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Everything posted by joyofsoycandle

  1. Hi! There are several threads with some info that should help you! Some of these links might be repeated in some of the threads, but here are all i could find with info on the candle source. I get lots of oils from them and they are awesome in soy. Of course some are lighter ones, as you will see in these threads. HTH! http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6149&highlight=candle+source http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5477&highlight=candle+source http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5497&highlight=candle+source http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4434&highlight=candle+source http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4288&highlight=candle+source
  2. is it just me, or do these both smell like some kind of toothpaste LOL. Thats what it keeps reminding me of, and I HATE those scents!! They give me a headache, and stink!! WHY do people like those scents? lol
  3. there a little farm store/hardware type store here, maybe they might have some canning jars, might have to check that out. =)
  4. Well i got them tested and am happy with them, however I just have to finish up testing scents. But yeah $300 isnt alot lol. But I have to start out slow this time. Yes I think I will get a new printer cartridge, mines out of ink. I just love how cute the labels are that are premade ya know. I dont know how to do all that, sure are expensive buying premade though. And yes shipping takes a hunk! Um jars, i am not having luck with which is why I was going to order the jjs from bcn with some rustic and pewter lids. I have done my testing in the 8 oz jjs. Plus the only thing available to me locally is those jars at walmart, which dont have lids. They dont have jjs cause the farmers take em all lol. I guess i could go to the quad cities from time to time and stock up on jars out there. Im sure the walmart there would have them, or a grocery store or something. I can get the wax i use, any additives, and warning labels at BCN. But oils i get are at three different places. And wicks too. I hate that you cant get everything in one place lol. UGH! lol
  5. and you want to try to stock up as much as $300 can allow...lol....what would you get? I know it isnt alot, but im starting out again...small. lol, and Ive just been buying the minimums to get things tested. i was thinking of a case of wax, and a bunch of 4 ounce sized oils in the ones ive tested, and jars, warning labels. What do you all think.
  6. hi breanna! Have you tried any oils from them? Thanks!
  7. Hi everyone. Has anyone tried this place. Its an ebay store. They have great feedback and always have awesome prices. Just wondered if anyones used them, thanks! http://stores.ebay.com/Quality-Candle-Supplies
  8. I have no idea how she will want to do things, I have to go talk to her tomorrow. She has been going to chicago twice a year and buying candles somewhere over there and selling them. Then she said she tried yankee candles because she can get them around here and people didnt like that they always turned the jars black. So she likes the fact that mine are soy and do not turn the jars black. She wants them available locally too. I just dont know for sure what to say to her tomorrow lol. I will just bring some candles in and see what she says and just be honest I guess, and tell her this will be the first time ive done this in a long time lol. My bf says she is very nice and friendly, so doesnt sound like it should be too difficult. Thanks for your input, and if anyone has any contracts please show me!! Thanks!!
  9. What is the difference? And what are your suggestions as to how to handle these. There is someone who manages the hospital gift shop here in my town and wants my candles in the gift shop. I am happy with the jars votives and tarts now, just have to finish testing the rest of the scents. Anyway where do I start with this. She wants me to come in wednesday with samples which im almost done making up. And i dont know where to go from there. I had wholesale accounts when I sold paraffin candles, but i just sold the candles at the cost times 2. But didnt have any kind of contract or anything. What do most of you charge as your minimums for wholesale, and what is the difference between wholesale and consignment? Any input is GREATLY appreciated! I want to be sure I do all of this right! Thanks!
  10. I hate florals and gingerbread, and cinnamon, and pine, and well i just basically really like the bakery food scents, fruity scents, tropical type scents and the clean scents LOL. But the ones that seems to always sell the best for me when i sold paraffin candles were apple cinnamon, cinnamon, gingerbread YUCK!, florals, those types of things. eww!
  11. it was thanks to steve..and i saved it too
  12. HI! I just posted this in another thread! Here is the chart that Steveinpa showed me.. HTP----CD 31-----4 41-----5 52-----6 62-----7 73-----8 83-----10 93-----12 104----14 105----16 126----18 1212---20 1313---22
  13. It helps alot, thank you! You know what, that would probably be why the htp 104's were mushrooming so bad. Now that im using the cd12's they arnt mushrooming bad at all. Thanks!
  14. I have heard that those two are the same wick, just ones american made and ones german made. Is that correct and if so, what is the equivalent in HTPS to CD12's? I have found CD12's to work great, but I also have several HTP 104's and some 105's. So are they the same, and what sizes are equivalent between the two, thank you!!
  15. Did you mean that you are wondering if you can put the warning label on the underside of the lid? Not actually inside the jar right...just on the inside of the lid. I wouldnt see any reason why you couldnt do that. Just my opinion. But the wax doesnt touch the lid so I dont see why you couldnt. HTH.
  16. No I never got around to trying the stearic with it. Probably would have fixed it right up.
  17. when i used the ecosoya vb, that was the exact same kind of crack i got, a round circle. I had to pour at the lowest temp possible to get it not to crack.
  18. Does he still have them on sale? I dont see any discounts. It looks like one ounce is $2.49. But I might have to try eventually even if they still arnt on sale.
  19. LOL! Thanks for your opinions. Its really not doing too bad, so I will see what some testers think too. Thanks!!
  20. LOL....welll....what part of the farm...lol. the hay, the cows, pigs, or the cow or pig poop which is all i smell when i drive by farms LOL There is a scent called newly mown hay or something like that. Or another scent called "Dirt" lol.
  21. Well the mushrooming on my candle is no where near going to make the candle burst into flames lol its just a small mushroom, nothing huge or outrageous. Its just that for people who dont trim wicks, they will normally have a mushroom there if they let it burn for hours on end. If they trim before each burn it shouldnt be bad. But it doesnt smoke at all...no wicks floating no sooting. So In my opinion i dont think a little mushroom is too bad, i just hope customers dont mind it. The only wicks I can get to burn with no mushrooms at all is the lx 14s in my votives. But lx's in my jars mushroom worse than the cd's. So, i was just wondering if customers would have a big complain with a small mushroom on the wick after burning it for hours. Other than that, no other problems.
  22. Sounds good. And you know, they really dont mushroom unless the wicks need trimmed. Because its always when its been burning for hours. (Marathon burning) So....I guess its not that bad of a deal. lol. Just have to stress the wick trimming lol.
  23. Hello everyone! I was just wondering what your opinions are on mushrooming. Do you think your customers really care whether or not the wick gets the mushroom on it? I am very happy with my jars now, great scent throw, even burning, no soot on the jars, however.......the mushrooms!!! No matter what wick i use, it mushrooms. I tried 10% FO and now 6.5% Fo and still...mushrooms. So, do customers seem to think its a big deal? Or do they care most about how it burns evenly and smells great? I have taken too much time off of making candles before I started again with soy. So when I did paraffin, I never remember complaints on the wicks mushrooming. But i know they did do it. So what do you all think. Thanks!
  24. Oh im sorry i must have not even seen it! lol thanks though!
  25. Sweet potato pie is wonderful, super strong throw. I only used it paraffin though.
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