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Everything posted by Sara

  1. Congrats!! You got some great colors going there.
  2. LOL. Well those parts look great.
  3. This is a little different, but I've used why, from cow's milk, for the liquid in soap. Very nice. It was a creamier bar.
  4. Well shame on Martha for not explaining that part!! I've never heard of a "salt bath" or rinse like that. Did you try it? Maybe it protects it a bit, if you don't wrap them. Salt can be a preservative and can prevent the growth of bacteria. That would be my guess. Although I'm not sure a simple rinse would do the trick, but ya never know.
  5. It is amazing how many low quality candles I've burned in my years before I knew better. The major reason for that was simply not being educated as to how a quality candle should perform. It is difficult to explain that to (some) people who have never experienced the process. Like, if you make certain foods homemade and know what goes into them, you can fortify them with good ingredients that are healthy for you, and better for you. OR you can go to the store and buy some cheap bread with the nutritional value of a sugared sock and the chemical content of hairspray. There's plenty of people that would choose the sugared sock over good, wholesome bread. Same thing with candles, too. I would continue to focus on your candles. Put a little stack of cards (short paragraph on candle safety and/or what makes your candles quality candles educates the consumer to make a better decision) by your candles. It may be noticed by both the shop owner and the other chandler.
  6. Bruce that video was fun. Thanks for posting that. You're a talented chap
  7. Oh man oh man. I feel you right there. I keep notes in a notebook and in a little 3x5 cardholder. If someone tossed those, I'd be in the same situation. Same with my soap notes-- in a tattered girlie looking journal. You'd think they'd be in something way more "high tech" but no. I can totally see how something like that can happen. There's no way you could recall that all either. The firestarter thing really just throws some salt on the wound, eh? :rolleyes2
  8. I removed any sale talk from this thread, seeing as it was a violation of the forum policy to solicit members in such a fashion. I left the thread up for informational purposes. Closing thread.
  9. Yeah, definitely wick down. And if you can bring down your FO percentage that might help a bit. If you don't need to use 9% to get a decent throw, bring that down. I personally don't like to use FOs that don't throw at 6% or less.
  10. I'm with you, Accents. I just cleared out the majority of this thread. It really looks like this company came through here and directly violated the rules by harvesting member emails for the purpose of solicitation.
  11. Check here: Basic Instructions > Pillar Instructions
  12. My gut instinct would be to charge for the samples. Depending on how many times a year you do it, you could be leaking a good amount of your funds. You could also charge xx amount for scent samples/set-up fees, and *if* a contract is finalized later on, deduct a portion of that from their 2nd order -- something like that. That might help to make it more appealing to the consumer. OR, just flat out charge xx for each sample sent.
  13. You can check out the "similar threads" post at the bottom of this thread. That might help you with finding some designers. Never hurts to browse through more than one to see if you can find something close to your liking. A search of this section should prove helpful, too. Good luck!! Come back and show us what you end up with.
  14. Yup, yup with the water discount. Unless you are constantly producing and have time to spare with waiting, I'd discount. Even with time to spare, I'd discount. As far as the castor--try some with and some w/o. See what you like. If you're not worried about it being 100% OO, I'd slip in some castor at 10%, or CCO/palm.
  15. That's fantastic. You really got your mileage out of that yarn. Love it with the tights and pants -- very versatile.
  16. Vicky, those look really great. He's off to a great start.
  17. Robin, you like packaging, don't ya? I have an itch to play, but it is waaaaaay too cold right now. So I'll be baking instead. Possibly messing around with some bath bombs, since I'm not dealing with that rotten humidity factor right now.
  18. The promotion was removed by me. Advertising/promoting by suppliers is not allowed on the forum (save for the Supplier Announcement section or paid advertisement).
  19. I use flat braids for the majority of my pillars. There are a couple I use square for and one I like the LX in. Try some 30 or 24 fb and see how that works ya
  20. Strangely enough I have a candle I've had in my bedroom for a couple years now. Lit it up last night and I have no clue what in the world scent it is. Must have been a tester or sample
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