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Everything posted by deb426

  1. Do they charge an admission fee for customers to get into the show? I have found that that can hurt a show sometimes, even if its a nominal amount.
  2. I think it also matters as to whether your area has good Sunday sales. In my rural area, Sundays are rather dead so the second day of a show is really hit or miss, alot of "lookers." If people are used to shopping on Sundays in your area, then that would help justify the price.
  3. Is this an established show? I think the price is high for a spring show but I don't know your area. If it is a proven show, maybe, but I still think its high. If its a first show, no way would I pay that. If it were me, I would probably attend as a customer this year instead of as a vendor. I would go two times, early in the day to judge the crowd and then go back later in the day and talk to some vendors about how well they did. Just to see what the general consensus is. That's a lot of money for a tiny space. What type of building is it?
  4. I heard they poured it in a flask or container on the sly. I think they do take it pretty seriously. That's why you are always informed by the waitress at Pizza Hut if you order a coke that they have Pepsi.
  5. He probably was testing to see if it was really Penreco because she told him it was. I've heard the Coca Cola will go to bars and ask for a "rum and Coke" and test the product to see if it was really Coke and not Pepsi or other cola.
  6. I use the Moroccanoil Oil Treatment and I wouldn't consider it a masculine scent. I smell vanilla and something else (i'm not good at those nuances and notes).... I love what the oil does to my hair though.
  7. Fillmore Container has a really yummy Creamy Chai Latte. If you want a sniffie, let me know.
  8. I don't know but if you find out anything, please post it here. They have the best Peach Mango Salsa.
  9. I wish I had known this a long time ago. Oh...the clothes I've ruined.
  10. I remember that too. It was awful! After it went down I became a packrat with wax for a while.
  11. Darn...I was going to stock up but I'm too late. Fillmore went up $6.00 a case.
  12. Can I borrow your kids? They sound really helpful with all that stuff I hate to do
  13. I use Quickbooks at work and it is GREAT once its set up. Setting it up is a major pain. There are many Quickbook tutors out there (many accountants and CPAs do this). When our office originally installed it, we had someone come and help set it up and teach us how to use it. It might be worth checking into the cost of getting some help from a freelancer. Just a thought.
  14. This might help: http://www.fillmorecontainer.com/faq.asp
  15. A lot of them are Black Cherry. Sometimes I can't sell my Black Cherry candles because people say it reminds them of a urinal.
  16. You could put them in a little bag with something else small that you do sell. Just charge her something for the other product and that way she will feel like she's giving you something but she is actually getting the rejected tarts for free. Not sure if I'm getting the idea across well...
  17. Ditto Luminous. Plus, I would add that I used to make an assortment of jars including some very pretty apothecaries in addition to the jelly jars. However, my customers are too damn cheap to pay the costs associated with more expensive jars. They just want the candle to smell good. End of story. I live in a rural area that does not see the benefit of a pretty container. They would rather buy two candles in an 8 ounce jj than one in a more expensive jar. Granted there are some people who would pay for the jar but I can't afford to have a bunch of candles sitting around waiting for that person to buy it. So I make what sells. Personally, I can't understand why someone would go to all the expense and years to learn how to make a perfect candle and then, when they use that talent to go into business, they choose something their customers do not want to buy.
  18. Took the words right out of my mouth.
  19. Your label is very nice. I think that going smaller would be fine because your candle colors are so pretty, it would show them off more too.
  20. Very pretty but your pic is too large to see them all at the same time.
  21. Van Yulay has flower molds on her website or she can make a mold for you. Her silicone is very flexible.
  22. Ecco, I have to say, you seem to be just the sweetest person.
  23. Ecco - maybe you and your partner could have the black background on a blog page instead of your main page. This would be more in keeping with the edgier dark background and could be a good compromise. BTW - Judiee - I clicked on your website but all of your pics come up as red x boxes for me. Just thought you might want to know. (AOL browser)
  24. I just looked on ebay and there's a blue one just like yours on there right now. I searched for "electric oil warmer"
  25. Usually I work with five pound batches for each fragrance I am pouring. Five pounds of wax and 7.5 ounces of FO.
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