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Everything posted by cozyaromas

  1. I'll start first 1. CozyAromas- Cuccumber Melon or Country Apple
  2. Your first batch looks very nice, and nice swirls by the way...I can't wait to see it cut! Great Job!!!!:highfive:
  3. Scented, I didn't know it was okay to make your lye water the night before. Do you find that much easier, then to make the same day??
  4. Well I got my receipe together, I just need to run it through a soap calc. It's a basic receipe nothing to special, I just hope it lathers real good, and leaves your body soft and smooth as a baby's bottom!!! As for the scent I haven't quite narrowed that down yet, maybe I need to look at the thread that lists scents that rock in cp!!!! I'm using a 2lb mold, so I hope that's okay!!!!:undecided
  5. Hey Sabrina- I personally bought this ebook from bittercreek.net;and it has some very helpful ideas about not only starting a fundraiser. But also about running a smooth candle business. The price is only 29 bucks, and so far it's been worth every penny to me, JMO. http://secure.candlesupply.com/catalog_page_detail.cfm?queries_index=index7&title_bar=Stop%20Burning%20Time%20%26%20Money%20in%20Your%20Candle%20Business%20ebook%21&recordno=14&Product_CatalogID=2284&ProductCodeID=69&ProductSubCodeID=221&NewProduct=0
  6. Okay, Scented stop pulling my leg!!!! I'm joining!!! I knew if you joined I wouldn't be able to back down!!!! The List: 1. Magsglass 2. scntdwik 3. hewells 4. angiebaby 5. elitenaildesign 6. LovelyLathers 7. SuzieE 8. Scented 9. CozyAromas
  7. Prairie- Congrats are most definitely in order!!! :highfive: Having a wholesale account is like an ultimate dream, a dream that I am surely not ready for, but a dream I am sure that you've been planning for awhile. Not only did you get to be on the cover of their magazine, your candles will be located in several other states. There's no looking back now, PrairieAnnie... but up, you're aiming for the stars now!!! Good Luck!!!
  8. I personally don't see a reason why you wouldn't be able to join . I'm pretty sure, those new to cp whether (sp?) you soap once a month, once every other month, or never at all, are welcome (IMO). So I say come on and join!!!! You joining would be the extra push some of us need, so right after you sign up, I'll put my name right under yours!!!
  9. I'm really thinking about it LovelyLathers, tomorrow I am going to go to Walmart, and pick up a pot and blender, I'll let you know for sure before Monday.
  10. Wow, those are beautiful!!!!:highfive: Who would have ever thought that a salad shooter could be used for soapmaking. That confetti soap is to die for, I would like a bar of that myself, would you like to share???
  11. (pouting like a baby) I so want to participate in this, I'm just not ready, May 15 is to soon for me!!!! I have 2 soapmaking kits, I have the lye, the oils, and the fo!! I am just missing the blender and the pot !! Hopefully, next time around I'll be ready. In the meantime I'll cheer everyone on!!!!
  12. Wow 800 bombs that's alot!!!! I couldn't imagine doing that many in just a 1-1/2 weeks.
  13. Congrats Michi: You've past the point of no return, and now there's no looking back!!!! Congrats girlie, you've made it, now inspire me with those pics!!!!!:highfive:
  14. Kristine- I was so hoping you would respond to this thread, I've visited your site a numerous amount of times and you are indeed the queen of the bathbombs. Matter of fact, I was on your site earlier looking at a 6 pack of bath boms, but couldn't determine which ones I wanted to order, any suggestions??? I feel so assured when I see what you said, about having a good receipe. Afterall it really wouldn't matter if I bought this steel mold if my receipe was crappy, and my bombs weren't rock hard but fell apart. It would be a waste of time. I really like making bath bombs, I know I need to tweak my receipe a little so that I can be completely satisfied with them, but I will take your advice to heart and start off with a couple of ornament balls, and a meatballer. I still can't believe that you do all of your bombs with just a meatballer, I just knew you would have a press like that automatically pops those bad boys out. Thanks again for everyone's advice, I really appreciate it!!!! Hopefully, I'll have some ready for the next swap, that I'll be proud to show off!!!
  15. I saw this mold while doing my daily search one ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=8278786176&ssPageName=MERC_VIC_ReBay_Pr2_PcY_BIN_IT Currently, I've been making my bath bombs out of soap molds, mainly ones with a ocean or sea creature mold. I would like to try to make some round balls, and was wondering if this mold was worth the price. This particular mold is the size of a tennis ball, but they also carry smaller molds as well. Do you think it's worth it or should I just go ahead and get a meatball roller or even those ornament balls from oriental trading? Thanks for any advice or direction.
  16. I have ordered from them a numerous amount of stuff, from molds, fo's and additives. I like the fo's that I chose they worked pretty good in the stuff I used them for. They are pretty pricey but if you get a sale, or become one of their preferred customers, you might be okay. I hope this helps!!!
  17. You're both right, I guess I'll have to experiment and see what works....I can't go that far off base, or nobody will know how the scent and color matches. So I'll try a different shade of lavender and orange, so they won't clash and maybe instead of doing layers I will try the swirls. Thanks for the advice.
  18. I am trying to find another color combo for a lavender orange fo besides the obvious lavender and orange. I'm using this scent for some votives and would like to use an alternative color combo when doing the layers. Any help would be appreciated.
  19. Oh my gosh Lin, that is truly beautiful!!! I didn't realize that the cake was a candle as well,very nice. How long did it take you to do the cake??
  20. I love your containers, everything looks nice. If you don't mind me asking, what are those containers called, with top that looks like bulb??
  21. I like the colors,they are very bright and your layers look nice too!!!!
  22. Chin up, don't feel bad, my bottoms are not all that smooth when I unmold, sometimes you can see where I repoured at lower temp instead of a hotter temp, than sometimes you can't tell because I did a perfect repour. That's why it's always good to keep accurate notes regarding pouring temps and repours. The more times you practice, the less likely you'll see lines in your repours, eventually they will start to blend.
  23. I think that's a great idea, you feel more personable (is that a word??? ) when you use each others names. If a person has a name tag, I tend to call them by their name, that way they know I'm talking to them and not to somebody else. I think your tag looks great, it's funny because if I couldn't remember the name of your company, your name is easy to remember...my grandmother's name is Georgia, I live in the state of GA, and who can forget the Ray Charles song Georgia. So I like it, I think you should keep the tags.
  24. The swirls are purty!!! I love the texture as well!!
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