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Everything posted by EnvyCandles

  1. You may just want to contact the suppliers directly and ask about the specific ingredients/additives you are looking for. You always have the option of using essential oils. Good luck to you.
  2. I AGREE!! :rolleyes2 LOL Finding a replacement oil is the best option! ABSOLUTELY FIND A REPLACEMENT OIL!!
  3. If I was truly not happy with a company/supplier, I would not give them any further business! IMO, it is like walking into a store and having them be snotty to you... no matter how nice their stuff is, I am not giving them my money...
  4. Welcome to the board. IMO your concern is jumping the gun in a big way... Many established candlemakers cannot purchase direct - many manufacturers have minimum requirements of 25lbs per each FO... Due to the cost of materials, there is no way to even verify that a manufacturer will not go out of business, will not increase their pricing, or that formulas will not be changed. A note from one of your other posts: I have never seen any ingredients/solvents from any FO listed. Companies do not share this information. Candles/B&B are very different than flavorings or anything designed to come in contact with the body (which generally are subject to labeling/ingredient guidelines.
  5. Peak was the first supplier we used! Set the bar pretty high.
  6. Love their bamboo and vanilla bean- very strong!
  7. If the plastic cups are supposed to be rated V0 ( or whatever) according to the suppliers they are supposed to burn for no longer than a few seconds. Or is this rating pretty much bs?
  8. As soon as I pour wax out of the presto, I refill it. I try to have melted wax full to the brim at all times. While I mix and pour, it will melt for my next pour pot full. I do not wait for the pot to be emptied to refill it. Usually my UV is added as I color...
  9. WOW, that cup is burned halfway down! Right to the line in the middle! Yes, the opening on the back of the warmer is pretty big, plenty of air should have been able to circulate... Interesting and scary... That enamel is pretty black, I wonder how high the flame got? I think we used to use 17 TL from CS and they are still pretty small...
  10. Different suppliers recommend different percentages of UV/wax. How exact are you guys when weighing the UV? Since I am constantly refilling my presto pots, I would not be able to have an accurate measurement. I just add to my pour pot along with dye. Generally, my measurements are not that exact on this...
  11. Could likely be the melter, if it keeps too much heat inside, this could help melt the tea light cup.I have only melted a plastic tea light cup when I used a much larger wick in it (never had one catch fire), but some tea light warmers do not have sufficient air holes... Glad nothing serious happened.
  12. Beautiful. Exactly like candied ginger. This photo is enticing...
  13. Thank you! Did not know you were with BC! lol
  14. I recently had trouble with swirling in my containers... care to share any tips? The slight swirl is beautiful. At first my swirls looked great, but as they cooled everything kind of mixed together...
  15. LOL my area has no pinecones either... I was also looking for a place to buy them from.
  16. Hello my name is Andrea and I am a FOHO... (crowd says, "welcome, Andrea")
  17. Having formerly used BE, and stopping due to the itch factor... I have also looked around for a more suitably priced Mineral Veil. Personally, instead of recommending Mineral Veil, I know recommend Mineral Booster by elf. I have combination oily skin prone to acne and, the Mineral Booster works just like the Mineral Veil did. Highly recommend it. It costs I thin,k $8 for the large size and elf always has coupon codes for shipping and discounts anyway. I also heard Target carries the line.
  18. Warning labels are very standard. Every supplier sells them. Just be sure to use different ones depending on what candles/wax you use. Votives, jar, tea lights...
  19. Chappy, what state are you in? We can recommend suppliers that are closer to you- HUGE savings on shipping and transit times. Shipping costs are high because our materials are heavy! Start out with a few scents from one company and test from there. You will go crazy -and broke- with all the suppliers that are out there and all the great FO you want to try!
  20. Maybe OP is thinking of a warning label? All warning labels should state that all packaging needs to be removed. All labels/packaging are fire hazards (except jar labels, etc...) On our shrink wrapped votives, we stick a warning label on the bottom. Hate hate hate having to shrink wrap them, but they are easily dinged... Considering selling them in a box of 4 with no shrink...
  21. Having a "good catchy name" has NOTHING to do with having excellent products- picking out a name is not going to help you with anything at this point. Like Georgia said, you are going in the wrong direction. I would suggest first finding out what kind of candles you want. I know you are still deciding what type of wax to use. That will directly influence what kind of candles you can make. But worrying about how to shrink wrap votives and things like that are so far away from where you are. Don't get me wrong, aiming big is great, but unfortunately you will come to see that profit on candle-making is not what we all originally thought it would be! Buying a kit would be a good starting point. Wicking is the beast that causes everyone the biggest headaches... Good luck to you, have fun!
  22. I think you are jumping the gun a little here. You need to take a step back! You just recently posted asking if you should start with paraffin or soy wax. Although thinking of a name is not a bad thing, it seems that you have not thought this through. You need to do research before you start thinking of being big as Yankee! Perfect example: Canyon Creek is already a candle company! You stated you were doing this with your daughter to do something together, maybe first see if you have the time and patience (and money!!) before looking to start a business. IMO you don't seem to know what you are getting yourself into. Candle-making as a hobby is not a bad thing! But my advice is for you to learn before you proceed. These forums are great for learning, but they do not take the place of time and testing. Good luck.
  23. That is a big downer. If something is on back order, I think it is reasonable that you would be notified either during checkout, or shortly after your order is placed. Clearly, planning orders early is the best route, but to expect something and not receive it... FRUSTRATING!! Their prices are a teeeny bit higher, but compared to other companies, they have such fancy stuff! Seems more comparable to the Scentsy warmers IMO...
  24. :rolleyes2 NO idea why I didn't put 2 and 2 together. No, Sharon, we have the same pots, mine does not have holes for the handles either! This is the only presto pot that I have that does not use a spigot, so clearly I must have dripped near the handles/ cord when filling, scooping out! I guess I just assumed that it was leaking, but with no spigot on this one... how could it leak? You guys are soooo smart!! Thanks!
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