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Everything posted by deb426

  1. I think the unevenness is from frosting. That may also be the reason it disappeared. I have some oils that do this consistently. Blueberry Cobbler from CS turns my C3 almost bright yellow. Its so yellow it looks like dye. My oils are well mixed.
  2. Hi Ross, Check out the first thread under the vegetable wax section. Its a sticky thread.
  3. Mine was a Visa and I was called because it was last year's card number. It expired in December so it was declined. I received a call from the place where it was trying to be used and from my credit card company.
  4. Mine too. I got a call on Monday. I don't use that card much. Its kind of my back up card. I got called because they were trying to use last year's number and the card expired at the end of 2010. The last four digits of the new card are different.
  5. Just like the first person who decided to milk a cow and drink it....what were they thinking? Turned out okay though.
  6. Have you check out any of the long reach hole punchers?
  7. I like to have about 200 to 300 pounds on hand so that I have time to plan ahead for fluctuating prices. I was low on wax back a few years ago when the prices skyrocketed and I learned my lesson then.
  8. I just had to thank you for my new word...winge . I never heard that before and had to look it up. But I agree with what the others said. You just have to make your own product be the best it can be and hope kharma gets the rest.
  9. I don't know..I might get bashed for saying this but even though I'm a candle maker, I would hate to have to smell someone else's choice of scent all day at work. I guess it would be okay if I liked the scent but what if I didnt' like it? Scent is so subjective. Like smelling someone else's perfume all day. Even if it smells great, it could cause problems to some people with sensitivities. If its in the work place, and other tenants are smelling it, that might be considered intrusive. Its not like they can leave. And not everyone would be brave enough to say something to you. Maybe put in smaller pieces so that the scent stays more limited to your personal space. Or I could be completely wrong, who knows.
  10. How long are you curing your candles for before burning? That can make a big difference. Also, I don't use your wax but LX 14 sounds like it could be a little big. Try a smaller wick and a longer cure time.
  11. I use C-3 and it has great hot and cold throw. But it is soft for tarts, like Stella said. You will probably want to add something to harden it up. I use it as is for tarts but I don't mind it being soft because I use portion cups.
  12. Just reading about all the price increases on this board scared me so I sat down and ordered enough to get me through the year. I missed last year's price on my wax since it had already gone up in price but I ordered my FO's in time. I found myself really considering each and every item I ordered instead of mindlessly clicking away. I plan to reduce my number of scents and discontinue stuff that doesn't sell that well to maximize profit. Scary times ahead, I fear.
  13. Check to see if your table is level. If its off a smidge, I can see it burning that way.
  14. I know there are two sides to this issue but I just wouldn't do it. Give in to this and there will probably be more demands later. But that is just me and you have to decide how badly you want this account. You could remind them that with shipping, the prices on your website are probably comparable to their b&m store.
  15. That's great, Steve. I'm going to chime in with the others because your family (and their connections) can be your best customers in the future. I opted a long time ago to charge regular prices but I always give tons of stuff to family and friends that buy from me. Everyone wins. The other option of a discount is good too.
  16. If I didn't make candles, I'm sure I would never give it a thought.
  17. some states have dram shop laws. If you google dram shop laws, you will find a lot of explanations.
  18. Also make sure you don't have a latex allergy to your socks if you wear the kind with elastic in the ankles, like white sport socks.
  19. I pick up large plastic slotted spoons at yardsales and use those. I need a bunch because I keep putting them somewhere and losing them.
  20. wicking up means to use a bigger size wick, usually in the same series. For example, if you use Eco 8 for most of your candles, some heavier oils may require you to "wick up" to an Eco 10.
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