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Everything posted by Luci

  1. Glad someone asked that question and these comments were posted. I made a couple of citronella candles but hate the scent! I finally did mix a little lemongrass in it to made it less obnoxious.
  2. More than likely Vicky is correct on this. I haven't been at it as long. I also have only purchased LP once. I purposely bought the LP for a particular project I was working on. That's my only comparison that I have to go with. It was so thin and greasy that I thought it must be some kinda homemade something, but the pkg. did have the Penreco label. At any rate, it worked for my project so I didn't cut up about it!
  3. I've used the bucket of gel from Michaels. The only one they had here was the 7 lb bucket for @ $30. It did not list the density, but after using both high and low density, too, it is probable that the Michaels is MD. As I mentioned above, I really didn't find much difference between the MD and HD. I've had a couple of people tell me that they have left candles I did in MD in their cars and were amazed at the scent. Said that just having the candle in the car was so much better than any car freshener they had ever purchased. Some were smokers, too. So, I bought water crystals and made smelly gellies and gave them. Everyone said the candle was better!
  4. I must be geographically challenged--where's the Dells??
  5. I agree with Vicky and have had that same experience. I'm burning one now that I lit after only 24 hrs. Smelled great unlit. I'm on the 4th burn and finally starting to get a hot throw. Or is it my imagination?!?
  6. The order I'm expecting tomorrow is just for 10 lbs. of cb135, a pack of LX 16 wicks, and 8 oz. of the Hansel & Gretel I've heard so much about. It's my first time with them & the cb 135. If I like it, I would like to get a huge load of stuff. Husband is going to VA with 2 or 3 others & they're not even sure of travel arrangements until tomorrow.
  7. I looked at a map and saw that Candle Science was off of 73. As a matter of fact, I have a small order with them scheduled to arrive tomorrow. I emailed them to ask how far off of 73 they are. I would buy tons of different jars, etc. if I don't have to pay shipping. They have jars I want for 5.99 case but shipping is almost $9. Rustis isn't near 73, never heard of Carolina. Will try to look it up. Thanks for replying
  8. Very interesting. Thanks for sending the pic so I would know what you're talking about. Gotta have a few of those!
  9. I've never ordered and just went to the site and registered. I'm interested in Amazing Grace and Falling in Love. Have any of you tried that from them? Don't know if they'll process me in time for the sale. Hope so.
  10. I've combed through the list of suppliers by state that I got from here, but I know that it is by no means complete. My husband will be traveling from here (on the coast just south of Myrtle Bch) to Salem, VA next week. It is my understanding that he will go instate from here and north on I73 to Salem. Surely some of you out there know some suppliers that are on the route or not too far out of the way. This could save me lots of $$ in shipping to be able to get loads of waxes, jars, lotion bases, soap bases, etc. Suggestions, please!
  11. I just went to their website today after someone I met on here also from SC said they were about 5 miles from her. I did notice that they listed on the site that they have a service charge. I got the impression that she intends to call them or personally check them out and get back to me. I'll let you know what she finds out.
  12. Ha Ha. You got the right place, Eugenia. So hot and muggy there it's hard to breathe. It's hot here on the coast, but we do have the ocean and intracoastal breezes--course the hurricanes to go with that!
  13. Thanks, Anita. I will try one with that wick (if I have one). How about the large ones? I did a really big fish bowl as a Christmas gift. Probably had $50 in wax and embeds, etc. Was taking care of some bubbles with a heat gun and cracked it! So, decided to burn it. Glad I did. I used some fat wick I got at Michaels that doesn't say what kind it is. Used it not knowing any better. It smoked like a chimney!
  14. Go to the Salvation Army. I go there regularly looking for glassware for dessert candles. However, the last time I noticed brand new crock pots in various sizes, prestos, etc. You'd be surprised what you find there.
  15. Personally, I think they look good just as they are. Don't do pillars yet so can't answer your question.
  16. I don't make embeds so I just ordered some from Laura at www.tropicalbreezecandles.com scented in black cherry. The website just shows the yellow unscented, so I emailed her and she said she'd do one. She is working on an order for me of other stuff, so she'll just add them to it. I've ordered embeds from her before, and she does a really good job!
  17. Would love to help you out, but I just used my last bit of the HD. I've gone back to the medium because I'm mostly using it right now for food-type candles. If I think of a source for you, I'll let you know. By the way--I did NOT notice much difference at all between the high and medium density when it came to embedding heavier objects. I bought the high because I thought it would be a greater difference and the difference in price wasn't that much.
  18. I haven't seen her website. I did buy embeds from her on ebay. I got pecans, whip cream dollops, strawberries, cherries, etc. They all smell wonderful! However, the strawberries and cherries don't even come close to being ok with the color. I wanted them for pies, but they just don't cut it in color. I've been using them in soy candles embedded around the edges and on top. But the scents on them are really good.
  19. Wish someone would answer you, Anita. I have that same question. I've made more of the smaller bowls. Unfortunately, I didn't make notes. I do know this--I used the same wick in both undersea and one with wax embeds. Whatever wick I used, the undersea burned evenly and the bowl eventually emptied (lasted forever!) but the one with wax embeds tunneled.
  20. I read that a few people have made stand alones. Makes sense that the fo would be a problem. Everyone who orders from me, though, is more interested in the scent so unscented anything isn't an option for me. I probably couldn't even give away anything unscented!
  21. LynnS, One reason I buy fo from Aroma Haven is that I know I don't know a lot & I'm lazy! Their fragrance list tells whether each is gel, body, and soy tested. Helps me so much with that. I've gotten to where I don't buy unless it's safe for all so that I can keep them straight. I think some of the other fo suppliers have that same kind of chart, just can't recall names right now. Also, I read an article a while back about why gel got a bad rap. Can't recall where but you could probably do a couple of searches and read some stuff to put your mind at ease about it. I personally don't think that it's dangerous. Just like bathroom cleansers and a lot of other stuff--got to take certain precautions. After all, the frozen pizza boxes have to warn you not to eat the packaging!
  22. I love Country Christmas from Aroma Haven!
  23. Cheryl, I looked at your pics before & enjoyed looking again! Your scenes are beautiful! A couple of questions, if you don't mind. Those oblong containers with the golfer and shark scenes--where did you find them and approx how long are they? I love what you did with that golfer set. I had that set and used it when a friend asked me to do a candle for a golfer. Mine wasn't anything as wonderful as yours! What do you have on the right side that looks like a cliff from the pic? Is that craft sand on the bottom that you have looking just like a putting green and the water? I love it!
  24. I've used the HD gel a good bit with heavier embeds that I want to float. Never tried to do one to stand alone. Just doesn't seem viable for that purpose to me.
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