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Everything posted by Darbla

  1. I haven't ordered at all from them yet because of the prices. I hate to be so penny-conscious but have to be! A sale would nudge me to at least try a few things. Darbla
  2. Is there anything from them that is a 'must have'? Or unique to them that you can't get anywhere else? Darbla
  3. Are you using container wax? I read on an old post here that container waxes turn out 'more pastel' than other types. I took that to mean it didn't take dye as well. Which explained why my container + votive wax blend didn't color up as well as votive wax alone. Maybe Stella's recommendation of black will fix that though. Darbla
  4. They're out for the second time in as many weeks, and I'm getting an antsy feeling that I need to start looking at some other waxes or I'm not going to get all my holiday candles made in time. And I'm not used to working with container waxes so I don't have any experience with any but the Green Leaf one that I'm mixing with my votive wax. So, you container people, what do you recommend that's comparable to Green Leaf 70/30? Thanks, Darbla
  5. I know this post is almost a year old, but does anyone know if Mimmi's "ok candle supply" is Oklahoma Fragrance Supply? I'm looking for something I used to get from Day Dreamer. Edit: Nevermind. They nor Flickers has what I was looking for anyway. Thanks, Darbla
  6. We're discussing 'Hansel & Gretel's House' in another thread, and the one from Tennessee Candle is listed as skin safe. That would make a good Christmasy one renamed to 'Mrs. Claus Kitchen' or something holidayish like that. Darbla
  7. Thanks for all the info! I went digging in my kitchen storage area and, lo and behold, I found one! It's my husband's but not anymore. That is, IF I can get this one clean enough. I've been scrubbing in it with hot soapy water off and on for the last 30 minutes or so, and I'm not sure it's really going to get clean enough for me to use it for candles. (Kind of funny that I would think it was still appropriate to eat food cooked in it but not clean enough for making candles......) Anybody resuscitated a used one and been able to use it for candles? Darbla
  8. Question: Candle Science says it's for 'candles only', but Tennessee Candle says 'skin safe'. Any idea why? I'm betting they're the same oil, because I can't imagine 2 different ones with such a unique name. Me being the rebel I am, I've been using the CS one in lotion anyway for myself, but not for anyone else because it said 'candles only'. Darbla
  9. Isbennis, that 'Rare Earth' sounds right up my alley! Thanks for pointing that out. Scented, if you end up not liking 'Gembertaarts', send your leftovers to me and I will dispose of it for you.
  10. Thanks for the help. I'm a small hobbyist, not a retailer, so I will have to think on whether this is really going to make a difference for me. I usually clean my pour pot that I use on the stove by pouring the hot water from the bottom pot into it, and that does a great job of cleaning it. I won't be able to clean that easily with the presto. It'll be wiping out the hot presto and trying to keep from getting singed, and using up paper towels (expensive (I count every penny; sorry!) and bad for the environment). Mainly I'm debating on whether electricity to run the presto is going to be less than gas on the stove. Any ideas on that? If it's cheaper to run the presto, I'd definitely go with that. The $20 initial cost would be recouped with time. Darbla
  11. Oooooo! So you spigotless guys just dip the wax out then? Like with a metal measuring cup or similar?
  12. So, you just count on the cold throw? Are some kinds of wax better than others? I'm assuming container wax would be too soft, so I guess votive or pillar wax?
  13. Yeah, double boiler it. I use an old aluminum saucepot that I set my pour pot down in. I have a metal cookie cutter in the bottom of the aluminum saucepot so the pour pot has some extra cushion space between it and the heat source. I would love to have a presto pot but I don't have anybody to install the spigot. Darbla
  14. Ok, now someone tell me why we're dipping pine cones, please? I haven't done this before, but with the plethora of pines around me (I live in the piney woods of the Pine Belt; LOL!) this knowledge might come in handy. I've got tiny short leaf pinecones all the way up to the gigantor long leaf cones. But if they're for firestarters, then it won't come in handy. It never gets cold enough here to build much of a fire. Darbla
  15. Gosh, I would've said dark brown. But I'm probably thinking of the dark brown bottles rum is usually in. Darbla
  16. A few ideas among the many thousands of possibilities: Sugarplum = rename it "Sugarplum Fairies" Gingerbread = Bath & Body Works among other companies has had a gingerbread in the past, so it's common for body stuff. I love Aroma Haven's 'Christmas Cheer' and was thinking seriously on making b&b stuff for myself from it.
  17. You're welcome. I thought about something else: there was a movie called "Out Of Africa", and that might make a cute name for some of these FOs.
  18. Oh heck yeah! There's been several threads about them. I've been singing the praises of 'Gembertaarts' for weeks now, and if you search on that word you'll find a lot of those threads. Darbla
  19. Have not done it, but I was recently trying to come up with a 'Graveyard' scent (think I mentioned it in a Halloween thread) and dirt + cold is what I had in mind. But this has got my mind going in all kinds of directions. I snowboard, and I can see calling dirt + avalanche "Crash". Or cinnamon + Avalanche = "Cold Day In Hell".
  20. This is an old thread that I'm bumping because I'm looking for the best source for the best flavor oils. MMS seems to be a favorite. Are there any better than MMS since this thread was lively last year? Darbla
  21. Now now, be nice. He's new.
  22. Scarecrow (Hay or Country Bumpkin any others?) Hay & Amish Harvest & Cedarwood Tin Man (Tin Star that I saw somewhere) Lion (Tiger eyes was my thought, but probably not a good choice) Serengeti Dorothy Child or Children's Room or Innocent or something Dreamy or Dreamer Toto (thinking puppy's breath) Dogwood or Doodle Bug Rudolph (a fruity gingerbread mix maybe) Gembertaarts Santa Santa's Pipe or Santa's Whiskers or Christmas cookies Graveyard MMS Dirt + Avalanche (AH) Trick or Treat Candy Corn Goblins Licorice Witchypoo (Witches Brew or ...) Black Magic or Voodoo named stuff Frosty the Snowman Ice Capade (NG) or Jack Frost (NG) Santa's Elves Snickerdoodles or other cookies North Pole Avalanche (AH) or Snow Angels Bah Humbug Dickens Christmas or Sour Watermelon Candy (NG) Grinch Green Apple Candy (NG) or Tart Green Apple (NG) or something tart or sour grapes Black Cat still thinking... Spider Web Baton Rouge (it's musty dusty, in a good way) Ghost Water Blossom Ivy (AH) (described as 'ethereal') Yes, I know cheated by playing again. I'm just fun like that. And the first time I played I was at work so didn't spend much time on it...
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