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Everything posted by joyofsoycandle

  1. I would try Gold canyon, Mia Bella or Primal Elements and see what the fuss is all about
  2. LOL you guys are sooo funny LOL Yes I guess that could get rid of some of my frustrations.....whip it into shape lol. Thank you soygirl for that tip. Im asking because I want to top off votive candles with whipped wax and then put embeds like chocolate chips, blueberries those types of things in. Thanks!
  3. I have tried Butt naked and Monkey farts from the Candle Source, and they are Very strong, and smell soo good. I have tried millcreeks also, doesnt smell right. Here is the link for the candle source. www.thecandlesource.com HTH! They have spiced sugar plum too, dont know if its what your looking for, but i love that one, and its super strong....its a GREAT one! BTW she answers emails really fast, so you could email her to check on whether they are skin safe not.
  4. I havent ever tried it with soy. With like a pillar blend soy wax do you think you could whip the wax as you would do when making a grubby candle. Didnt know if it would work.
  5. Hi! I am trying to email Jason but the emails keep being returned.
  6. I dont know what the deal is with the white tea and ginger. I use ky puresoy same thing as ezsoy, and i also use ky votive pillar blend, and no problems at all. i dont even have to heat the scent or do any extra mixing or anything. Hmm wonder why other people have problems. Nothing from ICS is hard for me to mix in.
  7. For those of you that use Vanilla Buttercream Crunch and Chestnuts & Brown Sugar in 100% soy, how long do you cure these before burning? I have seen so many good reviews for these two however im getting no hot throw. So wanted to ask how long you all let these cure. Thanks!
  8. I use a cd-12 in my 8oz jj with 100% soy. And it burns perfect. Maybe the wick is too small? All i can think of with the flame getting big and mushrooming is that the wick needed trimmed at that point if it had been burning for several hours.
  9. i dont like the country kitchen lol i think it smells like turkey gravy or stuffing lol. bleh lol
  10. Please dont take this the wrong way, but i was just wondering, can you resell the vaseline beads and the bubble bath, the skintimate gel, the jergens. I dont know these things, so I cant say it cant be done, I just wasnt sure so thats why im asking! :smiley2: I didnt think you could resell those types of products. Wouldnt you have to have a license of some sort? Again, I dont know, i just wondered.
  11. hmm i dont know, i do faintly see the white dots. maybe the mold wasnt clean enough around the bottom of it or something? i dont know. maybe someone with another idea will chip in. Sometimes if my molds arnt completely clean..when i used paraffin...they would have some wierd stuff going on lol. Those look really cute though, i like them!
  12. i just got one at joannes fabric for $12 and some change a week or so ago it was on sale.
  13. Yeah I think she was just mentioning that she has seen it capable of holding up to 10% but she also said it depended on the FO. I havent done alot with it yet. But if it takes forever to cure, than that isnt good for me lol i lack majorally in patience lol
  14. I think in my opinion that soy seems to take more scent depending on what fragrance that it is. For example I used 6.5% Hot apple pie in my soy and it was very strong. But in lighter scents I think it would take alot more. HTH.
  15. well the crystalline container palm wax i got from candles and supplies, is in a box that says S&P (Strahl & Pitsch) and she said it could hold up to 10% so i assumed it was the same as what is being discussed here?
  16. well when i emailed them at candles and supplies they said it could hold up to 10% depending on the FO i guess, lol. But i havent messed with it a whole lot yet. Sounds like it takes forever to cure and i dont have that kind of patience, so maybe one of these days when i have nothing better to do ill make some, put them up and forget about them a while so they can cure lol
  17. Isnt this the same wax that candles and supplies sells? Because the wax I have from them in the crystalizing container palm wax from strahl & pitsch, and they said that it holds up to 10% FO.
  18. ive tried the one from peaks and the one from just scent, and neither one worked. i dont know what the problem was. just no throw at all. and barely any at all for cold either. these so far have super strong cold throw, can smell them in the living room and they are in the kitchen just sitting there before being wrapped. So who knows. hopefully these work!
  19. Guess what, i havent been able to make a berry hotcakes Fo from anywhere throw very well in my soy. So I tried to mix one up. I got flapjacks & triple berry from Indiana Candle Supply and mixed them together. I only made a super small batch to just try real quick. So I mixed .4 oz flapjacks & .2 oz triple berry and added that to 6 oz soy. So I will let you know how the throw is, but I just poured it...and OMG!!!! It is seriously heaven lol Makes me hungry!! Smells sooo good and strong! YUM YUM! Anyway i will leave info when i burn them.
  20. oh you know, mine do that, i think flameing torches are beautiful. i dont even need to turn the heat on in the winter!
  21. I know I know! I was freaked because they are closer to me and i wanted to start ordering more from there. And then i called because i wanted to give them my credit card info for the order and it was disconnected lol. Thanks so much for the link! Editing to say......I just realized what I did...lol i dialed 574-635-2098 and its 653 lol sorry to scare you all lol but what was up with the link? it was the same one i had in my favorites all along. Laura
  22. oh man i hope it gets fixed! ive been wanting to try the oils so bad!
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