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Everything posted by Fern

  1. I use LX-10's or 12's in most of my votives which work very well.
  2. OK...wait a minute...you didn't say that it was a container wax in your original post, you said it was paraffin and I just assumed that it was a pillar wax since you said you were making melts with it. Most people don't make melts with container wax, although you can, and some people do, however, it's more common to use pillar wax or a combination of pillar and container wax. Since this is a container wax your talking about, then it's already got additives in it...hence the "modified" description. Now this makes sense to me. You can add Vybar to container waxes but be sure you use the type which is specifically formulated for use with a container wax...that would be Vybar 260. You also might want to up your fragrance load to 1.5 oz per lb and then let your candle cure a few days before you test it.
  3. You could try adding some container wax to your paraffin as well, if you've got any. I make my tarts using a 50/50 blend of OK6228 (paraffin blend) and J50 container wax and I get great throw using 1 oz FO to 12 oz of wax...sometimes, however, if I'm using an exceptionally strong scent, it's too much at 1 oz, so I cut it back to either 3/4 oz or 1/2 oz.
  4. This is what Candlewic has to say about Cranberry Chutney: Top notes of cranberry blissfully blend into notes of ripe mandarin, spice, and sandalwood.
  5. I like everyone of your labels! I like the idea of going scent specific too. I started doing it myself, but it used up ALOT of ink. In addition, I got sick of looking for pictures so I ended up just going black and white with my labels.
  6. They're all very nice! I especially like the Christmas candles.
  7. You might want to post that question in the Veggie section of the board...you'll probably get more help in that area.
  8. Well, we know it's a paraffin wax...but modified...I have no idea what that means. If it doesn't have any additives in it, you can try adding 1 tsp of Vybar per lb of wax. If it already has some in it, it could cut your scent throw all together...but you won't know unless you try it. When people use crisco, they usually use that in container waxes, not melts. Crisco is basically soy, so it's usually used with soy or soy blends to increase the fragrance throw. When I was using 100% soy and Joy wax, I tried adding it and to tell you truth...I didn't notice any difference. How much FO per lb of wax are you using anyway? Could be you're not using enough. The standard amount is 1 oz FO to 1 lb of wax...but you could go up to 1.5 oz. if you want to. To have your scent dissapate after 2-4 hours sucks...you should be getting at least 8-10 hours.
  9. You could try double wicking that one. I'd try two LX-10's or Lx-12's if you've got them. I don't use zinc wicks so I can't recommend a size using those. I've found that you often get a better scent throw double wicking, rather than single wicking the larger diameter jars.
  10. If I were you, I'd just got to your local Walmart and pick one up...they were only 19.99, last I knew. By the way, Presto Pots are also called Kitchen Kettles and you can find them over by the coffee makers and toasters...at least that's where they were when I got mine.
  11. Nearly half of my fo's come from Nature's Garden. They have a wonderful selection and are reasonably priced. Nearly all of the scents I've purchased from them throw very well...with the exception of only a few...but it could be that they just don't throw that well in my particular wax. When this occurs, it's not a waste because I can still use them in a room spray, body spray, body wash or add them to my laundry detergent or household spray cleaner...the fresh, herbal or floral scents that is. When added to my detergents, it cancels out the original scent that was in there...sometimes, the original scent isn't very pleasant anyway. A lot of times, if the scent is not strong enough in wax, it will almost always do well in B&B or the other uses I listed above.
  12. Wow, those are gorgeous Scented! Like everyone else, I love that color combo!
  13. I agree with Debscent, a round label on the lid of the jar would keep it nice and clean looking, although a hang tag would be fine as well, I'd just reduce the size. Because of the shape of the jar, I think you are going to have a very hard time getting any label to adhere without wrinkling. I like the design you've created. It's simple but nice. As far as wording on the label goes, you want to have your company name, phone number, website address or email, scent, and weight. In addition, you are going to want to put a warning label on the bottom of your container. Regarding your tarts, I like the different shapes you have there, and I imagine there are people out there who might like to mix scents, so I think that is fine, although personally, I prefer one shape and have no desire to mix scents...but that's just me. Your votives, and please don't take offense, need a little work. The tops look a little rough and really should be smooth. I can make a great pillar, but those little votives have been difficult for me to get a nice smooth top...but I'm getting better. And WOW, is all I can say regarding your Yankee Candle collection...that's a whole lot of money on those shelves! Good luck to you in your candle making venture!
  14. RRD wicks seem to work very well in the natural waxes. With a 4" candle you may want to start with an RR-50, but may have to go up to a 55.
  15. If your looking for a supplier that has fragrance oils that were tested in soy, then try KY Candle Wax Supply. I believe most of the fo's she carries do well in soy. I use them in paraffin and they are very strong.
  16. I love making candles because I love scent and candle light. I like the whole process of making them. I enjoy deciding on the technique, the selection of fragrance, color and wick...but most of all...pulling them from the molds to see the results. I prefer making pillars more than anything else, but there really doesn't seem to be as much interest from clients for those and I don't know why. Usually, people who buy them want them more for decoration then to burn...go figure. They prefer containers, tins and tarts for the most part. I don't work hard to sell as much as I used to because the money is so sporatic and can't really be depended upon as a steady income, but I still continue to have some regular customers and I also do it just for the joy of making them for myself and family. In addition, it's nice to know that I can whip up a nice gift whenever I need one in a pinch.
  17. I use LX-10's or 12's (for heavy fos) in my votives.
  18. Votives should burn for about 15 hours...but some burn longer. Let it run it's course. If it never liquifies and continues to burn like a pillar, then use the next size wick and go from there. I don't use the zinc wicks so I can't suggest what size to use next.
  19. The two below HTP-52's are 41 and 31.
  20. That's pretty much how you're suppose to do it, however, some people use several presto pots and have different colors melted and all ready to go at the same time for each layer. I've got three that I use when making layers.
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