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Everything posted by Margaritamama

  1. I know this has been dealt with before, but I'm having a hard time search the archives for an answer..... What do the number in a wick specification mean? How do you use those numbers to decide which wick is best for your size candle? Thank you in advance.......
  2. Oh yeah - Gotta love those Kawa's. That candle is great! We used to have a lime green Z750, and your candle brought back memories of my misspent youth......
  3. I have to ask, how is primed flat wick affected by this phenomenon. I use flat waxed, and don't have this problem, is it because my wick is waxed, or would I get a better burn if it were not waxed, but rather flat and twisted. Oh heck, I'm confusing myself now......
  4. Those look great - and I bet they smell divine!!!
  5. HOLY SMOKES!!!! Those are mouthwateringly beautiful.... I can just taste the peach. Well done!
  6. DARNIT PAM, Did you have to go and do that.......... Now I'm really running around like a lunatic.
  7. That is beautiful - and Honeysuckle...Mmmmmmmm
  8. You're welcome Have you tried these things to hold your wick taut? I found they work really well and I've had no problems since I started using them..... http://www.peakcandle.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=PCMS&Product_Code=ACC-WickBar&Category_Code=ACC
  9. As per my pic in the gallery, my newest "invention"... Starrbucks (added the extra "r" in case of copyright) - a mixure of coffee, creme brulee, cinnamon bun, german chocolate cake and vanilla. Believe it or not, this one smells like you've just walked into a coffee shop
  10. I have a question about testing pillars.... During your 3 -4 hr burns, should you extinguish the wick at any time to trim, or do you leave it for the alloted time, extinguish, trim, and then relight?
  11. I don't know if this is the cause of your problem Tucker, but I had a similar problem with my pillars when I first started making them. It seems I was not pulling the wick taut enough before pouring. Now I pull it as tight as I can, and it seems to have helped for me. HTH.
  12. Oh - that is so funny. Those soaps would be great stocking stuffers. When my kids were smaller they would love it when I put "naughty" stuff in their stockings. I used to fill a ziploc bag with malted balls and label it "reindeer poop", and at Easter time I would give them goobers, and label it "rabbit poop". They loved it!!! Kids love anything to do with toilet humor......
  13. OMG that is so funny.... I had that song stuck on my brain all day, and all night, and all morning...... I can't seem to shake it
  14. I think they look perfect!! Sometimes when I have a specific idea in my mind as to how I want my candles to turn out - and they don't - I think they're not very good. I have found that the ones I thought were ugly, everyone else seemed to like. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so they say........
  15. Those are really nice. I have some patchouli FO and have been wondering what color to make them. Never thought of black and white. Excellent combination!!!! Well done......:highfive:
  16. ROFLMAO - Those are so cute!!!! Looks like the real thing.........
  17. Thank you for all the nice comments, on all my attempts..... It's so encouraging for a newbie when "seasoned" candlemakers offer praise. Thank you so much.
  18. I think they look fabulous - great job!!!:highfive:
  19. That is so true.... and what makes it so enjoyable for me!!!
  20. Thank you SatinDucky! This will definitely help us newbies who are trying our best to make a good candle.
  21. Oh my gosh, those are great - Just looking at them I can smell that FO!!!!
  22. That is so beautiful!!!! How on earth did you do it - Are the daisies painted on?? Good job, that candle looks fabulous :highfive:
  23. I got my order today and I got warm apple pie. I was kind of disappointed as I had bought that FO from them last time and wanted to try something different.... oh well
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