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Everything posted by Fern-Marie

  1. Hi, I hope you don't mind if I jump in on this and ask Robin a question. I was thinking about buying a pre-made, clear glycerine type soap and adding a skin-safe fragrance to it. Is this do-able? Is this what it's for? I do not want to get overwhelmed with a new project, but would very much like to try it. Can you suggest a good pre-made soap. I saw a sit called Mabel White, but I just am not knowledgeable enough to keep myself from getting disappointed. I really appreciate and value your input on this. Thanks, Fern-Marie
  2. Satin Ducky is correct. I sell mostly all wickless..I do not offer oil to refresh, it would turn to mush after awhile, and inevitably, it would come back to haunt me. Ppl buying candles from you are not candmakers, generally. They do not understand the perfect balance between wax and scent and color....etc. Want more scent, buy another one. There is no profit for you to give oils to refresh wax anyway.
  3. AngelaVA, Hi, where did you gind Lavender Vanilla? I would love to get some. I use the Downy Fab Soft...I just love the scent...is it similar? Thanks, Fern-Marie
  4. lmao this has got to be the most hilarious thread ever. What a great sense of humor amongst our members. Just too funny.
  5. OHHH Jeana, I totally forgot that I had that one...Hansel and Gretel's House. Full bottle, haven't even opened it. You reminded me, but when I went to get it today to mix some up, I found another one that I hadn't used yet either! Thanks for the reminder! I placed an order with them on Monday, it is sceduled for delivery tomorrow! That's the way everyone should do business.
  6. Hi, I was just following up on a post with Laurie who asked about their Christmas Cedar FO. I have a lot of their FO's, not a loser among them. I keep going back! They are very expedicious in getting out their orders! Don't be afraid to try them. Fern-Marie
  7. Let me know how it works out for you. Good luck with your gift making, and new wax.
  8. Hi Laura, I think, well, you can smell the Cedar, but not like a Cedar FO - which I also have. It's just a nice scent, a really good mixture. I don't color mine if I can get away with it. I think the butterscotch would be great...wish I'd thought of of it. I am a soy gal, so I can't help with the FO% but I do believe that mine are 1oz per lb on that one. It's fairly strong, and yes, it is different from anything I have smelled, a definitate original. I sure hope you and your recipients like it. I have almost all of the Candle Science scents. I have all of the Christmas ones. They are all very good. But, it sure is hard to explain a scent to someone! Fern-Marie
  9. I'll bet you got a whole lot of interesting things doing a Bootylicious search! You are a very brave woman. Fern-Marie
  10. Yes, I ordered it as soon as it came out. It is one of my fav's. Though, it is not selling as well as I thought it would. I sent one up to my Mother-in-law. She absolutely loves it...can't get her away from the stuff. Different strokes for different folks, I guess!
  11. Patchouli: PA-CHOO-LEE Don't know about the Nag, I have wondered myself...I don't even know what it is....sorry.
  12. You are just too cool out there on the ranch! You are one smart cookie. Love it.
  13. Seems like you have all tried BCN fragragrances. I have a question. A few years ago, I was making Gel candles. I ordered fragrances from a few companies in order to familiarize myself with them, and see what I liked. Of all of them, the worst smelling ones I had received were from Candles & Supplies. Thinking it was me, I had several other ppl do sniff tests as well. Not one person liked the fragrances, with the exception of a couple of them. I found that they had a strange perfumey undertone to them that the other companies' didn't have. They smelled fake to me. I felt ripped off. One of the fragrances was so bad, that I got physically sick when I opened it. To this day, even thinking about it makes my stomache ache. Now, I see that everyone likes them. I just don't know what to think. I wonder if it is the same as always, or have they gotten a new supplier/manufacturer. I am really perplexed by this. If I am missing something, or something about them has changed from 3 years ago, please tell me. I don't want to misjudge them, they are a really good company, but I am afraid to order FO's from them. Thanks, Fern-Marie
  14. Hi Jeanna, I don't know what wax you are using, but I use TL 15 or TL 18. They DO self trim, and burn from 3-7 hours depending on FO. Good Luck. Fern-Marie
  15. Way to go! Looks like you worked your tail off and it paid off! Kudos!
  16. Ya know, I bought bears several months ago with the intention of dipping them for the holiday season. So what's stopping me? Top. He's putting a major guilt trip on me! I just can't bring myself to do it. For crying out loud, they are stuffed animals! What is wrong with me! Everytime I decide, and pick a day to do it...Top pops into my head. Well, it's Christmas Time. I have a feeling that these babies will end up in the Salvation Army, or Toys for Tots bin. Damn it, Top!
