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Everything posted by Trappeur

  1. Candybee if you are talking about the style jar like what you sent me, I have a suggestion to save you tons of money. Then you may already know about it. I go to save a lot grocery store and if they are out of stock on the jars, Wallmart has them. I buy the "Harvest" canning jar 16oz from these stores. There is embossing on 3 sides but 1 side is free for your label. People lap up the fact they are the actual canning jar and love the embossing which I do too, authentic looking. Now wallmart also has a new style 16oz jar with NO EMBOSSING WHAT SO EVER. The jar is the "Ball " and "Ball is embossed way on the bottom. All you need are lids which I know you get from Fillmore or Aztec. I pay at Save a Lot 6.99 a case of 12. So there is no shipping cost what so ever. Just state sales tax. Now the Wallmart jars are 7.99 a case of 12. Trappeur
  2. Hi Jaybee, My sister sent that Christmas spider ornament a few years back. Did you ever hear the legend of the spider? I hate every kind of spider out there but think this is beautiful. Trappeur
  3. Well, I did this morning an experiment and did a 2 color tart. I made 1 pound wax of which I added 6 tablespoons heaping of 464 to the 4625 to make up a pound. Tarts are turning out just beautiful and have like a mottled grainy rustic top finish, which I'm rather liking as generally my candles are usually a slick as glass and shiny top. Now I know this is a pour problem. They say to pour at 175 which I did on the plain not 2 color batch and they turned perfect WITH '"NO" sink holes which directions said I would but I got none. But when I went and poured a top off in the 2 color tart I didn't have the top 2'nd pour hot enough as when I took out of mold they split right at the seam where the 2 colors meet, so I will have to pour a little hotter next time. And being that it is cool in my house all the tarts had surface cracks, but I know how to deal with that. NOW.....I just made some more two color tarts. This time I poured at 150 the bottom and they are just as gorgeous as the ones poured at 175 with NO sink holes so I'm surprized at that, but it is perfect. Now I just did the 2'nd pour which is the top in a different color, but I poured the top at 175 and still looking good. I'll take some pictures shortly. Trappeur
  4. Wow, Aptommo I never even knew there was a 20oz tin out there. Is this something new? I'll have to get some! Thanks for posting this! Trappeur
  5. Ok, so let me understand this. The large 2 1/2 ounce melts (they each weigh that) will be going in a tin so there will be 2 tarts in a tin and if my cost is $4.04 to make the 2 melts realistically I always double my wholesale price , this making this tin with 2 melts in it I would charge 8.00 for the two of them. So that means the store would put a retail on this tin of $16.00. I think that is rather expensive for 2 melts and I myself wouldn't pay 16.00 for 2 melts so that is why I thought why not sell them for a wholesale price of $6.00 a tin and the store sell for 12.00 rather than 16.00. Trappeur
  6. I have never heard of a tin burning right through the bottom. I guess it's possible. That just shows the ignorance and the person not knowing a thing about candlemaking not knowing a thing about their wax product and even thinking about selling is just ludacrest (spelled wrong). There are tons of suppliers that sell the tins so you will have no problem finding them. And please don't think about even selling candles just by taking a class and seeing and thinking about how easy it is. This is not an easy get rich scheme and certainly doesn't happen over night. It takes "years" or sure you could probably be ready in a year to say that you truly know all about your wax product, wax curing, the proper selection of what size wicks to use, getting insurance b/4 you sell to someone and making selling in the right container. So many people come here who started selling candles after a month or 2 or I have even seen people selling right after a few weeks! This disgusts me when I see posts like this as there is no way in even a couple of months that you could possibly learn everything you need to know in how to make a properly designed candle. Safety is of utmost importance and is #1 before ever even thinking about selling even just to friends. It took me "years" before I felt confident enough to put out the first candle to sell and I sell wholesale to stores. I don't mean to come down hard on you or make you feel horrible in what I said as I'm not that type of person, but it is what it is, so be smart and do things correctly and this board is the most informative board you could happen upon where you can learn. I learn still everyday and I have been in this business for years! Keep us informed how you do and welcome..... Trappeur
  7. Maybe you should get into the business and sell jars Arch? You know you would get tons of orders from us here....I have thought about it a time or 2....Actually I checked out selling wax one time but you really need a big pallet or (pallets) to get going on it. Geesh, I wonder what the mark up is on wax. You think double? Trappeur
  8. Mr. Skunk has been gone for a while...Maybe the bed wasn't warm enough for him. Geesh, I do have heating pads in the beds so I cant imagine what his problem was. But then maybe he doesn't like to share a bed as all my cats pile up on top of each other like 8 to 10 cats in a bed. Trappeur
  9. Yes Seblo 2 tarts in a tin completely ready to put out on floor and sell. So what do you think? Too expensive? Don't forget they will be in a tin. And yes that is the weight of what each tart sells for? Also "tart" is a trade marked word - so what do I call them? Trappeur
  10. I made these last night. Now I just stuck in the freezer to see if they are going to pop out of the molds. Wish me good luck Trappeur
  11. Holy smokes Shari! These are stunning! Those colors unbelievable! Beautiful job! What scents? Trappeur
  12. She sure does know her stuff. You should have seen the beautiful candle she made me....flawless - smooth as glass tops and wonderful throw. Trappeur
  13. I had forgotten to include these pictures. See TTayle's Craftserver Christmas ornament there? That piece is so very personal to me and I have to thankyou again Tall Tayle for the reason you made it. God help the person who ever picks it up and drops it and breaks...They are in big trouble if that ever happens....which it won't... I got a new embed mold in of Holly Leaves and that is what is on this large crystal jar. I love this acorn embed This is my latest embed - a holly leaf. Now in this picture my sister gave me the elk mug years ago which I refilled. I love as you all know anything nature inspired and have a huge huge fetish for anything in pine cones, t shirts, accessories, of course candles, bedding etc. Those are red salt and pepper shakers in the picture. And see my little pine cone houres derves * forek? spelled wrong", withe the pine cone handle....lol I bought the green votives at Family Dollar for a dollar and they were already decorated. Not bad for $1.00 each. I tried my hand at gold mica on this $1.00 votive.....ha ha ha I filled these jars with Bayberry and Silver Oak (Flaming). One of my new favorite scents.
