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Everything posted by deb426

  1. If the same problem keeps happening, then I would just put that language directly in your statement "Only one coupon code per order."
  2. Thank you. I was looking for an upgrade from my trusty popsicle sticks. I've tried other types but always been disappointed. These look like they might work, though.
  3. Brief hijack...Does anyone know if the medium works on an 8 ounce JJ?
  4. LX 8 is the smallest I could find. There were some scents that would have needed smaller so I just don't make those. Most of time, an LX8 is fine. A small minority get an LX 10. The jars are pretty cute but a lot of work and I only make a tiny profit on them. I use them mostly for left over wax when I do a big pour. Tarts don't sell well for me so this was an alternative.
  5. I used 464 a few years ago but changed because I found a supplier within driving distance and changed to their wax (C3) to save on shipping.
  6. Seriously...your soaps are just beautiful.
  7. I use C3 in a 1.5 ounce jar (not hex) and use LX8 and LX 10. Maybe these would work for you.
  8. I'm not sure what you mean but when you pour a pillar, the bottom is the top and the top is the bottom. So the part that you did the repour on is actually the bottom of the candle. Make sense?
  9. You're just going to have to pick one and try it. Try an LX 30 and an Eco 16 and see what happens. No way to know for sure until you do it. BTW, the biggest wick isn't always the best. If its too big, it might tunnel too.
  10. if you use reverse look up on that phone number, his name will come up.
  11. I agree with Faerywren. I started out twenty years ago using books. If I would have had this forum then, along with all the other tutorials and stuff, I would have been in pigs heaven. Really, just start reading this site and the supplier sites. Don't forget the archives.
  12. Personally, I would do one with an 8 and maybe even a 6 too, just so I know for sure. I use C3 and eco wicks in 8 ounce jj and most FO's do fine with 6 or 8. Usually when testing a new FO, I'll test a 4, 6 and 8, and go from there. I have quite a few that are best with a 4. Only 1 or 2 use a 10. None use a 14. But cinn buns from CS is a wicker upper for me so your 10 might be okay.
  13. You will get a better response if you start your own thread.
  14. Have you tried any other FO's? Not every scent is a winner.
  15. How much money do you have LOL? Just kidding. I like to buy whatever I think I will use within about a year. Usually, I buy 5 pounds at a time of proven sellers. A pound at a time until I feel secure that its a good seller and I won't be stuck with a bunch of it. But it all depends on how much you sell.
  16. This forum is one of the most active forums I've encountered. However, with that being said, there is already a TON of information already here. Not only on the active board but also on the archives. The "best wax" is subjective. We all have our own opinions and there will never be a true consensus. Its like asking what is the best breed of dog. Research and then pick the best one for you. You can spend hours a day on this board looking at the discussions regarding various waxes and how they work for the individuals using them. My suggestion would be to go to the supplier's sites and check out what is available to you for a reasonable price, including shipping. Do you want soy? Do you want a blend? Paraffin? After you choose a few types, then search what others have already said about these waxes. HTH
  17. how much fo pp? What is the scent and where did you get the FO from?
  18. I unintentionally made a dozen bright orange candles scented in Hazelnut coffee (picked up the wrong dye...noticed it too late). I had them sitting on a shelf for a while and then took them to a show on a whim. Sold out immediately. Go figure.
  19. I get the fuel smell in every single orange scent I've tried, and I've tried a gazillion, it seems. I read somewhere on this forum that some people are sensitive to the fuel smell.
  20. I think you've done more than enough. If that doesn't satisfy your customer and leave her with good thoughts of you, nothing will.
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