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Everything posted by joyofsoycandle

  1. Dee, do you mind me asking where you get your color blocks?
  2. Ok, I would like some advice please. In the past, I always used paraffin. I sold alot of candles and had some wholesale accounts also and it went really really well. However, I quit for a while. I got burnt out, and we kept moving all over, my exhusband was in the military and I had to get rid of lots of stuff each time we moved that the movers wouldnt ship. Anyway, now that I started over...Ive been using 100% soy. However, I am going to sample some parasoy's. What I am looking for is NO BLACK soot all over my containers and votive holders. Not alot of mushrooming on the wicks, and excellent scent throw of course. People around here seem to love that im starting over with soy, but its a real pain in my opinion lol. I just dont have the most patience in the world LOL. I love the way it burns though. So, my question is....for those of you that sell soy and paraffin candles....which seems to sell better for you. I dont want to lose customers because some of them (NO OFFENSE) may seem to think paraffin isnt healthy. But I also want something easier to work with. So what seems to be selling the best, or do they both do well? I cant decide, paraffin or soy. So I guess I will try some parasoys, but just wanted some opinions on all this. Do you think customers actually care whether its paraffin or soy?? Thanks in advance!!
  3. Do you think 6% FO will really make a knock your socks off votive? lol. I have one lit now, with the ky votive pillar blend, and man it is STRONG! But, its one of the VERY few I can get to have excellent hot throw. Its cinnamon sticks scent too. I just want something that is easier to work with and doesnt take forever with the curing, and something that throws most fo's better. Maybe I will give that a shot. Where would you find that wax? Im in illinois. Dont know if theres any place near me. Thanks very much for your help! Those candles look great!
  4. ok, i usually add the oil between 170-180 and try to keep it at that temp while i mix it in, so maybe its too much oil. i will try a little less and see how that works.
  5. My tarts and votives are getting orange spots all over them. The ones i just recently poured. Is it too much oil?
  6. I am getting so tired of waiting forever for my candles to cure, and how half the scents I try dont have hot throw. I am using good quality oils, and ky puresoy, and ky natural votive/pillar wax. People who have tried them like them, but I dont love them. lol. I want to dye them also. They just look nicer that way I think. I am thinking of sampling the IGI 6006, but I know thats just for containers. So, what could I try as a parasoy blend for votives? I want a wax that performs like soy, however doesnt have all the issues with tons of FO's not throwing and taking forever to cure. When people want candles, I have normally always poured the candles when they order. So I will need something that doesnt take forever to cure. I cant handle all the soy baloney lol, but i like the clean burn. Oh and I use mostly lx or htp wicks and like to use around 8% FO in case that helps, so i wouldnt want something that cant hold much FO. Thanks for your help!
  7. I used 10%. i dont know what the problem is, maybe i will try again and give them to someone else this time to try lol. people came over here while they were burning and said they didnt smell much. but i had dinner cooking and kids in the tub with scented bubble bath LOL that kind of thing. who knows. Well i will try again!
  8. Could someone please tell me where I can find the Harmony Blend 1945 wax closest to me? Im in Illinois. I want to sample this one also. For those of you that use it can you also use it for votives or do you use something different. And is this a soy/paraffin mix? Or just one or the other, thanks!!
  9. whats the news on this wax, is it a crystal container wax? whats the scoop, i might wanna get a sample lol
  10. The red mac apple and the Grammies Berry griddlecakes I got no hot throw either and I tried htp 104, the premier series wicks, and HTP 105's. The 104's and 105's work the best depending on the scents. I dont know if they just arnt curing long enough?? I LOVE these scents!! I want to get hot throw! I would think a week would be long enough. Im not having the best luck lol.
  11. i tried the chestnuts and brown sugar and i love the way it smells but im not getting any hot throw at all in ky puresoy and it cured for a week. :undecided
  12. WHOA this is a first, I have never seen top be speachless!! lol Im just pickin on ya lol. Um as far as the liners, you are pouring liquid into paper, so they will be wet. I wouldnt use the paper, and just stick with the foil.
  13. tartaddict, if you go to Grand Scentral, scroll down to the bottom of the page, under all the suppliers names, there are wax reviews, you will see a link for container, votive, and pillar waxes. Hope that helps some! http://www.grandscentral.com/
  14. I agree, I have always heard that with soy it has to be tested with each new batch. I think its worth a shot, I might go ahead and try some of the waxes some time when I get around to it since its here in illinois. And Kuepie, all the links are working for me. I just click the tabs at the top to navigate around. Hope it works for you.
  15. Here is one place i found, its not the place i was thinking of though. But heres one. http://www.dyes.com/products/candles.html Anyway i always heard it was hard to get darker colors in soy. however i hear of plenty of people on here who do. Maybe they will let you know how theyve done it. I think people using liquid dyes get darker colors. I dont dye my soy candles, however im considering it. I just dont know if I want to deal with it lol.
  16. actually there is some dye that does that! I wish i could remember where the heck i found it before. It changes color. From one color when cold, to another when hot and melted. I think they also had another one where it was white, and then turned color when melted. Let me check into it and ill let you know what i find out!
  17. Hi! I know of a place, but i havent used them yet. However I asked in the fragrance discussion area if anyones used them, and I havent heard anything. But they have several waxes! Please let me know if you try them and how they work for you! I am in Illinois too so if you like it i might try it! http://www.nuscentscandle.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=101&Category_Code=CWA :highfive:
  18. Yeah yeah yeah!! This sounds like fun! I might put some tarts in too! I cant wait to see whats in the box!
  19. No ones ever heard of it or purchased anything from there? I might get some samples some time, they are close.
  20. If you look at the candles and supplies website, at the crystalline wax, the jar candle they have in the picture is burning right down the middle. I thought that was just the way that type of wax burns and it will catch up eventually? I have some here to play around with that my sister gave me, its from candles and supplies. I will make a ton of tarts with it if it gives me too much trouble LOL. The tarts come right out all I use is a mini muffin pan, and i just turn it upside down and push on the bottom of the cavatie that its in, and it pops out. Its the container blend, and I made votives also. All I had to do, is heat a pot of water to boiling, dip the votive still inside the mold, into the water and then it slid right out of the mold! I even used wick pins and they came right out. So I am going to test burn them tonight I think. I used warm vanilla sugar oil. I dont know if they might need alot more time to cure to be stronger. But Im probably going to try them tonight.
  21. i found it online and wondered if anyones used it? http://www.nuscentscandle.com/index.htm
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