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Everything posted by singleyellowrose

  1. YOUR salt bars? I am having a heck of a time finding something to package them in. Please give me some suggestions.
  2. Kitchen Aid here too unless it is a small batch then i use the whisk attachment on my SB.
  3. My salt bars are made with 75% coconut and 25% shea. Lye amount 8%. Mix in 75% sea salt at medium trace and pour. Then I stick it in the oven at 170* for 2 hours. Take out, unmold and let them sit for the next 24 hours rotating occasionally. Then I put them up to cure for 6-8 weeks. HTH
  4. If it helps.. I started out "playing" with candle wax 3 years ago.. I wanted to do soy as well.. but it was a MAJOR PITA. Some things about soy i just do NOT like and did not want in a candle. I am now working with a 50/50 blend that seems to be doing what I want, but still have some natural wax in it. That said.. before that.. i read and read and read. And I still read ALOT... you can never learn too much. I still don't feel confident enough in my candles to sell them.. when they are exactly WHAT i want.. then i will, but until then.. i will keep testing and playing and learning.
  5. Has anyone gotten the Cashmere and Pearls to throw.. and if so, at what %? I am using a 50/50 blend @ 9% and i can't smell ANYTHING unless i get close enough to burn nose hairs...
  6. Anything is possible. Would I do it >>>>>NO! As soon as you add water it makes your product an EXCELLENT breeding ground for germs. ETA: Even with all oils I still add a preservative.
  7. You could use Carnuba or Candelilla wax in place of the Beeswax. Both are harder than beeswax, so you would have to adjust your liquid oils. But it can be done.
  8. http://www.soapersupplies.com/mm5/merchant.mvc Wholesale Supplies I think has them as well.
  9. Placed my order! I got Snowy Pine French Apricot Red Delicious Apple Basil Nectarine I took one from each response and then picked up one of my choice. Thanks everyone for helping me out, it is greatly appreciated.
  10. Anyone have any recommendations for FOs from this company? I will be placing an order this weekend. I am definately getting Snowy Pine, but may as well pick up a couple of others. After much reading, I am going to try their 50/50 blend, so that will be the wax it will go into. Thanks!
  11. My 2cents. Soap at room temp. Take no liquid discount. Add the FO and any coloring to the batch BEFORE you add the lye solution. Hand stir only and pour as quickly as possible. What you may be able to do with this batch, is if it doesn't turn out the way you want it and you don't want to rebatch it, shred it and add it to a plain batch. You can always use a complimenting FO but less of it in the main portion.
  12. I have made 1# batches with no problems. Another thing you can do is take a batch of soap and make it about 5oz more. At LIGHT trace, remove 5oz and scent it as desired. Remeber, with that amount though, it may move faster on you than it would in a full size batch. Then make the rest of the batch into whatever you had planned. That way you only get 5oz of soap as opposed to a whole lb.
  13. You can use any CP recipe for HP. I don't do HP. I don't like and it don't like me!
  14. I agree with cindy. Please don't make any "claims" to healing as then you are in a completely different ballpark. It is no longer a cosmetic but becomes and OTC drug. It is SOOOO not worth going there. Just MHO.
  15. 70mm should fit. Although I would email bill at bayousome and ask him first.
  16. try bayousome.com They have jars and seals. For the seals, most are whatever the size of the container is in ml. I prefer to go find a site that sells them or sells them together is even better!
  17. I have pretty much quit using tins for salves. I use a 1 or 2 oz jar for mine now. The slightest bit of heat and some salves/balms will start melting.. Then they will make a mess in the container in which they are stored.. which will definately find its way to the labels of it and other containers.
  18. thanks everyone. They are scented with Old Mill's Kimono and colored with neon mica.
  19. I'll second that one Scented. Peak's Lavender is awesome!
  20. GM is VERY hard to preserve. If you must use it, IMHO, I wouldn't go over 5% of your total liquid with the rest being water or whatever liquid you choose. I have used it in lotions but only for me. I don't sell them..
  21. Thanks for the heads up on them. I may try them then this week.
  22. these from Peaks? Apple Blossom Freesia Gardenia Mary Jane French Vanilla & Amber Casaba Mist
  23. www.theherbarie.com www.lotioncrafter.com
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