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Everything posted by Trappeur

  1. I use pumpkin pecan waffles. Wouldn't that be too close to your pumpkin pancakes. Unless it throws so much better. Ok I'll get a small bottle. Trappeur
  2. I have in my shopping cart from Candlewick 2 pounds each of cb125, a palm and 4630 to start testing. Did I make good choices? Now since I have waxes to try might as well get some great fragrances and being that I never ordered from Candlewick I'm going nuts trying to pickout scents. I love baking and sweet scents Trappeur
  3. That hole looks way big for a wick TTayle. What do you do? Slap a wick in and refill the big hole with more wax and wait to harden? Nifty idea....hey if it works, great! Trappeur
  4. Thats exactly what I'm doing Lovely.....moving on..... I put up a post to that effect. Did you see it? Trappeur
  5. This is a great thread and so glad I put it up and am very happy that people are giving out their years of knowledge in wicking, etc, when some might not be so helpful thinking well geesh, it took me years to perfect so why would I give out my secrets and formulas, know what I mean? I mean it's not like I'm a beginner in the world of candlemaking and I'm not about to just take someones advice, plop a wick in and away I go as I'll be doing my own testings and most likely I will be different than the next person. It's all personal and how we view our candlemaking and of course to make a safe candle that I would be proud to offer to the public. As we all know we all wind up generally with our own findings but to give starting points, is sure a wonderful big help and thankyou all for being so informative. I'm thinking I will be changing wax this year because of the problems with soy throw in 464 and at this stage I don't care what wax I use. I don't think I will have a problem with my accounts switching waxes. I;ll have some explaining to do, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I sell only wholesale and to contend with adjusting prices to a little more I'll feel my way through that also. Geesh I have one account who marks my candles up 2 1/2 times so she is reaping in the profits. When I do decide to up pricing, I know she will understand. It won't be much and she can still keep the same markup and make a little less in my opinion. I'm so friggin tired anyway of always being the one on the lowest part of the totem pole to make less money to secure an account. And I think if I were to go with a palm in her 20oz tureens would be a beautiful change to her line anyway. One more question...now I'm just thinking...since I make all 464 soy candles could I possibly throw in a handful of say 464 soy to the cb125 or even the palm and be able to call it a "soy blend" for the sheer fact that there is soy in it? After all it still is a blend no matter which way you think about it. I believe I have read that a certain percentage of soy has to be added to say it is a true soy blend....but who cares...it's a blend the way I think about it and I wouldn't be lying. I think I have heard it would mess up the crystallization, but it's just a thought???? Candybee the 2 candles you sent me, well the one I was burning yesterday "Christmas Clove" which palm is that? Is that the one that is more striking in crystallization that is more vivid? Your candles are amazing and when I lit it up, it smelled right away. Talking about wicks I have every wick out there in htp and cd's since I use cd's primarily. Are these no good to test? Probably not. I was thinking since I use the 20oz largest tureen what 2 wicks I could start out with...I was just trying to compare the 2 cd 7's that go in the jar to the comparable size in the wicks suggested and also my biggest account is my apple orchard account of which I sell the pint canning jar to and those are cd 10's. Sorry for so many questions. Oh yes, CB125 - 2 week cure time???? And the palms? 2 week cure time???? Trappeur
  6. I'm trying, I'm trying Laura! Trappeur
  7. This is a great thread and so glad I put it up and am very happy that people are giving out their years of knowledge in wicking, etc, when some might not be so helpful thinking well geesh, it took me years to perfect so why would I give out my secrets and formulas, know what I mean? I mean it's not like I'm a beginner in the world of candlemaking and I'm not about to just take someones advice, plop a wick in and away I go as I'll be doing my own testings and most likely I will be different than the next person. It's all personal and how we view our candlemaking and of course to make a safe candle that I would be proud to offer to the public. As we all know we all wind up generally with our own findings but to give starting points, is sure a wonderful big help and thankyou all for being so informative. I'm thinking I will be changing wax this year because of the problems with soy throw in 464 and at this stage I don't care what wax I use. I don't think I will have a problem with my accounts switching waxes. I;ll