  17. Did I read somewhere that NG Soy is the same as EZ Soy? I need a replacement P.D.Q. for the discontinuation of CBA2. I ordered some, I hope I didn't do a bad thing. I need it for mostly tarts and wickless. I have familiarity with EZ, but not all of my suppliers carry it, and some that do are just too high on shipping for me to justify that to the average consumer. Ideas? Help? Yikes! oh, man, all that work and research...(heavy sigh) Thanks all. Fern-Marie
  18. Yep, I got an e-mail from my supplier after I inquired when it would available. Their response was that NGI has cancelled it and it is no longer available. Seems everyone is out of wax too. I just do not have the time to start re-testing at this late date. I cannot believe that no one gave us a heads up on this one. Really bad PR, in my opinion. Of all the times to cancel, are they kidding! Why couldn't they wait until the seasonal rush was over, or at least suggest what to use in it's place...anything but to leave us hanging like this.
  19. FYI, wax is being discontinued! I just tried to re-order, and was told that NGI is cancelling it. How thoughtful. Thanks a lot NGI for the heads up! Just what I want to do in the height of the season is to have to start re-testing. I'm not gonna panic, I'm not gonna panic... Not to mention, everyone is out of wax, well almost, I had to start somewhere, hello NG! Did someone say that NG's is equivalent to EZ?
  20. NICE set up! Good job. Sorry you didn't have a lot of sales, but each one is a new, learning experience. It will get better. Good luck. I really do love the set up. Fern-Marie
  21. I don't make these, or anything like these but I enjoy reading. Can I just say, If you asked me if I would like mine made with Coconut Oil or Olive Oil, I would pick Olive every time...I mean, not knowing anything, but if someone offered me a choice. Also, if someone has a allergy to nuts, would they be allergic to these? Just curious. Thanks, Fern-Marie
  22. I have to agree, that is about the prettiest little candle I have seen in awhile. I really like it. Looks like it would sell in my area! Embrace the mottling...and make some more!
  23. I'm glad that you are giving them the benefit of the doubt. Based on what some wrote here, I just might check them out myself! I do believe that if they were that bad, there are a couple of ppl here on this thread whom I know would have agreed and advised using another supplier. They did't, and in fact, defended the company. I respect and value their opinions. Based on that, I would be willing to give this company a chance. I think that Mr. Binder's direct response speaks volumes. The company deserves a second look.
  24. Soygirl is right on!! I had a friend who burns Yankee Candles all the time. She had a furnace puff-back and the furnace guy tried to tell her that it was the candles causing all the soon, not a malfunctioning furnace. HER INSURANCE ADJUSTER CAME DOWN AND SAID IT WAS A LOAD OF HOOEY!! Now if the insurance company isn't willing to buy that excuse, and send out the alarm that they are paying tens of thousands of dollars per incident over the burning of candles being mistakenly covered as a puff back...I would say that either he doesn't know what he's talking about, or he's covering his butt. It's a lot easier to blame the candle than it is to actually go and check all the valves and doo-dads. Turned out that there was a FAULTY VALVE that was never noticed needed replacing!! Her furn-ass guy changed the valve, and tried to tell her that it was just a normal maintenance thing he was doing...Liar. The Insurance Adjuster advised my friend to find a new servicer. You will never convince me that burning candles, paraffin or soy, cause so much soot as to be that noticeable in a filtered, frequently changed, AC system. I know I am venting here myself, but this guy could have caused serious damage to my friend's health, for what? to cover that he performed poorly on his job? To say I was livid is an understatement.
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