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Everything posted by joyofsoycandle

  1. I posted this on another thread, but wanted everyone to see it here, and give me your comments please, let me know if i should change anything. Oh and editing to add....could someone please tell me that uses the wahmshoppes.com e-store how you would add the ror.xml to your main page and how to add any other things like the link to top candle sites. I want to put that on the front page. I am in mode #1. And cant figure out how to put those things on there. Thank you! :smiley2: www.scentedsoydelights.com
  2. Maybe for now you could just sell it as a regular candle, and you could still call it a romance candle. But just take out any mentioning of pouring the hot wax on someone until it is tested and until you could afford the right kind of wax for that type of thing. Thats what I would recommend for now. Just to cover your hiney.... :smiley2:
  3. What kinds of discounts do you all offer when selling more than one of something. Like how much of a discount do you give for 1 dozen tarts, or 1 dozen votives, or so many jar candles.....I know it matter too on what your cost is, but just wanted some ideas on what kinds of discounts you all offer. thanks for your advice!
  4. your a smart one! at least you can keep them and they match well if nothing else. but im sure they will sell, they are adorable!
  5. Can you all look at my website.......the problem I am having with the shipping also is that on the tarts and votives....I want to sell them in either a 2 pack or a 6-pk. It lets me add on a 6pack as an option and just tells them how much extra $$ it is to add the 6pack. But the weight for that product, wouldnt it still be the weight for the 2 pack, and not a weight of the 6pack? Someone who uses the wahmshoppes.com estore would probably understand this a little more. I dont know if I have to add a duplicate product or the tarts or votives in order to sell them as a 6 pack so that they have there own weight entered? I hope you guys understand what i mean. Please let me know if you dont know what im talking about lol. Thanks in advance for your help. www.scentedsoydelights.com
  6. thanks everyone. yes i did complete the registration for usps. I will just try a couple things and see how it works. Thanks for all your help.
  7. The USPS web site has a shipping calculator. All you need to do is send a bot to fill it out given your dimensions and weight and scrape the results page for actual shipping charges. Perlgoodies.... That is probably real easy for you to understand, but I dont get any of it LOL. Maybe you could try to explain it more?
  8. What in your opinions do you think is the best way to handle the shipping? Flat rate, or let the website thingy calculate it lol? I dont know, I dont want to overcharge or undercharge too much.
  9. I am getting my website set up. And I am trying to decide what to do for shipping. There is a way I can use real time shipping calculators. But im confused. I dont think its calculating it right. I took the weight of a package and calculated the shipping through USPS and it was cheaper than what my website was saying for shipping. I dont know how to set up the shipping. Could someone pleeeeease help me?? I signed up for webhosting through www.wahmshoppes.com and im setting up the e-store. I dont know how to set all that up. If I put a flat rate charge then the shipping could cost more than they paid, or it could be less than they paid. I dont know. Please help someone!
  10. I love those! What did you make them in so that the bottoms have ridges like that, they are cute!
  11. Thank you! Yes they are soy also. All the embeds melt with the wax. =) Thanks for the compliments!
  12. i want to create my own website. However right now I only have microsoft office publisher.
  13. Can someone please recommend for me where I should go for web hosting, thanks.
  14. Fern what temp are you pouring them at? I pour at just barely under 100, i mix and mix til its cloudy and barely slushy and then pour, and never a sink hole!
  15. No frosting issues really, i dont use dye, only the embeds are dyed, and the only frosting ive ever noticed is when i didnt have embeds on top, sometimes i would notice frosting on the tops, but you dont notice it now. The only thing ive noticed since ive been cooling them faster is that some of them have wet spots. But everyone ive asked said that didnt make any difference to them. When ive been testing, i found that a cd-12 has worked great for all of these. But no sink holes or anything like that. They set up perfectly and I top them with embeds, and then pour just a little more melted wax in the top to set the embeds in. Oh by the way I am using ezsoy. I switched from ky puresoy to this because i was told it was the same anyway, and its cheaper to ship. Hope that answered your question Fern.
  16. they are all wax, the coffee beans too all can be burned and they really arnt time consuming at all. They are real simple. I heat the wax as normal, add Fo at 185, stir well, then put in a cool water bath and mix real good while cooling to 100 degrees which happens in a matter of a couple minutes, its real quick and then pour the jar, the jar sets up in a matter of minutes because its already been cooled, then i top with the embeds, and remelt the last bit of wax, and pour it in to "set" the embeds in. Its easy and I love doing it!!
  17. I got my samples today! Will try them soon, thanks!!
  18. Appleberry Spice with wax mini apple slices, cranberries and blueberries and cinnamon, Amber Romance with glittered tan and brown butterflies, and Blueberry Cobbler with wax blueberries and fake sugar
  19. Cucumber Melon with wax cucumber chunks, watermelon chunks, and cantelope chunks and fake sugar, Hazelnut coffee with coffee beans, Chestnuts & Brown Sugar with walnuts and brown sugar crumble and fake sugar, and Vanilla Buttercream Crunch with mini wax butter dollaps, fake sugar.
  20. Pineapple Paradise with wax pineapple and fake sugar, Oatmeal Raisin Cookie with mini cookies and raisins and cinnamon, Gingersnap with sugared mini gingersnap cookies and cinnamon, Fruit Slices with wax sugared fruit slices.
  21. Some of these are repeats but i wanted to see what you think of the borders lol =) i didnt know how to make them all the same size on here, so they are diff sizes sorry about that. Cinnamon Roll with wax buns, cinn sticks, crumb topping, and fake sugar, Banana Nut Bread with banana slices, cinn sticks and walnuts, Strawberry Jam with wax strawberries and fake sugar, Pumpkin Nog with mini putka pods, cinn sticks, and cinnamon.
  22. I love everything, the pillars are perfect and the tarts are adorable! Great job!!!! :highfive:
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