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Everything posted by joyofsoycandle

  1. lol i know its so hard to pick, i am trying to decide on ten to just start with. i think i got too excited and got too many at first. but my budget is requiring me to start smaller. LOL. I used to have SO many oils, but i stopped making candles for a while, now I want to start again, but cant decide what to start with! laura
  2. If there is a thread with this information already in it, please guide me to it, i couldnt find it. Otherwise would you all mind telling me, in your own opinion what the top ten fragrance oils are that throw great in soy, and that you can NOT live without! Your top ten best sellers please. Thanks! Laura
  3. yeah im starting to figure that out, (that is sucks!) lol i liked it at first cause it made very creamy candles, luckily i only ordered 25 lbs, but there is still alot left. should i just make tarts with it?
  4. ok thanks, i hadnt really checked out alot of the threads yet...thanks again!
  5. supplies4candles fragrance oils? I tried strawberry, blueberry, berry bramble and watermelon. They were AWFUL!! Horrible! They were very weak out of the bottle, and in a candle i didnt smell them at all. The blueberry smelled like cough syrup. Has anyone else had this experience? The customer service was awful too, they wouldnt email me back after 5 emails. Does anyone know what peaks fragrance oils are like? I noticed they cost more than usual, but i got a sample with an order one time and it was wonderful. I didnt like the scent, but it was super strong. it was cinnamon balsalm. has anyone tried the oils from peaks?
  6. thankyou! i guess i just didnt think to pour it cooler, just went by the recommendations. thanks again! and by the way, what kinda wax do you all prefer for a strong scented votive that liquifies well.
  7. well, it happens on the tarts too that dont have a wick. im sorry i probably said it wrong, on the votive the round crack is around the wick, but its on the outer edge. it settles down a little in the middle and then there is a round crack around the outer edge. laura :smiley2:
  8. Hello! I am new here, just had a quick question please. I am using the ecosoya vb, could anyone tell me please why my votives and even tarts after setting up, settle and have a round crack on the top around the wick. I cant get them to not have that round crack. Any suggestions? Also, in your opinions, what do you find to be the BEST 100% soy wax for strong scented votives? Thanks! Laura
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