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Everything posted by Fern

  1. I think they look great...but the print could be a little bolder so that they stand out a bit more.
  2. I think they're as cute as can be! I also like your presentation as well. Good job!
  3. That's quite the wimpy burn! I'd take it back to show them what kind of product they're selling...so much wasted wax. They could just give you your money back, if you ask. It's worth a try any way.
  4. Those are adorable! Very prim-like. Good job!
  5. Henry...those are fabulous! Love the colors, design and the use of glitter. Really, really good job!
  6. Actually, the cooler temps are great for rustics...you want to pour cool anyway. Try spraying your molds with a little straight vegetable oil, then wipe out the excess and try pouring again. If you're putting them in your fridge to cool faster...that can sometimes cause areas to stick. Let them cool at room temp.
  7. Could be you didn't stir enough to incorporate all of the oil. Did you "weigh" the fragrance oil before you added it or did you measure it? Weights of oil differ so it's important to weigh them as opposed to measuring them.
  8. Yup...I always hated those wicks too. They do mushroom like crazy, not to mention the unsightly zinc wire that remains as it burns down...I stopped using those very early on. I use a number of different wicks, all which are good, although some will differ with the different types of waxes and fo you use. So...you've got to test them as you go. What I like to use are LX, CDs or HTPs and the occassional RRDs. Get some sample packs and check them out. You won't know whether you like them or not until you've tested each type. Good luck!
  9. Oh yeah...KY's got some nice strong scents. Their Summer Breeze and Raspberry Blossom will last a long time too...that's also where I got the Sage and Sweet Grass.
  10. I also think Nature's Garden's dupes of Love Spell and Pink Sugar are dead-on as well.
  11. I wait a day before burning mine. Sometimes you'll get a scent that can be burned for a couple of days...it all depends on the strength of the scent. I've got this scent called Sage and Sweet Grass that I can burn for a couple of days...along with a few others, but not a whole lot of them.
  12. Very nice indeed! I really like your labels too. Good job!
  13. Yeah, that's pretty bad. Pier 1 candles suck too. They leave about the same size shell and have only light cold and hot throw. I just went to see what scent it was that I got, but there's no scent name on the bottom of the label. I got them years ago, so I don't remember. Now I just use them for decoration in my bedroom, although I did use them once when the power went out...at least I got a little illumination from them when I needed it.
  14. I think they're great too! I'm sure your bosses will like them very much!
  15. Nope...it's not there. When I typed in the web address it said, Candlehaus.com is for sale. Purchase this domain name...or something like that.
  16. Hey Scented...I got this email back in September, however; it's way past the 10 day debut, wait a minute, I never even bothered to check to see if the website has been activated yet...I'm gonna do that now: Valerie Cash <editor@chandlerquarterly.com> wrote: -- Hello everyone, Phew, what a crazy few months it has been! We have decided to not print our magazine due to the rising costs of ink and paper. So we are currently building our online magazine, it will be up and running in less than 10 days!!! You will all receive a message when it is activated. The website will be CandleHaus.com We will have articles, DIY, Where to Buy, Product Reviews, Business matters, online tools, Candle Company Profiles and Interviews, Message Board, Classifieds, Advertising Opportunities, Polls, and so much more! I look forward to seeing all of you at CandleHaus.com!!!
  17. I think they've got some great stuff too. I never used to like Prim, but it's beginning to appeal to me...it has be a certain kind of Prim...like what I've just seen. Thanks for sharing.
  18. I'm with you Scented...I really like Peak's Spruce Christmas Tree too.
  19. You can use up to 1.5 oz per lb of wax. If you can't smell it with that amount then you may need to use a larger wick or to burn it longer. I don't use zinc wicks so I can't direct you in the zinc department.
  20. Those look great! Very Halloweeny!
  21. Very nice! I think the color is pretty, even though it didn't turn out the teal color you wanted.
  22. Those are very nice! One thing though...I think your candles are upside down...because the top looks like the bottom to me. Some of the newbies don't realize that the top is actually the bottom when their pouring their candles. The top should be smooth and the edges well defined...turn your candle over...you'll see what I mean.
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