have some explaining to do, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I sell only wholesale and to contend with adjusting prices to a little more I'll feel my way through that also. Geesh I have one account who marks my candles up 2 1/2 times so she is reaping in the profits. When I do decide to up pricing, I know she will understand. It won't be much and she can still keep the same markup and make a little less in my opinion. I'm so friggin tired anyway of always being the one on the lowest part of the totem pole to make less money to secure an account. And I think if I were to go with a palm in her 20oz tureens would be a beautiful change to her line anyway. One more question...now I'm just thinking...since I make all 464 soy candles could I possibly throw in a handful of say 464 soy to the cb125 or even the palm and be able to call it a "soy blend" for the sheer fact that there is soy in it? I think I have heard it would mess up the crystallization, but it's just a thought???? Trappeur
  8. How bout "Sweet Treats"? Trappeur
  9. Yes, I have....it's very nice. Now I made 2 Banana candles with Candle Cocoons oil. And no good....not even a throw. Trappeur
  10. I am just like you all with boxes of candles. And I have a fetish for beautiful jars. This past week being so cold and I use firestarters to start the upstairs fireplace I just started chipping all the waxes out of so many jars that I wanted to pour into for myself so I just put all the chipped wax in a big jar and scoop out and throw into the fireplace to get fires going. Trappeur
  11. Just my 2 cents here, but I wouldn't put a lid on and wait for the candle to harden... but that's just my 2 cents.....what do I know. I just know from testing a time or 2 even when I put a paper towel over a candle that I was waiting for it to harden up, it screwed up the whole candle. Trappeur
  12. Well, I'm loving what you said Candybee and Sarah. This wax is turning me on more and more I read upon it and hear about it. Thanks so much. Trappeur
  13. Sarah, can you give me like an idea like what jar you use for an example and then what size htp wick you would use for it in the CB125. I have tons of htp wicks and cd wicks which I use mainly. Can't remember without looking it up, but is that a soy or what? Is it slab or easy pour pellets. I use the pint canning jar and 16oz country comfort for example. You use any of these jars? Also how bout curing? 2 weeks? Trappeur
  14. Ok, thanks bunches Sarah. I'll order a small bag to try. Trappeur
  15. Who is the wax jealous of Forest? lol So 464 takes a year? lol....your funny Didn't know if you knew but the 20tureen I have mastered that wicking....double wicking... Trappeur
  16. Yeah go ahead and get them for sure. What wax do you use? Do you know what size wicks your going to have to use? Trappeur
  17. Hey Daisy if your talking about the buttey almond cookie well I did make up 2 candles in Fillmores on 1/20. It's only a 7 day cure so I need to let the candle sit a bit more and I'll let you know. I have never made this type scent b/4 so we shall see. It was really luscious out of the bottom. Only time will tell. I'll let you know. Trappeur
  18. Hey Karen, I just made up some candles in the Red Apple and I hope it does well. I'm really loving it so have to wait for a 2 week cure. I really am set with pines and really don't need another one, but doesn't hurt to try out new ones. Fillmores Christmas Tree (Balsam Fir) for over 12 plus years is my go to pine. 2'nd is CS Fraser Fir. For another pine the 3'rd is CS Blue Spruce. For 4'th Community Candle Balsam Fir which is not really a balsam but just a plain fir scent but oh so nice. For 5'th is Bittercreeks "A Northwoods Christmas".....so I'm all set but I'm still trying out Fillmores. I have one store that sells tons of a Jolly green apple which I have never really found one that is tart so I have been using Fr.Buddys green apple in the mean time till I find a better one. Now that you just posted this green apple, I'm ordering from Fillmore today and take a chance and order a pound of their green apple. So glad you posted this! Trappeur
  19. Wow Quentin, I see them all over websites. Let me check and see and I'll get back Trappeur
  20. Hi ya Forest! Not a good thrower? Ok, I'll ditch that one as i was thinking about it. Wicking I can usually (I said usually) accomplish..... Thanks for the update though! So are you making spring candles now or summer? By the way Forest, you are so right ever since you started that post of how wax burns differently in seasons and I found that subject very interesting. When you coming back up here to my neck of the woods? Don't forget we have a date to get together when you do..... Trappeur
  21. Ok, thanks bunches Candybee. I'm ordering some more new jars from C&S and I'll get a small bag of the palm if they offer it that way. Your a doll. Thanks for instructions! Keep warm! Oh yeah, it this wax slab or another way? Trappeur
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