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Everything posted by Darbla

  1. I got these two recently. Thinking of renaming to just 'Bethlehem' and changing EoJ to 'Nazareth'. Which got me to thinking on other Biblical places and themes. Hmmmm.... Darbla
  2. Hey, since we're discussing this..... I'm giving some away at Christmas and I want to print up a page (or however long it ends up being) of safety tips and how to get the most out of your candle. What all would you include on this page? So far I've got don't leave it unattended, burn to a full melt pool to prevent tunneling, burn 3-4 hours each time, trim wicks to 1/4" of just slightly less, votives are safer if placed inside another fireproof container. What else do I need to add and/or flesh those ideas out to? Darbla
  3. Scarecrow (Hay or Country Bumpkin any others?) I like the idea of mixing those 2! Tin Man (Tin Star that I saw somewhere) Lion (Tiger eyes was my thought, but probably not a good choice) Serengeti Dorothy Strawberry something or other Toto (thinking puppy's breath) Rudolph (a fruity gingerbread mix maybe) Santa Santa's Pipe Graveyard MMS Dirt, maybe with some cold ozone added Trick or Treat Candy Corn Goblins Witchypoo (Witches Brew or ...) Frosty the Snowman any of the snowy FOs Santa's Elves Snickerdoodles or other cookies North Pole whichever of the snowy ones you didn't use for Frosty
  4. I checked shipping and it was almost the same, within pennies, to buy six 10 lb slabs or buy the case. Both were $36 and some change. So I ended up ordering the case since it was cheaper for the quantity in it. What was so strange though....... I did those dummy orders and got that figure of $36 something, but then when I added several FOs it went DOWN almost a dollar. The shipping charge was $35 something when I finalized the order. Darbla
  5. I just found 'Orange Spice' (as well as 'Cranberry Orange Spice' that I was asking Maggie about) at Green Leaf. And both can be gotten as part of the Fall sample pack they have right now. Darbla
  6. See, that's what I wondered. I thought I'd heard somewhere that you're charged more for one very heavy item than for several smaller ones. I don't remember what the reasoning was. Maybe hazards to the deliverer for having to move that much weight? Don't know. Or maybe that was so at one point but has been adjusted now.
  7. Because of the friggin' shipping? I'm thinking of buying a case of Green Leaf 70/30, but shipping is so high because of the weight that I'm wondering if any of you buy smaller quantities and end up paying less overall? I'm a hobbyist, not a retailer, so I don't need as much as you retailers but I still need a good quantity to make Christmas gifts. Darbla
  8. That doesn't sound excessive to me. :whistle:
  9. I meant how is the FO, not how is it that there are no posts about it....
  10. I don't find any info on Aroma Haven's 'Angel Heart' here in the forum. How is this? Anyone use it? Thanks, Darbla
  11. A note because I mentioned a strongly scented votive a couple posts up: My house is 2300 sq ft. I just got out of the shower in the back, walked into my bedroom, and smelled that votive burning in the front of the house. And my poor nose is all discombobulated with Fall pollen, bleach from when I've been scrubbing this weekend, and the abundance of FOs I have around me all the time, and I could still pick out that specific votive (Apple Jack & Peel).
  12. I got it from here: http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=5612&highlight=cleansing+method
  13. Ooooooo...you got a good shortbread recipe? Yum! Post it in the recipes forum. Love the stuff. Darbla
  14. If you can get all of the outside to melt, then you can get the whole unmelted middle out in one chunk along with the little that's melted. Don't know if that's feasible for whatever you're doing, but it's an idea. Darbla
  15. I bought the votive kit from Peak that has that wax, and I'm having the same problems as you. I'm just not happy with it, but that may be the combination of it and the wicks they included in the kit. Other wicks may be perfect with it. A week or so ago I tried melting together half IGI 1794/half Green Leaf's 70/30 container wax because there were raves on it's throw. My votives are a bit soft now but tolerable, and the throw is wonderful! Loads better than 4794 by itself. I'm burning one next to me right now and I'm fixing to have to move it or put it out because it's giving me a headache! I don't know if you people who sell can really chance making soft votives, but I'm going to keep experimenting with this blend. Actually my next experiment is to try less of the 70/30; about 25% and see what develops. I kept the same wicks as from the kit. They are working great for this, but I think they are a little weak for straight 4794. YMMV! Darbla
  16. It seems I've read somewhere that container candles throw better than pillars & votives because of the softer wax. Is that true? I know I blended Greenleaf's (or Green Leaf?) 70/30 with my IGI 4794 and mine are awesome now. Throw was weak with just 4794. Same wicks, same % FO. Darbla
  17. Thanks, Maggie! I used Orange Clove from Camden Grey in some votives last week, and a friend at work is demanding them. But I don't know how it'll compare to the other recs you've been given. This talk of orange spice has me wondering what orange and cinnamon would be like together. I may have to experiment. Darbla
  18. 2 things aggravate me about this kind of crap: 1) All the trees that are destroyed and the harm to the environment to produce all this junk mail that nobody even wants. 2) Someone else is making money off my name and address and *** I *** can't even do that! Darbla
  19. That sounds good to me! Where did you find that? What supplier?
  20. My state does not have a supplier, and dang it, if I had the money I'd become one. I've got quite a bit of acreage to construct a building / small warehouse but no funds to do it. Nothing the rest of you haven't also thought about though.
  21. Several of you have mentioned 'Christmas Splendor'. Were you by any chance referring to the one from The Candle Source? I have that one but haven't poured yet.
  22. Heck yeah I appreciate your input! I won't hold it against you that you've got one of the greatest jobs in the world!!!
  23. I loooooove 'Gembertaarts'. I made 2 body sprays of it, one for home & one to leave at work, and I have spritzed myself with it just about every single day since getting it. Sorry, haven't put it in wax yet. I almost waxed 'Black Magic' the other day but decided to go with something more homey for now, but I think I'm going to love it in bath & body applications as much as 'Gembertaarts'.
  24. Candelishis posted in another thread: "I use an Orange Vanilla from Texacal Traders (their ebay id is jp5582). I get most of my fo from Peak, but I stick with texacal's Orange Vanilla. It smells super, just like a push pop They also have a black currant vanilla scent that is one of my best sellers, and my personal favorite. I have black currant vanilla candles in every room of my house, and nothing else, most of the time. I never get sick of it!" Darbla
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