  14. I made my first tart melts in the metal scalloped molds this evening. I found I had 5 small and 5 large scalloped tin molds. I was thinking that my packaging would be in the 16oz and 8oz tins with a great looking label on the tin lid. How made ( I followed Flamings directions) Metal tart scalloped molds. The large mold holds 2 1/2 ounces The small molds holds 1 ounce 4625 Wax (I made a 1/2 pound wax) (I also added 4 large tablespoons of 464 to this) Christmas Hearth by CS Melted to 200 Poured 175 (I saved extra wax for a thin repour as Flaming said this would be needed but after they hardened they had no dips in the center at all and they came out just beautiful. The tops are grainy like a rustic look...but I love. (is 4625 this easy to work with or die i just get lucky in pouring??? Now the trick is how to get these out of the molds? Put in freezer and then push down so it comes out of mold? ?? Questions???: I can fit 2 tarts in either the 16oz or 8oz round tins and was thinking of putting a little doo dad embed on top. I figured out costs completely made and ready to go. Large 16oz - 4.04 to make (this seems rather high ) To wholesale the large maybe I should charge 6.00 as the same amount of work goes into this as the small?? I need to re add the prices again on this large tin. Small 8oz - 1.63 to make To wholesale at 4.00 is much better and I think they could get 8.00 retail Do you think my pricing structure of the wholesale prices sound good? Trappeur
  15. The last 2 days I have been busy making candles for myself - all crystal of jars I have been saving up for a rainy day to do and now I have them done. Lots of pictures. These are very big diameter candles. The beige vintage crock is 8" diameter. The little green votive I tried my hand at rubbing gold mica on it....was ok...need to perfect it. Thanks for looking. Trappeur
  16. Your very welcome. I'm sure others will come along and put up their suggestions. Do let us know how everything pans out. We all can still learn here from your observations as well. Trappeur
  17. Sam, you are jumping the gun way too soon here in deciding what wax to use and not getting any throw. I keep telling everyone that comes here over and over that you need to have patience and not do any judging when #1: candles need curing for example 464 2 weeks before ready to using - #2 All waxes are different and need different cure times (you can do massive searching on this forum as this subject is brought up all the time)....so spend dedicated time in doing lots of reading here #3 Appearance should be one of the very lasting things to worry about when making candles. You can critique once you have mastered your candles and you TEST FOR THROW. Not all candles put out a throw when just made (curing time). And many are foolers till you burn and when you start burning them, don't just burn a few burns but burn ALL THE WAY till candle is done. #4 Some candles are known for having frosting like 464 which is really a candle wax - not a melt - but you can always do a blend later. If you are using like 464 (which I use) frosting does appear and no matter what you try to do you, just have to either live with it or move on. No sense even asking questions about how to illeviate/ It is just a characteristic trait for this particular wax. Even when heat gunning, warming jars, etc is done, sooner or later that frosting is coming back, so be forewarned on 464 for this. Generally a parrafin is great for non frosting. If you like 464 I suggest not coloring the wax if that is what you are doing. #5 Don't overthink/ put the cart b/4 the horse like what I believe you doing. I believe you are starting out with way too many waxes (just my opinion). You haven't given any of your waxes a chance to perform by testing. Also wicks are going to play a very important thing in getting the right style for each and every wax and you will have to test EACH fragrance oil for the proper burn and whether you need to wick up or down and this is going to determine too also the strength of the fragrance throw. So you have a lot of testing to do before you worry about appearance. You will find people if you are later on planning on selling don't give one hoot what appearance looks like except fragrance throw, so don't dwell on appearance sake. So perfect your wick or in the case of melts, burn them for fragrance throw first then start critiquing. Good luck! Trappeur
  18. Hi Peggy, A Georgia gal here also, up in Blue Ridge in the mountains. Where are you? Yep, you will have to test, test and test. Everything Nightlife said is so true. Flaming is my biggest and main supplier and being you are that close, I would without hesitation make something work from them and keep them as your main supplier. I'm almost 3 hours from them and haven't been there....one day I will go there. 26.00 to ship a case of wax is still worth it to not have to drive. First off 12% oil is way too much oil. Go back to your 7%. As far what is a winning combination blend of waxes, I have yet to see from anyone a winner in this dept. Sorry not much help. Trappeur
  19. Hello Ramr! I realize this is late getting to the post Ramr but here is something else you could try. I'm designing a collection of "odor eliminator" candles. Community Candle has an oil called "odor eliminator" that you add to any scent to make this type of candle as this is strictly for removing odors in your home. You could get a couple of ounces of it and make maybe melts and laying the melts opened up in your suitcase. After you've had them laying around in your "closed" suitcase, you could then decide if it truly works as an "odor eliminator". Let us know how well this does, if anything! Trappeur
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