this one blows them out of the water!
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