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Everything posted by Margaritamama

  1. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!!!
  2. This discussion is making me think of that website I found with some naughty, naughty molds!!!!!
  3. What the heck - Want this to be as fair as possible, so I posted more pics for those that have not seen the real thing......
  4. I think a poll is a good way to judge, and I agree with Monday. It would be better to allow as many people to participate as possible. This is going to be fun.......... I also wanted to say that if anyone wants me to post anymore pics of the candle, at different angles, or in better light. Just give me a shout.......
  5. I think you're doing really good for a beginner, and considering you don't have the kind of supplies that us in the States (and in Canada) have. Your candles are always beautiful. Keep it up!
  6. I got mine from them too. Very fast shipping and the pots are great!!!
  7. That is so unbelievable cute...... Love him!
  8. Wow - I think those are gorgeous!!! Love the reds, and the rustic stripes!!
  9. Wow - making candles, looking out the window at that great view - What more can a girl want????
  10. Awesome!!! Love the colors - perfect for the scent. :highfive:
  11. Good idea - where's the best place to post it???? Sara?.......
  12. Have no idea why they stuck, but darn it girlfriend, those are some fine pillars you've got there!!!! Those mottles look great, and the tall layer is awesome. DONITA HAS DONE IT AGAIN....
  13. That is gorgeous - Love the colors that sort of melt together!
  14. Absolutely perfect!! Color and scent match perfectly..... I can almost see the slushie in my cup......
  15. Awesome Donita!!!! :highfive: Not only are your colors great, but the mottling is perfect for the candle. I love it......
  16. Holy Moly, those are unbelievable!!!! Very artistic, I'm impressed.......
  17. WOWZER!!! I love those chunks....they look awesome. Please tell us what wax you used for those chunks, it looks so beautiful and creamy, yet the chunk are so well defined. I'd say a big pat on the back for those.....
  18. EXCELLENT Love the colors of the actual votive!!
  19. I have made candles like that before, and I actually like the effect of the layers not looking "too blended". It adds to the whole rustic effect. I've not encountered any problem with burning them. I think that the wax was a little too cool when you poured, and that is why the rough joins, that has been my experience..... I think yours look really great. I like them very much!
  20. GENIUS - That makes perfect sense!! I never thought of using the parol oil instead of FO..... I was wondering about that the other day when I thought about making unscented candles, but still wanted a mottle. Thanks.....
  21. Very nice - love the "Christmas-sy" colors. Bet they smell as good as they look....
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