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Everything posted by Margaritamama

  1. Very nice - I'm one of the few that actually like patchouli
  2. I love it!!! If anyone decides to copy it, let us know how you do it 'cause I'd love to try....
  3. Mmmmmm...... maybe she's been making too many "mary jane" scented candles. Just kidding Donita, it's beautiful. I like multicolors!
  4. Just an observation.... Should you be using parol oil when 1274 is already a mottling wax? I was under the impression that parol oil is used to make non-mottling wax mottle. I usually just add 3 tbsp per pound Stearic, and 1oz per pound FO to my 1274. Nothing more....
  5. The worst (best) part about this candle making addiction is this forum No sooner do I think I've amassed enough FO's, and one of you goes and mentions another. Then I think I have just the right wax, and someone goes and posts a pic made with a wax I don't have, and in colors I don't have.... "sigh":rolleyes2 Now my DD (12) announced that she wants to start making B&B to sell to her friends at school! All I can say is thank heavens my hubby also has expensive hobbies.....
  6. I was feeling all "layered-out" and was so inspired by Tops' beautiful mottle, so I decided to make a plain mottled candle. This one is scented Pumpkin Bread, which I got from Candle Science. This scent is so great - I just love it! Not sure what I think of the mottle though......
  7. Don't I know..... Got my credit card bill this morning!
  8. That's exactly what I thought - kind of like a checkerboard pattern.
  9. I think I get what Tucker is trying to do here..... His candles are named because of how they look, not how they are scented. However, it seems that the scents do match their titles. I do agree that for some people that may be confusing, especially when you're used to purchasing candles that are named for their scents. They are very pretty, and the labels are nice too. Good luck at the Market.....
  10. So very feminine - love them......
  11. Those are awesome - love the colors..... :highfive:
  12. AMEN TO THAT!!! We have a Mexican restaurant down the road from our house, and they serve 24oz margarita's in what looks like a fishbowl with a stem.. LOVE THEM - especially 'cause I can honestly say I had only one!!!!
  13. Strangely enough - it was this candle that inspired me to start making my own, and mottling them. I have not been able to duplicate the effect! Let me know if you get it right......
  14. Thank you!!! I never knew that they had a Margarita FO. Shows how well I looked.... Next time I order FO's I'm gonna have to try that one.
  15. Darn those are beautiful. Well done Top!!! :highfive: Now share your formula please.......
  16. I'll second that..... Would love to see how it works.
  17. Well, As you can tell by my username, I really enjoy a margarita, or two, heck, maybe even three...... what I'm trying to find out is where I can get a margarita FO, or any suggestions how to mix one. I tried doing just Peaks Key Lime, but the tequila scent is missing. Any ideas?????
  18. Excellent combination, the container, color and fragrance. Well done!:highfive:
  19. Jeez Jokerjen.... Careful about the title!!!! I was almost to scared to open the thread. I think the candle looks good, and it even looks like it would smell great!
  20. OMG - THOSE ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I love them. Yes, I agree with Mary, and it almost looks as if they're on fire, and I'm sure when they're lit the effect is going to be awesome! You go Girl, I'd be proud of those........
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