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Everything posted by singleyellowrose

  1. They don't give you pricing. You have to email for information.
  2. How much Patch EO would you use in a candle?
  3. I buy my GMP in bulk. Just got a bag.. If you want any, it's $6.25/lb. PM me and let me know if you want to try some out.
  4. You have less chance of beasties with the non fat as opposed to the mik powders with fat. That said.... I have noticed that if your label says Goat Milk, people are more apt to buy it than one that just says milk.
  5. Check Scent works. They may have both.
  6. Not to hijack the thread, but does anyone have pics of them AFTER they have burned them?
  7. No question is dumb! We were all beginners at one time or another. If you don't know for sure, IMHO it is better to ask than to try it and hurt yourself or someone else... or .............have to rebatch!
  8. got any candililla wax or carnuba wax? You can sub one of these for the beeswax, but since they are both harder, you would have to use less.
  9. According to the MSDS it is Appearance: White waxy flaked solid Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid): Strong oxidizing agents and strong acids SECTION VII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION ============================================================================ Respiratory Protection- Wear MSHA or NEOSH approved self-contained breathing - apparatus when working in confined spaces or where dust is present Ventilation: Not required Protective Gloves: Impervious Eye Protection: Chemical goggles Other Equipment: Eye wash and safety shower in work area Work/Hygienic Practices: Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing
  10. I haven't ever used it, however it is similar to SLSa.
  11. EWax is to be melted in the Oil Phase. If you post the recipe mebbe we can help you more.
  12. If you can get the ingredient list from the container, that would make it a bit easier to duplicate.
  13. http://www.soapdelicatessen.com/soapmaking/instructions/coconutoil
  14. Blackberry Sage... aka Blackberry Patch
  15. AJ.... Don't try melting the bees.. i don't think it would work... just the beeswax!
  16. I think i would try 1/3 beeswax 1/3 Cocoa Butter 1/3 Shealoe See if that is to your liking and then go from there. I wouldn't increase the beeswax though from 1/3, cuz it can cause drag on the skin. HTH
  17. I get mine directly from the manufacturer.. saving the middle man and me some $$ ETA: Im in western PA .. you are in NJ.. can't see where it would be any longer me shipping to you as you getting it from FNWL. I am going to place my order probably next week sometime.
  18. How much did you pay for 5#? If you got it from FNWL.. OUCH! When i buy in bulk it usually runs about $6.00/lb. I freeze mine for future use, but if anyone wants some, let me know.
  19. Did you try shealoe in your lotion bars? You would have to up the beeswax or other hard oil, but it may work for ya. Just watch you temps.. melt everything else first.. then when it starts cooling down, but enough to beat in the shealoe, add it then. It would be best to use a preservative though. Shealoe is basically equal parts of each. However, aloe is 50% water so you should take that into consideration.
  20. Depending on what you want from it. I love the green shea for soaps. I'm not fond of not being about to cover the scent for whipped shea. The Golden Shea I like for B&B. No distinct scent and it feels alot different. Not a greasy feel. More talc like. There is refined white shea. While I have used it, it will go grainy and I don't like it as well as the unrefined. Then there is Shealoe. A combination of Shea & Aloe. It is white and refined. No scent. Love this stuff.. bout time i order more as I am running low. I buy this in bulk to save some $$. I use it in lotions and such. Where I want both and don't have to add seperate ingredients. The general public likes the words Shea & Aloe. They like seeing it on the label. HTH you some.
  21. Hoping this will help clear up any questions: Here's a pic: The green unrefined shea is from Agbanga The Golden unrefined shea is from soapersupplies. (where i was CoOping from)
  22. Okay then... If it were me, I would either try adding a bit of beeswax to it or I would try a different supplier....
  23. Try melting first.. then pour it and stick it in the freezer. Should set up fine that way..
  24. IMHO, I would stick with the Kokum and Cocoa. Personally, higher on the Kokum cuz IMHO, it's better for your skin. Cocoa can clog pores. That said, I would still use the Cocoa Butter, because the generally public "knows" Cocoa butter. Doesn't mean it is better, but will make a decent product with an ingredient people know. Kokum is great for aging skin... must be why i like it! I wouldn't up your beeswax cuz like you said, it makes it tackier.. put more of the good stuff in it. If it's still not quite as hard as you like, then add a tiny bit of Carnuba wax.
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