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Everything posted by EnvyCandles

  1. Agreed. If I printed them myself I would not use them. The whole point of paying is for a professionally done product. IMO they should not have sent them if they look like that.
  2. Ha!! I would have threw her $5 back at her and said, "take it and leave!"
  3. I also have a Blackberry and I use GoPayment by Intuit. No fees at all, they sent me a free swiper and money is in my account in maybe 2 days. No batch or processing fee, no transaction fee, just a flat % depending on if you swipe or key the info. I have been extremely pleased with GoPayment so far. PM me if you want any other info!
  4. NNOOOOOO! Christmas stuff can be brought out as early as Oct!! Sept is a little too early for me personally. But most vendors will be Christmas friendly. Also you mentioned lighting a candle- I have not seen one show that allows any open flames. We like to set some sachets towards the front so the scent finds people when they are a few booths away. An idea for you is white lights, I know you are trying to keep a clean look, but lights are festive looking and a nice white would be beautiful.
  5. Love Spell makes me almost physically nauseous... Absolutely turns my stomach... It did not help that when I was having a horrible, horrible migraine spell, (with nausea), I was pouring TONS of LS. Now even a whiff of it makes me gaggy. I never like it to begin with, but now I hate it! Of all scents, why does it have to be such a gooood seller? ? ?
  6. Love LOVE LOOOVE your packaging on the first 2 photos! Look like candy treats! I generally do not get orders from friends, family, and that is fine with me. Was this setup at work? I just started a new job and am thinking of setting some gift baskets behind my office with a little sign, like, see Andrea for holiday orders or something. Maybe set one of the soaps in the bathroom for people to use... Do not get discouraged, even though it is hard not to, if you enjoy what you do and make a good product, I feel you will see success. But it will not happen in a day or a week even. Keep it up. BTW did I see a loofah soap?
  7. I have not used any mottled wax before. Although Y candles burn crappy, I do like the look of their pours. Recs for a mottled paraffin container wax?
  8. Because we do not answer to corporate, we do not have set rates and technically can discount if we choose to- makes sense why people would ask. I can't blame them. We do not get asked for discounts a lot (we also offer specials during shows), but I cannot stand when they state, "I can get this candle at !@#$%^& store for $5!!" I tell them, although the size may be similar, they are in NO way the same quality and that I do not sell !@#$% quality items. My items are not made in China and are high quality. Honestly, a lot of people end up buying something anyway! I am honest and truthful, and I would rather bring product home with me then sell it making pennies for profit. I work too hard to pay myself any less. IMO have your mind made up about what $ size order you are willing to discount before you hit the shows, then you will not be caught off guard when someone asks.
  9. While I love the crisp white/black of the set up, most customers may not. Your products are uncolored to begin with and although sleek looking, it does not look that inviting (although your smile does!) Initially, my set up was exact, clean lines, and I noticed that although I am first to tell people to smell anything they like, they were hesitant. I was asked, " Can I take the lid off to smell this?", which means that my display was not making them feel comfortable because A. they did not feel they were allowed to touch anything, and B., because they did not want to mess anything up. In terms of show success, my first show I did amazing... later shows were not so great and that was discouraging. Letting people know you are local, make gift baskets for holidays, fundraisers, corporate gifts, weddings, etc.... may help with repeat business. Glad you had fun; you will learn things at each show! Congrats!
  10. 60lbs a week does not sound like someone who is starting/restarting...That to me is a lot of wax for a born again- newbie! What are you doing with this much wax?
  11. Very nice. I would like more red chunks, but really, it is eye catching.
  12. Here is where I laugh. We were looking for kiosk pricing at our mall, for a spot during the holidays... ready...? $25k a month. Yup, a $25,000 a month! For a kiosk. Needless to say we clearly found out we were waayyy small fish in that sea...
  13. A lot of states have an online database where you can verify tax IDs.
  14. Seems to have a higher melt point (140) than 4794 (128)...
  15. OMG I am going to use this! How true! Frozen pie does the job, but no way is as good as grandma's pie...
  16. We like Aztec too. Shipping does increase pricing dramatically! Sucks that there really is no place that we can pick up from in NY...
  17. Hmmm, it seems doubtful it could get that high, but ceramic... who knows...Interested in the answer...!
  18. Good to know! Broken indicator lights would bother me, but scratches/imperfections in the glaze are fine.Thanks for the update.
  19. I was under the impression you had to use water... maybe some FO in it, but that they needed water?
  20. I stopped in the HL by me, the jars were pricey!! $4-5 for status/vibe jars! Even at 1/2 off, that seems crazy. I asked, they do not discount based on volume purchasing...
  21. I would scale back a little on the glitter. it looks like a little too much to me. I always thought that food was ok to use... I have always been wanting to put sprinkles in my bday cake, or sprinkle cinnamon on my cinnamon candles... Maybe I should invest in candle safe glitter... :rolleyes2
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